death train

Chapter 1143

Is it the king's land (domain): you own everything in the world, and you own everything in the world. Within the domain, all weapons, skills and abilities used by the targets can be imagined and realized. The duration is 360 seconds, and the interval is 48 hours.

Like Wang Zhisheng's sword, it has unique field ability.

The so-called domain capability, in a broad sense, is the capability that acts on a certain scope. As long as it is within the scope, it will take effect, and this scope is called domain.

But in a narrow sense, the people on the death train have a consensus, just like there are only one or two items on the treasure list now, and they are too embarrassed to say that they are experts.

Domain competence is a synonym of high-end. Except for the weapons such as Wang Zhisheng's sword and the sword falling to Nanjiang, all domain competence belongs to the category of fantasy competence in the treasure list, which is a detailed classification of competence.

Therefore, it can be seen that the treasure list symbolizes the basic threshold to enter the ranks of experts, and fantasy ability is recognized as the most brilliant of all abilities. The combination of the two naturally represents the value of domain ability.

Yecha didn't know whether the Apostle had such cognition about walking, but now Joey should know the domain ability. When he watched the golden dragon pattern appear, Joey's face became quite dignified.

Joey is on guard. At the same time, because of the change of strategy, Joey is not in a hurry to start. He just needs to hold the leaf brake.

The current situation is good for Joey. Yecha has no way to cross the sea quickly. As long as Joey is not knocked down and yecha has enough time to swim and cross the sea, and other apostles arrive, yecha will be finished.

So, Joey is even extremely rational, positioning himself as long as he can protect himself.

But in this moment

Click, click!

Suddenly, Joey came to the ground and saw the sharp sound of the ice.

Joey instinctively leans back, and the front of the ice sting rubs Joey's cheek, leaving a blood hole on his cheek.

At the same time, ye Cha half knelt on the ground and pressed his hands on the ice.

Boom, boom, boom!

The roar suddenly appeared, and then huge icicles sprang up one by one, crisscrossed and crisscrossed around Joey, blocking Joey's route of action, and hitting him at the same time.

Joey retreated quickly, without covering his face in amazement, and whispered, "how could that be?"

The time ye Cha is doing now is just like what Joey has done before. The huge icicle condensed and the attack mode are the same as that of Joey.

Stunned, an icicle sprang up obliquely. When Joey found out it was too late, the icicle hit Joey's back.


Joey's body hit the ice below, smashed a large piece of ice, rolled on the ice continuously, finally stabilized his body, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, which dyed the ice red in front of him.

With Joey's strength, it's not difficult to avoid the impact of those icicles. However, everything in front of him is too surprising, which leads to Joey's momentary absence.

Of course, the sense of uneasiness brought about by coercion also played a role, making Joey's mood can't keep calm so easily, so yecha can hit.

"You're lucky you don't have to go to hell this time." The leaf Cha looks at the Qiao Yi of vomit blood way: "but, next time meet, you may not have so good luck."

Ye Cha didn't take advantage of Joey's injury to continue to attack him, but quickly turned and ran.

When the leaf brake runs forward and directly runs out of the range of the ice surface, when you step on the sea surface, the sea surface at the foot of the leaf brake makes a "click, click" sound and freezes quickly.

With the freezing of the sea water, the road naturally appeared in front of yecha, which could make him move forward all the way.

Ye Cha is going to leave!

If possible, yecha also wants to kill Joey and kill a holy Son, which is undoubtedly a huge loss and heavy damage for the apostles.

Unfortunately, ye Cha knew that he didn't have such a chance, because in the direction of the coastline, narong Zhishi had come with the apostles.

Ye Cha must leave.

Moreover, the time limit of the whole world is only 360 seconds. Yecha has no time to use this ability in combat. He must use this ability to leave.

Because, with Joey's ability, he can freeze the sea and let yecha leave. If he swims, yecha doesn't feel that he can walk without the apostles behind.

Joey, in particular, can do things like freezing the sea.

Therefore, it is not for fighting, but for leaving, that ye Cha opens the world.

When ye Cha ran far away, Joey finally recovered from his astonishment, endured the pain from his body, and quickly ran towards Ye cha.But Joey just chased out ten meters.


A blood stab bomb was launched at Joey's feet. A blood cell suddenly broke through the ice and ejected. Then, at the position of Joey's chest, it suddenly burst into a huge stab ball.

The blow was also sudden. When Joey wanted to dodge, the blood cell had completely exploded. The only thing Joey could do was to lift his arm.

Poof, poof, poof!

The sound of sharp weapons into the meat rang out continuously, the blood stab bomb burst, and several blood stabs penetrated into Joey's body.

The killing effect of blood stab bomb is limited. When dealing with ordinary zombies and apostles, the effect of sneak attack is good, but when dealing with Joey, it can't bring much damage to Joey.

However, in terms of visual effect, Joey was obviously overcast by Ye Cha again. He looked miserable. There were five or six more wounds on his body, and there was continuous blood oozing, which dyed Joey's body red.

At the same time, the most important thing is that Joey was slowed down. When Joey looked up, the leaf brake had run a long distance.


Joey couldn't help cursing.

At this time, Nanrong Zhishi had already caught up with the apostle. He looked at Joey and said, "it doesn't matter, does it?"

Joey gritted his teeth and said, "it's nothing. It's all skin trauma. Chase!"

Even though ye Cha has been running far away, the effect of coercion has already failed, but Joey has almost lost his mind because of his anger. After returning to Nan Rong Zhishi, he can't care about the injury, so he continues to chase Ye cha.

On the other side, ye Cha was still running, and he tried his best to speed up.

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