death train

Chapter 1136

Nie Po left his mouth and didn't care much. When he saw it, he shot at random.

No, it's not correct to say that shooting indiscriminately. The other side should roughly determine the direction of shooting through trajectory and angle, and then fight back or test in the direction.

Or to put it more directly, this is not a sniper after targeting.

Nie Po is so thinking, eyes at the sight, the other side is very sophisticated, hiding place completely avoid the angle of sniper, let Nie Po can't open a second shot.

Nie Po silently picked up the hawk and shot at the sky. He jumped down from the tree and quickly swam to the side. He left the edge of the forest and came to the top of the rocks on the other side. He raised the hawk to shoot at the sky again, raised his gun in squatting style and aimed his eyes at the sight.

"I got you."

Nie Po hooked the corner of his mouth, this position can see the side of the rock behind, although did not see each other, but Nie Po saw each other's cloak.


Nie Po pulls the trigger without hesitation, and then the bullet flies out, rubs against the reef, breaks a piece of the reef, and hits the other side.

Hit the place should not be the key, but Nie Po believe, enough to let the other party hurt not light.

But at this very moment, the cloak swayed and fell to the ground.

Nie breaks not from a Leng, immediately then understand come over.

I've been cheated!

It was just a cloak hanging behind the reef. There was no one.

Bang, bang, bang!

When Nie Po found this, he immediately ran to the side, while the sniper who was walking by the apostle, using his cloak as bait, finally found the trace of Nie Po. After leaning out of a rock, he immediately opened fire on Nie Po.

Sniper gun bullets hit the rocks in a row, smashing the rocks.

Nie broke a fish jump, and then rolled into the gap between the two fast rocks to hide.

Nie Po's words of greeting each other's mother continuously appear in his mouth. As a sniper, Nie Po has his own pride. It is obvious that he is put together by the other party, which makes Nie Po very angry.

Of course, although Nie Po was scolding each other, the anger came from Nie Po himself. Nie Po's anger came from his carelessness.

On the other side, the most confused is yecha.

What's going on here?

The continuous sound of the sniper gun made yecha not dare to show his head at will, or even shrink behind the reef completely, because the sniper gun of the other side was so powerful that it was not a problem to break through the reef.

Therefore, ye Cha can not simply rely on the reef as a cover to hide, but also must completely avoid the other side's sniper line.

However, with the passage of time, ye Cha found that he did not seem to encounter shooting at all.

"And..." Ye Cha frowned and said, "the sound of sniper guns seems to be different. It's like the sound of two different sniper guns?"

When ye Cha ponders what happened, the battle between Nie Po and the apostles is still going on.

Nie Po shrunk his body, like a meat worm, wriggling between the cracks of the reef, then came to the other side of the reef and quickly put the gun on the shelf.

"This, this, and this..."

Nie Po murmured and looked slowly through the sight, because the other side was shooting Nie Po from the rear. Nie Po was not sure about the specific location of the other side, but it must be one of the three reefs Nie Po found.

"So how do you get that mouse to show up?" Nie Po murmured, then unloaded the magazine of the sniper gun and said, "don't underestimate the sniper gun suit I made easily!"

Nie Po stretched out his hand and took out a new magazine from his pocket behind his waist, which was obviously different from the ordinary magazine.

It seems that it's more accurate to say that it's a magazine than a drum, but it's much smaller than a normal drum, only not much bigger than a baby's fist.

Nie Po installed the drum and pulled the trigger toward the center of the three reefs.

Bang, not like an ordinary gunshot, but dull, like a slap on a soft thing like a bed.

The next moment, a round bullet was fired from the muzzle.

The bullet fell to the ground, and then a circle of light blue aperture swung close to the ground. Through the sight glass, Nie Po found a human figure behind a rock.

It is a bullet for detection, which can confirm the position of the enemy's target within a certain range, even if the enemy is hiding in some cover, or even in a building.

"I found you."

Nie Po smiles, then changes the magazine again, and fills in a golden bullet at the same time.


Nie Po opened fire without hesitation, and the bullet flew forward. Nie Po aimed directly at the other side's head.

But at this time, in the sight, the outline of the figure suddenly moved. It was squatting with its back against the reef, but now it really suddenly got up.Bang!

The bullet penetrated the reef, directly from a little bit above the opponent's waist, hitting the opponent's body.

"Cough, cough..."

When the Apostle walked, he immediately covered his mouth with his hand, and the blood gushed out of his mouth.

This shot was really beyond his expectation. He didn't expect that the other side could find his position so accurately. Moreover, from the previous confrontation, the bullets used by the other side were very special. The special thing was that they would explode.

Yes, this is a kind of terrible bullet. If it is embedded in the body and exploded, its power can be imagined, and the end of the target can also be imagined.

However, this kind of bullet has an obvious disadvantage, that is, the penetration is not very good.

In other words, it intentionally weakens the penetration of the bullet. The reason is very simple. If the bullet passes through the body directly, what is the significance of whether the bullet will explode or not?

The bullet must be left in the target body to explode, in order to play the maximum power.

Therefore, the sniper who walked by the Apostle thought it was safe to hide behind the reef. He even put his back on the reef without lowering his body.

For this reason, he paid the price, and even had some lingering fear. If it wasn't for Nie Po's silence for a long time, he wanted to move his position and observe again, so he suddenly got up, and his head had already blossomed.

Even so, the Apostle paid a terrible price for walking. Although Nie Po replaced the penetrating bullet, the bullet would not explode in the other side's body, but it still caused heavy damage to the other side.

And in this instant, Nie Po suddenly sprang up and sprang out from behind the reef.

Nie Po didn't know why the other party suddenly moved, so that he avoided the key, but the injury was inevitable. In this case, he naturally wanted to take advantage of the other party's illness and kill him!

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