death train

Chapter 1144

Ye Cha's luck is good. The sea breeze is blowing from the rear. At the same time, the sea breeze from the rear is not small.

This can give full play to the ability of the wind son of yecha, but it's obviously not the same thing to keep running. The other side can keep chasing along the ice.

Therefore, when yecha decided to throw the apostles out of the distance, he jumped into Haili and made them unable to grasp their whereabouts.

Ye Cha didn't know how long he had been swimming.

Ye Cha can swim, but he is not good at it. However, as long as his physical fitness is strong enough, many things can be excellent. For example, ye Cha's stroke frequency will be very fast, and the rhythm will be very good, and the breath holding time will be very long.

But as for some other aspects of knowledge, not physical fitness can make up for, such as how to distinguish the direction of the sea power and so on.

Ye Cha could only swim casually. He couldn't help but go back to the sea for a change of breath, then look for the trace of the island, and then plunge into the sea to continue to swim.

The apostles didn't come after them, which was expected by yecha. When they came after them, yecha would be gone. How should they go after them?

Even though we all know that yecha has jumped into the sea, the bottom of the sea is no better than the land. The land is at least four directions, Southeast, northwest. The bottom of the sea is still deep, and the field of vision is far less than that on the land.

If you can accurately lock the leaf brake, because the speed of diving in the sea is not fast, it's very easy to keep up with the leaf brake, but it's very difficult to find out the person after the leaf brake loses its trace.

Until the evening, yecha finally saw an island. At the same time, there were some waves around and the weather was gloomy.

Ye Cha paddled hard and walked onto the beach wet. Suddenly


Suddenly there was a thunder in the sky, and then ye Cha felt some moisture on his face.

Ye Cha stretched out his hand to touch, but some rain fell on his face.

Ye Cha wants to swear now. It's raining.

If it rains a few hours earlier, the devil Joey should go to see the king of hell. It's not impossible to even send Nanrong Zhishi away with him.

Ye Cha shakes his head, life is always so dramatic.

The rain fell quickly, almost in an instant became big, the black rain cloud in the sky pressure is very low, with a feeling of depression.

Yecha walked all the way to the island. When the rain was about to fall on yecha, the rain was actively scattered in all directions and swept away from yecha's body.

Where ye Cha stands, there is a vacuum, or two worlds.

Outside the world of yecha, the rain is pouring down, beating the ground, the leaves and the weeds, constantly making a clear sound.

In the world of yecha, there is no wind or rain, which is in sharp contrast with the outside world.

It seems that at this moment.

The forces of nature are trembling, afraid of the leaf brake, so, avoid the leaf brake.

Ye Cha took out his communicator and tried to contact him, but there was still a signal, and it could start smoothly. It had to be said that the quality of the things produced on the death train was really excellent, and it was OK after being soaked in seawater for several hours.

However, surprisingly, although the communicator can operate normally and the signal is almost full, indicating normal connection, the communication channel has not been connected.

Ye Cha couldn't help frowning. If the communication device given by the landlady didn't break down, it was that Nie Po and Gan Lin didn't get through the communication with themselves.

The probability of the former is very low. Since the landlady specially gave them the communicator, it naturally means that the communicator is unusual. It should be possible to contact them under any circumstances, so that it is worth the landlady to give it to them.

Then it can only be the latter, and the possibility of not connecting the communication will make people think that something must have happened.

"Maybe there's a fight going on, maybe there's no time?"

Ye Cha left his mouth, because the communicator couldn't get through, which made him not in a good mood, but not too worried.

Although Gan Lin's strength has been temporarily abandoned, there are some dark earth wolves around her. Moreover, the red fire Eagle should also rush back. Besides, there are the dark earth giant and the dark earth emperor who have never been seen.

As for Nie Po, ye Cha is also very confident about Nie Po's strength. Nie Po is one of the top flight attendants with unlimited strength close to the conductor.

Normally speaking, Nie Po is unlikely to have an accident.

The leaf brake put away the communicator. Since it can't be connected for the time being, the leaf brake has no choice but to go back and try again.

Look around, now let leaf brake more headache is oneself in the end where?

When yecha swam, he didn't know the direction at all. He just went back to the sea from time to time to look for the trace of the island. Although he finally went to the island, yecha didn't know whether the island was eloha island.

Ye Cha thought and looked around his eyes, feeling strange.It is surrounded by dense woods, thorns, shrubs, and a lot of ferns.

This is obviously not normal, because this kind of forest environment is very similar to the tropical rain forest. Obviously, from the perspective of geographical environment, this island should not have tropical rain forest.

Moreover, as far as yecha knows, taking that peninsula as the starting point, this archipelago is actually a relatively famous tourist destination, and the islands are not desert islands.

In addition to some private islands bought by the rich, most of the islands here are inhabited, and the B & B here is also very famous, with local cultural characteristics.

Even some old customs are preserved, which are very popular with tourists.


Yecha, look at the surrounding scene. This ghost place doesn't look like it was once inhabited. Will someone build a B & B in a tropical rain forest?

The answer is obvious. It's a B & B, not a cannibal tribe.

"Maybe the area of this tropical rain forest is not as big as you think? Only a small part of the island? "

Ye Cha whispered to guess the possibility, and then looked around. He planned to look for a high place, preferably a place overlooking the island, so that he could know what was going on.

Ye Xie was thinking about this, and suddenly he heard some slight sounds in his ears.

Ye Chaxun looked down. The soil under his feet was a little muddy because of the rain. On the muddy ground, there were tiny mud bubbles, making a "poof, poof" sound.

All of a sudden, in the mud bubble on the ground, suddenly split a hole, then ye Cha will see a long strip of black shadow, from the ground suddenly ran out, toward his face to stab!

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