death train

Chapter 1142

Ye Cha's fist blew out. When his fist hit the icicle, huge cracks immediately split on the icicle, and spread wildly all over the whole icicle.

Then the icicle would burst into pieces and fall towards the icicles around, forming a chain reaction. Boom, boom, boom!

One by one, the icicles continue to disintegrate and collapse, crisscross each other, and collapse into debris.

Joey has been jumping and moving over the icicles, but more and more icicles are collapsing, and the power of Ye's instant punch is far more terrifying than expected.

Finally, Joey found that he couldn't find a place to stay, so he had to jump back to the frozen sea from the top of the icicle.

At this time

Joey saw a door, or a cuboid like a door.

The white light and shadow make up the door frame. Inside the door is a void chaos, like an abyss, invisible.


Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The clear gunfire rang out, and then countless bullets flew out of the door, shooting at Joey.

Joey didn't care about the embarrassment, and quickly flew to the side, rolling on the ice, avoiding the bullets.

However, when Joey just stabilized his body, the second "door" suddenly appeared, and countless bullets flew out of the door to shoot Joey.

Joey's pupil shrinks. At the critical moment, he suddenly raises his hand to the ice, and then an ice wall suddenly rises to block Joey's front and block the bullets.

But it's obviously early for Joey to feel relieved.

On top of Joey's head, a third door suddenly appeared.

All this is naturally the leaf brake dry!

Dimension gate: fire special bullets to create dimension gate at the target point. Bullets can pass through the dimension gate and shoot. Dimension gate lasts for 15 minutes and the interval is 120 minutes.

Weapon effect in the form of exterminator's gun!

Joey's mobile space is completely blocked by the dimensional door. No matter what direction he is escaping from, there are dimensional doors around him.

Joey quickly realized that dodging was not a good choice, and made a fist to the ground.

When Joey's fist fell to the ground, a large silver frost gas swung around, and then the ice around Joey's body surged to form a hemisphere, which wrapped Joey firmly in it.

However, just at this time, ye Cha suddenly flashed and came to the side with a ghost step. With a ferocious smile, he raised his sword to the south of Xinjiang and stabbed toward the front.

That ice hockey can stop the bullets of the exterminator, but it can't stop the sword from falling into southern Xinjiang!

Because, that hemispherical ice hockey is also a kind of armor.


The sword easily pierced the ice hockey at least half a meter thick, and then hit Joey's shoulder with a sword. As soon as the tip of the sword was picked, it brought out a blood flower and dyed the ice red.

Joey ate pain, expression instantly twisted up, and then turned back to press the palm on the ice wall, the ice hockey instantly collapsed, countless pieces of ice toward the leaf brake fly out.

However, ye Cha seemed to have expected that he would jump to the rear and evade the attack of borneol.

They face each other again, but ye Cha stands with a sword and is not hurt, but there are two more wounds on Joey's body.

Joey knew he was underestimating the enemy.

In fact, it's no wonder that Joey's ability, visible to the naked eye, is nothing more than using cold air to condense objects, and then be able to shape "ice" and arbitrarily change its shape.

But on the contrary, Joey knew nothing about yecha's ability.

Although there is a little meaning of non war crime in it, it is also true that yecha really suppressed Joey.

After suppression, naturally


Ye Cha holds the sword more tightly in southern Xinjiang. The trial is over. The next step is to kill.

But at this time, a loud voice disturbed Ye Cha's thoughts.

Look up, look over Joey, look toward the coast, ye Cha can't help frowning.

Red fire Eagle finished the task of Ye cha.

At first, the apostles wanted to use the frozen road created by Joey to move towards the sea, to get close to the leaf brake, and to support Joey, or to wrap the leaf brake.

But the red fire Eagle burned the fire directly and smashed a large area of the ice, which made the apostles unable to walk on the ice smoothly. At the same time, they kept diving from the air, harassing, and spewing fire to attack the coastline.

If we say that the red fire Eagle really caused any damage to the Apostles' walking, it's mainly difficult to deal with. The Apostles' walking had nothing to do with the red fire eagle, and the harassment of the red fire Eagle made them unable to go to sea easily.


Nanrong Zhishi arrives!

Nanrong Zhishi arrived with more than a dozen apostles, and then a tough man defended the red fire eagle's attack. The other apostles started to jump into the sea and quickly came to yecha and Joey.This is not good news for the blade brake.

"There seems to be no time to delay." Ye Cha looked at Joey and dropped his sword to the south of Xinjiang, saying: "this battle has to end soon."

Joey didn't say a word. He was suppressed by yecha and had to rely on others to help him. It was a blow to his self-esteem, but Joey knew what to do now.

He had to change his strategy from killing yecha to dragging it.

As long as Nanrong Zhishi and other apostles arrive, yecha will die.

Of course, we have to stop Ye Cha from running away!

In this regard, Joey is quite confident. Nie Po has already run. Now he wants to catch up, but it's almost impossible to catch up. But ye Cha also lost his speedboat. If he wants to cross the sea, he can only rely on swimming. How can he run away?


Thinking, Joey doesn't talk nonsense with Ye cha. Suddenly, he gives a low roar and presses forward again.

Click, click!

The voice of the frost condensation sounded again, and then the sharp ice thorns gushed out on the ice, constantly toward the leaf brake thorns.

Ye Cha continuously jumped back to avoid the ice sting, then took a deep breath, and put the sword in front of him.



The sword fell on the body of Southern Xinjiang, suddenly lit up a golden light, showing an indescribable power.

It's like the arrival of a king!

It's a sense of inviolability!

Look down on the world!

Ye Cha looked at Joey with a ferocious smile. He put his finger across the body of the sword and said, "is it the king's land in the whole world?"

At the moment when ye Cha's words fell, the golden light on the sword body suddenly pushed out and turned into a huge golden aperture, which enveloped Ye Cha and Joey.

At the same time, at the foot of yecha and Joey, in the middle of the golden aperture, a golden Oriental dragon pattern slowly emerged!

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