death train

Chapter 1145

The stab was very abrupt, but since Ye Cha heard the sound ahead of time, he could not be hit.

At the moment when the shadow came up, ye Cha leaned back fiercely. With the action similar to the iron bridge, he evaded the attack abruptly.

After avoiding the attack, ye Cha jumps back to open the distance, and then looks forward.

It is a vine like plant, about the thickness of the thumb, brown black, seems to be very hard, covered with dense spikes.

That rattan stab hit not, obviously did not give up the meaning, immediately ran forward, stretched straight, like a sword stabbed to the leaf brake.

Yecha stood still.

At this moment, ye Cha has no fear!

Poof, poof!

Suddenly, the wind surged, and the rattan thorn froze in the air, then split into several pieces and fell to the ground.

But the attack is not over!

The vines around the branches suddenly dropped down from the top and rolled towards the leaf brake like a poisonous snake.

The leaf Cha once measured face to go, just a look in the eyes, all around of the breeze is disturbed, that two vines are cut directly of smash, fall to the ground.

Then ye Cha looked around.

The ground is shaking!

Like a slight earthquake, the ground began to shake, and then yecha found that countless plants around were moving, and dozens of dense vines fell from the trees, surrounded yecha.

Ye Cha murmured: "this place is hard to hide a corpse flower?"

Ancient species also contain plants, but most of those plants are aggressive, but they do not have biological characteristics, that is, to act.

Most of the methods of attack are toxin, smell, temptation, corrosion and so on. However, the active ones like now, with a probability of more than 90%, can be identified as the category of corpse flower.

Of course, it may be that ancient species are infected by plant viruses, but in fact, they can also be classified as corpse flowers, rather than pure ancient species, or it is more accurate to use corpse ancient species.

But anyway, this looks like a tropical rainforest plant, and there's obviously something wrong with it.

The next moment, the dozens of vines that dropped from the tree suddenly moved, like a poisonous snake showing its ferocious fangs, full of aggression, from all sides towards the leaf brake, attacking towards the leaf brake.

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes, the wind around him rolled again, and the falling rain suddenly settled in the air, just like the time was forbidden.

The rain formed a large rain curtain, and then when the vines came up, they blocked the vines.

No matter how those vines collide with the rain curtain, they can only open a circle of ripples on the rain curtain, and they can't break through the defense of the rain curtain at all.


Ye Cha casually stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. The rain curtain around him collapsed, and countless liquid water scattered around him, just like the sharpest knife in the world.

The more than ten vines were almost cut into pieces in the blink of an eye, and fell to the ground one by one, constantly squirming.

But at this moment, a fern on the side of the leaf brake suddenly shakes.

The fern's leaves were long and thin, suddenly became very hard, and then ejected out, dense enough to have hundreds of tracks, like machine gun fire.

Ye Cha waved his hand indifferently. The flying attack of those leaves was vulnerable in Ye Cha's eyes. He waved his hand casually, and the wind swept through the air. Then those leaves were blown away and stabbed into the muddy ground.

However, when the leaves were blown away, yecha heard a sound coming from behind again. A big tree actually bent down. The staggered branches were like big hands one by one, grabbing directly at yecha's head.

Ye Cha's two fingers closed, condensed into the gesture of sword fingers, and then swept back.

Wind and rain make a sword!

The wind behind the leaf brake turned upside down, and the rain quickly condensed, turned into a sword shape, and cut out towards the rear.


Those branches that constantly stretched behind the leaf brake were cut off at the moment. Of course, the giant tree was not easy to get. It was swept by the rain sword and cut off at the moment.


The huge trunk fell down and hit the ground hard.

Ye Cha looked at the tree trunk in the end, frowned and said: "it seems that I want to take back the previous speculation. It seems that there is not only one corpse flower in this place."

Corpse flower is just a general term, not necessarily flowers, but all the corpse plants infected with plant virus can be classified as corpse flower.

Therefore, tree shaped corpse flowers also exist.

However, the problem now is obviously not just the big tree.

Around the vines, there are some shrubs, some ferns, there are buried in the ground roots, these things will suddenly attack.

The most important thing is that these can never be a single plant.This surprised yecha a little, which means that there is not only one corpse flower, but several corpse flowers, even more than yecha imagined.

Ye Cha raised his head and looked around, there was always a strange feeling, as if all the plants in this place were alive, dancing in the wind and attacking himself at any time.

It's true!


The ground not far in front of Ye Cha suddenly made a cracking sound, and then a large amount of mud debris swung around. A huge gray black tree rhizome sprang out from the bottom of the ground. It was as thick as a bucket, like a python, and hit Ye Cha fiercely.

Ye Cha still didn't move his steps, which was not enough for ye Cha to dodge. In the face of the huge rhizome, ye Cha reached forward at will.

The rain hovered in the air again, forming a rain curtain, blocking all attacks for the leaf brake.


At this time, the rhizome bumped into the rain curtain, the rain curtain constantly swing open a circle of ripples, the rhizome to block down.

The rhizome seemed to stick on the rain curtain, constantly wriggling, and then split into countless small rhizomes.

Those tiny roots pierce the rain curtain, and then keep rotating, like a drill, in this way, bit by bit pierce the rain curtain.


Finally, a small rhizome pierced the rain curtain and came directly to yecha's eyes. But at the moment of stabbing, yecha suddenly raised his hand and grasped the small rhizome.

"It seems that the fixed point is real. You guys who don't know what it is are going to make an inch." Ye Cha said: "don't you know that you are bathed in the wind and rain?"


Ye Cha's palm suddenly broke off the root.

Ye Cha said: "and I am the wind and rain!"

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