death train

Chapter 1146

Bang, bang, bang!

At the moment when ye chayan fell, the falling rain suddenly became violent.

Moreover, the rain suddenly became extremely heavy, as if all the rain was made of metal, constantly hitting the ground, making the sound of heavy objects knocking.

Then, the ground will continue to appear a thumb sized hole.

The surrounding plants are broken down by the rain, and become ragged. Those big trees seem to be very strong? But just for a moment, by the constant breakdown of those rain, become pitted.

Ye Cha sneered and stepped forward, then looked far away.

The rain in front of the leaf brake condensed and turned into a water ball. Then it stretched toward both sides and became longer and longer, forming a crescent shaped water blade with more than ten meters, which pushed out towards the front.


The water blade pushed forward, and no plant could stop the water blade's advance. It was cut off mercilessly.

One by one, big trees are falling down, falling on the ground, crisscrossing and crisscrossing, and the surrounding plants are completely cut into two pieces by the water blade.

In a short moment, the world seemed to be quiet, only the rain continued to fall, hit the ground and those plants, still making a "bang bang" sound, like hammering.

The surrounding plants finally stopped moving.

Those chopped plants, of course, could not move even if they wanted to move. As far away, ye Cha believed that there was corpse flower in them, but he did not continue to attack. He did not know whether it was because he was afraid.

The leaf brake continued to move forward, and the rain fell more and more, but the leaf brake was not attacked again.

After walking for about half an hour, yecha finally found a cave deep in the forest.

The cave is not big. It's only about ten square meters. It's not so much a cave as a cave. There is a depression near the ground.

Ye Cha entered the cave and sat down on a rock at will. Looking at the rain outside the cave, he felt a little hungry and took out a pack of compressed biscuits from his backpack to chew them.

At this time, a slight sound and vibration came from the communicator. Ye Cha took it out and saw that Nie Po was applying for the communication channel.

After ye Cha connected, he said, "I contacted you before, but I didn't respond. Is something wrong?"

Nie po said: "a little trouble has been solved. Now that you will contact me, it means that you have got rid of those apostles?"

Ye Cha said: "of course, otherwise you think you are talking to the ghost?"

Nie po said, "where are you now?"

Yecha looked at the cave and said, "I don't know. I'm not even sure if I have arrived at iloha island. This Dao mountain seems to have a large area of forest, similar to tropical rain forest."

Nie po said: "most of the islands have forests. I can't tell if you are in iloha island by this alone. But, tropical rain forest? I can see a lot of trees here, but it's not as good as a tropical rainforest. "

"We're not on an island," he said

Nie po said: "well, do you want to join? I'll come to you, or do you think of a way to come here? I've just found two barrels of gas and I'm going to refuel the speedboat. "

Ye Cha thought and said, "don't come here. This island may have some troubles. If you come here, you should be attacked."

Nie po said, "do the apostles walk? That's not a problem. Anyway, there are apostles walking on every island now. I just killed a few of them ten minutes ago. "

Ye Cha said: "it's not the apostles walking, but the corpse flowers. There seems to be a large number of corpse flowers on this island. There are all kinds of corpse words, and the number is very large."

Nie Po frowned: "corpse flower?"

"Well." Ye Cha said: "there are quite a lot of them, some of them are unusual."

Of course, plant viruses exist, but plant viruses themselves belong to mutant viruses, which are rare and have few branches.

At the same time, it is much more difficult for plants to be infected with virus than corpses and organisms, because all corpse flowers can be classified as mutant zombies.

In view of these two points, corpse flowers are rare. Usually, one or two corpse flowers can appear in densely vegetated areas. For example, there is a large-scale infection of plant virus in this area, which almost never exists.

Ye Cha said: "I'm thinking about whether the water spirit Moya's influence has led to a large-scale mutation of the plants on this island."

Nie po said, "I think you can ask the landlady."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "I think so."

Nie po said: "well, if you have something to contact at any time."

Ye Cha cut off the communication, and then contacted the landlady.

The boss's wife established communication very quickly. Obviously, she didn't do anything. She was specially responsible for providing communication and information.

Ye Cha doesn't talk nonsense either. He directly tells the landlady what she's going through.

The landlady thought for a while, and then gave a negative answer."I think it's probably nothing to do with Moya the water elf." The landlady said, "there should be another reason for the corpse of those plants."

"Oh?" Ye Cha doubted: "but judging from the current situation, the appearance of corpse flower on such a large scale is very abnormal. If it is not Moya, what will it be?"

The landlady said: "the power of the water spirit Moya mainly affects the creatures in the sea and affects the ancient species of the sea. If there are living aquatic creatures, they will also be affected."

Ye Cha said: "that is to say, the radiation can not reach the land?"

The landlady said, "it's not necessarily. It may have a weak impact, but it will have a large-scale impact. It's not amphibians or anything, but plants. It's too unlikely. If it's seaweed or something, it's still possible."

The leaf Cha way: "that this place corpse flower is how to return a responsibility?"

The landlady said: "I can't answer this question, but I think it's good for you to investigate this by the way when you search for Moya, the water spirit. It's also quite amazing that it can cause large-scale plants to become plant viruses of corpse flowers."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "I understand!"

The landlady said, "if you have any questions, you can contact me at any time. My task this time is unconditional logistic support. By the way, Nie Po and mu Jieyun have passed."

Ye Cha said: "it's useless for you to ask the Deputy conductor to come here. The problem now is that there are too few people searching."

The landlady said, "I can't help that. Many of the stewardesses who are on duty at this station have not come back. However, Mr. marfarian has been selecting the dead carriages and will soon send a large number of members to the dead carriages."

Ye Chadao: "as soon as possible, the current situation, even if I have the heart, also can't do too many things."

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