death train

Chapter 1137

Nie Po rushed out from the back of the reef and quickly moved towards the other side. At the same time, he quickly abandoned the eagle and shot the sky, and took out the Hades rifle.

Nie Po is an excellent sniper, but he is not a pure sniper.

Strictly speaking, Nie Po is a master of firearms.

Sniper guns, rifles, machine guns, pistols, Nie Po are all very good, and not only that, Nie Po's proficiency even covers different gun models.

Similarly, whether it is sniper guns, rifles, machine guns or pistols, no matter what type of guns, mainly precision, or powerful, Nie Po is proficient in all.

Attention is mastery, not use.

It's very easy to use firearms. The key is to be proficient. Nie Po knows all the types of firearms and adjusts them according to their characteristics. This is the terrible place for firearms masters.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

Nie Po ran quickly from the side of the reef, chose a relatively safe method, pulled the trigger, and fired continuously at the other side's reef.

Bullets constantly hit the reef, the reef to hit the rock debris flying, broken stones fall all over the ground.

But at this time, two metal pipes were suddenly thrown out. After landing, there was a continuous "rustle" sound, and then two red and yellow smoke gushed out and spread around.

Nie breaks a Leng way: "smoke bomb?"

Nie Po quickly understood the intention of the other side, this is put clear want to run.

"Well, it looks down on me too much."

Nie Po snorts coldly. If the other side is not injured and wants to escape, Nie Po is not sure that he can keep the other side. After all, hiding and hiding are also necessary abilities for snipers.

But now the other side is not lightly injured, still want to run?

Without any hesitation, Nie Po judged the direction of the wind, then quickly bypassed the location of the smoke, jumped down from a leeward reef, and ran around the smoke.

Soon, Nie Po saw a figure crawling over the reef.

Nie Po shot without hesitation.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The bullet swept up, and then the figure staggered, rolled down to the side, hit the rock continuously, and finally lay on a slightly larger rock.

Nie Po carried his gun to the other side and came to the rock.

The mask of the Apostle's walking has been cracked, a typical Asian face, about 30 years old, plain, belonging to the kind that is hard to recognize when thrown into the crowd.

However, Nie Po does not deny the strength of the other side, appearance does not belong to the strength.

The Apostle walked and looked at Nie Po. He wriggled his lips dryly, as if he wanted to speak, but just then

Nie Po put the muzzle of the gun on the other side's head and said, "sorry, I didn't give you time to say my last words."


Nie smashed the trigger, directly knocked the other side's head off, then kicked the other side's palm, and a grenade rolled to one side.

Obviously, the Apostle wanted to speak at last, not to say his last words, but to attract Nie Po's attention and leave a memorial for him before he died.

Unfortunately, Nie Po has found out the other party's action.

Suddenly, Nie dashed back to his body and aimed the muzzle at the rear.

"Stop." Ye Cha raised his hand and cried, "are you going to shoot me?"

Nie po said, "I didn't know you were here."

The leaf Cha Leng next way: "that how can you come to help?"

Nie po said with a smile: "the Apostle walks. I don't care who he's fighting with. It's certainly right to kill the Apostle walking in the current situation. Besides, the people who can fight with the Apostle are either the people on the death train or the people planted in ancient times. There are no zombies in this broken place."

Ye Cha suddenly laughs, Nie Po is also withered, the current situation is clear, help the people on the death train must be right, the worst, if the other party is killing the ancient species, Nie Po Shun's hand is also robbed.

As for zombies, there are no zombies in this place. Zombies will wander around when they have no target. If they come to this place, they will surely fall into the sea.

Ye Cha said: "go, there is an inner bay over there. Let's go there and say, by the way, how did you come here? It's a long time to get to the next station. "

Nie po said: "I finished the stewardess task, the landlady brought me directly, not only me, a group of people after you have arrived, but the number is not many, they are all stewardess who come back in advance."

Ye Cha said: "it's no use. More than a dozen crew members are still distributed on different islands. They can't live on one island at a time. The number of crew members is still too small. It's estimated that the landlady got you here only when she knew I was here."

Nie Po nodded and said, "it should be like this. However, Samur also came here."


The leaf Cha Leng next, immediately nod.This is good news. The conductor doesn't know where it is, but all the three purses on the dead train have arrived. In terms of high-end combat power, the dead train seems not to be at a loss.

However, it seems useless to think about it carefully. Samur doesn't know where he is and can't get together at all. Moreover, yecha is not familiar with Samur, there is no trust and there is no prerequisite for cooperation.

Besides, the main purpose now is to search for water spirit Moya. Excellent high-end combat power is of no great use. The number of people is the key. The so-called high-end combat power can only show its value when fighting directly.

But ye Cha thought about it with an optimistic idea. It's good news that there are many purses.

Nie po said, "what's the situation now?"

Ye Cha said: "just a few people, what else can we do? There's no way to search for Moya, the water spirit. Just go around and see if the goddess of luck can take a fancy to me. In addition, it's a bit of trouble. You have to change the island first. "

Nie po said, "have you done it?"

Ye Cha nodded and said: "last night, I had a fight. Now the apostles on the island are not only searching for water spirit Moya, but also looking for me. Besides, there are two holy sons on the island."

Nie Po nodded and said, "it's a bit of trouble, but what if the water spirit Moya is on this island?"

Ye Cha had to explain what happened to the Dragon turtle again. At present, the probability of water spirit Moya on this island is really small.

Say words, return to inside bay, Nie Po see Gan Lin of time not from a Leng, blunt leaf Cha low voice way: "did you get up with this woman?"

The leaf Cha rolled a white eye, can say a person's words, what mean to get on.

Ye Cha said: "it happened that they were all on this island. Moreover, they happened to meet each other when they started fighting yesterday. Besides, there is no conflict at present. Let's deal with the apostles first. Besides, the strength of this woman can't be underestimated."

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