death train

Chapter 1154

A penetrating arrow is shown by Ye Cha's rapid fantasy, and then with Ye Cha's finger loose, the penetrating arrow flies forward.

The sound of the arrow burst through the air and shot at one of the apostles.

The Apostle's reaction to walking was very quick. After discovering the existence of the penetrating arrow, he immediately twisted his body backward.

The through arrow of yecha wiped the mask of the Apostle and shot forward, then hit a big tree.

Bang, the big tree was made a big hole in the bowl.

But this is just the beginning.


Then the tree trunk of the uncle made a sound like an explosion, which was directly shattered by the spiral force of the arrow. The explosion broke into pieces, and then collapsed.

The Apostle walked with a lingering fear, and then looked sideways, he found that yecha raised the endless bow again.

"Back off, back off all of you." The Apostle walked and cried out, "look for shelter."

As the Apostle walked and spoke, he rolled over to the back of a huge rock not far away.

The leaf Cha hooks the corner of mouth, is this useful?

Although rocks are stronger than trees.


The sound of breaking through the air once again runs through the moment when the arrow flies forward again and hits the rock


The rock was not much better than the trees. After a loud noise, it was pierced by a penetrating arrow. Because of the spiral force, the upper part of the rock was smashed.

Then a headless body fell to the side and hit the ground.

"You killed the apostles, walking, accumulating..."

The head of the Apostle's walking body was smashed by a penetrating arrow.

After killing one of the apostles, ye Cha quickly swam to the side, around the trees, looking for the trace of the remaining four apostles.

Du Lingling also saw Ye Cha, but he didn't have time to open his mouth. Ye Cha raised his hand and made a no sound gesture. Then he asked Du Lingling to step aside and pull away to a relatively safe distance.

Du Lingling nodded and took the centipede sword to retreat quickly.

At this time, yecha had found the second apostle walking, immediately raised the endless bow, and then buckled the bowstring.


The air broke again.

The Apostle was very sensitive when he walked. When he heard the roaring sound, he immediately came out from the side, but he was still a little late. The arrow penetrated the tree, fell at the foot of the apostle, and then burst again around the spiral force.


The Apostle walked and flew out directly, then covered his knee and screamed. The knee of the Apostle had become empty, but his leg was broken by Ye cha.

"You are too noisy!"

Ye Cha raised his bow and opened the bowstring again. This time, the arrow went through the head of the Apostle and nailed the apostle to the ground.

"You killed the apostles, walking, accumulating..."

Ye Cha put down his endless bow and looked around. It seemed that he was looking for the rest of the apostles.

At the same time, behind the yecha, the Bush was pushed away. An apostle walked slowly and came out, buckled an army knife and crept to the back of the yecha, ready to attack.


Clank, clank!

All of a sudden, the sound of the chain dragging across the ground sounded. Before the Apostle could react, a white chain suddenly entangled his neck.

The consul jumped down from the big tree behind him, holding the chain in his hand, while the Apostle was dragged up by the chain, holding his throat and struggling.

As soon as the consul's wrist shook, the chain suddenly became sharp and cut off the head of the apostle.

"You killed the apostles, walking, accumulating..."

Ye Cha looked around with a smile and said, "there are still two left. Don't you come out? Or are you going to play hide and seek with me? "

The consul killed one of the apostles to walk, and immediately hid in a bush, while yecha, holding endless bow, continued to walk forward and looked around carefully.

The other side should have no means of long-range attack, otherwise they would not be killed by themselves. They didn't even have a counterattack. Obviously, they didn't have weapons with the same attack distance as the endless bow.

In fact, it's quite strange that there should be several guns, but it's not sure that people don't like to use guns.

But no matter what, without long-range weapons, you can't counterattack, the other side can only hide, or risk close to the leaf brake to attack.

Ye Cha slowly forward, suddenly, behind a big tree, an apostle rushed out, holding a spear in his hand, stabbed Ye Cha hard.

Leaf brake toe a little, back jump open some, avoid attack at the same time, left hand forward.Snake bite!

The virtual shadow of the purple scale Python wrapped around yecha's arm, and then with yecha's left hand out, opened his mouth, revealing his ferocious tusks.

The next moment, ye Cha pinched the neck of the apostle, raised his hand and raised the man directly.

Ye Cha said with a smile: "sorry, I can't just play bow."


At this time, there was a cry at the back of the yecha, and the last apostle rushed out, holding a sabre and chopping it down to the back of the yecha.

But at this moment, ye chameng turned back and stopped the Apostle walking in front of him.


The blade fell down and slashed hard at the back of the Apostle's walking, cutting out a huge wound. The blood immediately sprayed out. The Apostle walked in pain.

Ye Cha tilted his head and said with a smile, "you seem to have killed your companion?"

The Apostle turned red when he walked, held his Sabre to the side, and then swept it to yecha again.

Ye Cha hooked his mouth and foot, and suddenly raised his foot and kicked the wrist of the Apostle walking on the corpse in his hand, and the arm swung back out, as well as the stab in the corpse's hand.


There was a dull sound of sharp weapon entering the flesh. Before the Apostle came, he cut his weapon to yecha, and his chest was pierced thoroughly by the army.

The Apostle kept pouring blood from the corner of his mouth when he walked. He shook his body and raised his knife to chop at yecha, but yecha kicked him to the ground.

"Since we are all going to die..." Ye Cha stepped on the spike, let the spike completely penetrate the body of the Apostle and said: "then you should die quietly."

The Apostle wriggled a few times and finally stopped moving.

"You killed the apostles, walking, accumulating..."

Listening to the mysterious voice, ye Cha beckons to Du Lingling, indicating that Du Lingling can come.

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