death train

Chapter 1232

In the personal information, ye Cha is one year older, which makes him sigh that it has been more than a year since the end of the world.

But it's just a sigh that age is useless in the end of life, and most people don't expect to die of nothing.

After reading the personal information, ye Cha sighed: "there is still no breakthrough in respect of the king."

Ye Cha is a big buyer this time. In order to improve his strength, he has invested a lot of gold skeleton coins at all costs. Naturally, ye Cha is also looking forward to entering the extraordinary level.

Unfortunately, even with the two abilities of White Dragon King and lightning strike, which can greatly improve the combat effectiveness, ye Cha still can't get through the threshold.

"Of course." The proprietress said, "it's not so easy to pass the threshold of extraordinary realm. After all, if you reach the extraordinary level, you are qualified to attack the position of deputy conductor."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "let's wait for the next time for the rest of the money. Maybe, if I save enough money, I will take the other four enhanced forms of Longhua ability. However, that's the next thing. Let's talk about the task first."

The landlady said, "the first destination is an abandoned town about 1500 meters outside tiebao fortress, called nuokanla town. Someone will meet you there."

Ye Cha said, "can't you just send me to town?"

The landlady said, "I'm sorry, it can't be done."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

The landlady said: "I don't know how to explain it. You just understand that some energy sources will become unstable if they encounter serious interference. No one knows what will happen next."

Ye Cha said: "is the entrance an energy source?"

The landlady said: "it can be understood that since the abandoned town, the surrounding areas are under the control of CommScope. There is a large range of magnetic interference, which has a serious impact on the establishment of the entrance and exit. Therefore, we can only go to the periphery."

Ye Cha said, "OK, I understand."

The landlady took out a purse and handed it to Ye Cha, saying, "inside are maps, compass, special communication equipment that can prevent interference, and a key to a motorcycle. At the entrance and exit, I have prepared a motorcycle for you as a means of transportation."

Ye Cha said: "who is the person who meets me? Do you need a secret code or something to facilitate mutual identification? "

The landlady laughed and sold a pass: "don't worry, after you see him, you can definitely confirm the identity of the other party at a glance."

Ye Chapai's mouth means someone you know?

The landlady said: "in addition, the most important thing in the purse is the anti detection device. If you don't want to expose it before the connector, you must remember that the purse is not separated from the body."

Ye Cha said: "I know."

"Finally, do you want to take someone with you? It's OK to take two or three people with you. "

Yecha thought about it and said, "will malfarian give extra reward?"

The landlady said, "that's not true."

Ye Cha said, "I'll go alone."

The landlady nodded and said, "good luck."

Ye Cha wrote his thumb, then got up and walked out of the dining car towards the death train.

Along the platform stairs all the way up, leaf brake quickly out of the train platform.

The glare of the sun in a moment on the leaf brake's face, let the leaf brake can't help but squint his eyes, after a long time, until the eyes adapt, leaf brake will open his eyes.

Looking up, ye Cha's eyes are a large desert.

However, the desert in front of us is not the same as the desert in the traditional sense. It is similar to the western desert in the western film, with plateau and Canyon terrain as the main terrain, and some desert shrub areas.

Although it looks very desolate, it is not uninhabited. On both sides of the road, you can see some buildings vaguely. According to the signs, you can find many small towns along the way.

On the side of the entrance and exit, there is a motorcycle. The leaf brake checks the fuel tank, and then inserts the key. On both sides of the motorcycle, there are two big cloth bags, which contain food and water. There are many kinds of snacks. The landlady is more intimate than she thought.

Yecha took out the map and set the route according to the navigation. Yecha found that the town of nokanla was not far away. He could arrive in about three or four hours from his location.

When everything was ready, ye Cha stepped on the motorcycle. According to the Convention, the consul and Shi Hua were sent out by Ye Cha to explore the way. One was on the ground, the other was underground. There was nothing to hide from them.

The leaf brake stepped on the motorcycle and drove all the way forward.

Generally speaking, there are very few zombies in desert areas. Even if the desert is not as desolate as expected, it is not a gathering area for people, and the number of zombies will not be too many, or even none at all.

The reason is simple. This is CommScope's activity area.

For CommScope, zombies are not only monsters, but also experimental samples. In the experiments of CommScope, zombies are needed as samples for everything related to zombie virus.Ye Cha rode all the way. Suddenly, the PDA on the bracket suddenly flickered. It was the consul who gave the signal, but it was not a distress signal.

Ye Cha looked at the position mark. The position indicated by the consul was just in front of the road. There was no need to change the direction.

Ye Cha whispered: "what did you find?"

The leaf Cha murmurs, then speeds up, very quickly, the leaf Cha then saw a road sign.

Under the road sign, there was a rope, on which was hung a corpse. The corpse had been dead for a long time, and even some traces of air drying appeared on the flesh and blood.

And then the archon jumped off the signboard and dropped his signboard.

Ye Cha said: "is there anything worth noticing? It's just a corpse. "

The consul pulled his coat. Yecha noticed that the body suit on the corpse had the logo of CommScope, not the research suit or the combat suit.

It's a very common coat, casual pants, with the CommScope logo printed on the chest. I can't see which department the other party belongs to.

However, it's normal to have corpses here, but it's not normal if the corpses are from CommScope. After all, this area already belongs to the control area of tiebaosai base.

On the site of CommScope, the body of a member of CommScope company appeared, and from the way the body was hung up, it seemed that he had been abused in front of him, which was obviously abnormal.

The consul pointed to the other side.

There are several rooms. A house on the front has been transformed into a convenience store, and the house behind should be the house of the convenience store owner and his family.

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