death train

Chapter 1153

Ye Cha showed a sudden expression. No wonder the extra reward for killing the saint son was written directly, because three Saint sons correspond to three extra rewards. You can choose from them, but if you kill all three Saint sons, you will take three kinds of rewards.

As for the silver robe walking, ye Cha heard it for the first time, but if the other party is the guardian of the son, and does not carry out the task, it is not surprising that they can't meet each other.

At the same time, because of the uncertainty of the quantity, it is impossible to specify the reward.

"However, Nanrong Zhishi and Joey are both holy sons..." Ye Cha murmured: "that is to say, there is a third son."

Ye Cha thought for a while, and then said, "how is the conductor now?"

The landlady said, "the conductor won't report the situation to me. He just made a short contact. He should have his own plan. You don't have to worry about it. I'll send people there in an hour."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "I understand."

Leaf brake cut off communication, and then look at the sky.

The last hour, and then

Total war!

Ye Cha pondered for a while, and then still sat on the top of the rock mountain.

It seems that things will become interesting if the situation becomes even. But will everything change?

Ye Cha doesn't think so.

It doesn't mean that when the people on the death train arrive, they will fight immediately, fight hard, and decide to win or lose.

It's not so simple. It can only be said that in an hour, the islands will become battlefields, but the spread and exchange of fire in battlefields also need radiation time.

"Make a connection first."

Yecha decided to wait for an hour, and then gather his own people. If it's not convenient to gather on different islands, he should establish a connection first.

The reward of this mission is very rich, even if we do not eat alone, but cooperate, we can get more than we think.

Ye Cha is thinking, the communicator will appear a prompt, ye Cha took up a look, is Nie Po application communication.

Ye Cha smoothly connected to the channel: "got the task prompt?"

Nie po said, "well, I'm very interested in one of them."

Ye Cha said with a smile, "king of heaven?"

Nie po said: "of course, I don't refuse to get all the weapons."

Ye Cha said, "it's not easy to kill Shengzi."

Nie po said, "it's up to you. You always have to try. Let me ask you what's your plan."

Ye Cha thought and said, "intelligence, the most important thing is intelligence."

Nie Po pondered and said: "water spirit Moya?"

Ye Cha said: "yes, we can foresee what will happen after the large-scale arrival of the dead train. It's certain that there will be continuous fire in different places, but it has no direct relationship with the task."

Nie Po nodded and said, "only the son is related to the mission. What is walking in silver robes?"

Ye Cha said: "the guardians of the Holy Son, their cloaks are lined with silver thread."

There are not many people walking in silver robes. They are the guards who follow the three saints. This may form a trap. Those who go out of their way to walk in silver robes may have bad luck, because they are guards and they must work together with the saints.

But just when ye Cha thought about it, Nie po said, "I've got a special reward and an extra reward."

"Ah?" The leaf Cha Leng next way: "you killed silver robe to walk?"

Nie po said: "yes, it's the sniper who Snipes you in neiwan. There is a silver line around the edge of his cloak. Moreover, the color of his cloak is a little different from that of ordinary apostles. It's not black, it's gray brown."

Ye Cha has the impulse to vomit blood. What kind of guard is not following the son?

Nie Po continued: "in a word, I understand what you mean. When people arrive, we will first establish a multi-party communication channel. The important thing is the information about Moya, right?"

Ye Cha said, "well, I'll contact you then."

An hour's time is not short, but it's not long. Ye Cha pinches the time, and an hour passes quickly.

The sky is still blue, the sea is still floating.

Everything didn't change, but ye Cha was very clear that these were the conditions that still existed in the surface. Maybe, there was a firefight at this time.

"I don't know if anyone will come to this island." Leaf Cha gets up, stretched to stretch waist way: "I almost should also work."


At this time, the ground around yecha suddenly cracked, and a corpse flower vine suddenly came out, shaking around yecha, and then made an entanglement around yecha's ankle.

The leaf Cha picks next eyebrow way: "someone?"

Corpse flower vine quickly swing, and then toward the ground hit a few times.

Ye Cha said: "fighting?"

The corpse flower vine shakes back and forth again, and then continues to wrap around Ye Cha's ankle.The leaf Cha pupil shrinks a way: "the person that I know is carrying on a battle?"

For the third time, the corpse flower vine swayed back and forth.

Ye Cha said, "lead the way."

Corpse flower does not have the ability of verbal communication, which is often more troublesome, but after a long time together, ye Cha can also understand what corpse flower wants to express, as long as it is not too complicated, it is not a big problem.

Corpse flower quickly move underground, a vine exposed a small section for the leaf brake guide, quickly toward the rock mountain below.

The place of fighting will not be too far away from the rock mountain. The scope of corpse flower monitoring only includes a circle of forest around the rock mountain. Even if there is a battle in a farther place, corpse flower will not know.

After going down the Rocky Mountain, the corpse flower quickly went to the southeast, about two or three hundred meters deep into the forest. Without the corpse flower's warning, ye Cha knew that there was a battle ahead.



With a loud noise, ye Cha saw a big tree collapse in the distance, smashing it down to the ground, and then a piece of sand and dust came out.

The leaf brake immediately accelerated the speed forward, very quickly, then found a fallen tree on the ground.

Ye Cha a little Leng way: "Du Ling Ling?"

The cut of the fallen tree is very distinctive. It's not like being cut off by sharp tools, but like being gnawed out by something.

Considering that Shi Hua said that the other party was someone he knew, the possibility of Du Lingling was certainly the biggest, because Du Lingling had steel armour in her hand.

Ye Cha immediately continued to run forward, throwing about 300 meters again, and finally saw the target.

Sure enough, it's Du Lingling.

After Du Lingling, he followed the five apostles. It was obvious that the other party was acting in a small team and was pursuing Du Lingling.

Ye Cha raised his hand, grasped the endless bow in his hand, and then quickly pulled the bowstring.

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