death train

Chapter 1233

Ye Cha took out a metal gun case from the cloth bag of the motorcycle and threw it to the consul.

What is in the gun case is not the king's rifle, but Nie Po's Hades.

Before leaving the death train, ye Cha went out of his way to find Nie Po and threw the king's rifle to him. In exchange, ye Cha got the right to use the underworld.

Anyway, it's all rifles, and Nie Po can't use so many. The main reason why he wants the king of heaven is out of curiosity and enthusiasm for guns.

Ye Cha throws the underworld to the consul, and he switches the exterminator to the gun form, and then slowly approaches the convenience store.

Convenience stores have a musty smell, with the smell of rotten things.

The leaf brake sticks to the window and looks inside. Most of the things seem to have been removed, leaving only a few useless ones.

There are a lot of cartons and messy footprints on the ground.

Ye Cha made a sign to the consul to go to the rear, while ye Cha turned into the convenience store from the window.

Raise the right arm to aim, the leaf brake turns round continuously, explored the situation all around, did not find the trace of the living person.

Looking around, ye Cha found that the convenience store was not big. In addition to the front door, there was a wooden door in the corner. There were dense bullet holes on the door and dried up blood stains below.

Suddenly, he raised the gun to the side of the door, and the shadow of the man came out.

Ye Cha looked down and saw that it was a middle-aged man with blonde hair. His whole body was full of bullet holes. He had been dead for a long time. Behind the door was the bathroom.

Ye Cha puts down the muzzle of the gun, then exits the convenience store and walks towards several houses in the rear.

The consul should have begun to explore the place first. After ye Cha pushed the door, he found that as he had guessed, there was a residence behind.

The first floor door is the living room, and the side is a connected kitchen.

It seems that this place has experienced a battle. To be exact, it should be a gunfight. There are bullet holes everywhere on the wall, while there are a lot of bullet cases on the ground. Unexpectedly, there is very little blood.

Ye Cha only saw some on the wall behind the kitchen table. When he walked over, there was a corpse lying behind him, which was similar to the man in the convenience store. He was probably a brother, holding a submachine gun in his hand, and his body was shot into a hornet's nest.

After leaf Cha swept an eye corpse, suddenly squatted down and broke off the man's left hand, because the man's hand was obviously holding something.

"This..." After waiting to break open the palm of the other party, the leaf Cha can't help but a Leng way: "semiconductor broadcast?"

In a man's hand is a red semiconductor radio.

This thing can be said to be very, very old. In fact, yecha thinks that it can be traced back to his grandparents' childhood?

Anyway, for the leaf brake, this thing is completely antique.

The problem is that it's very important for a man to hold it tightly when he dies.

Ye Cha fiddles with it at will, and finds that there is still electricity, so he starts to adjust the frequency.

Most of the channels, of course, don't have any sound, but after debugging the channel for a while, the sound of "sand, sand" suddenly came from the radio.

"This is Duby town. My name is Aisha. I'm the mayor's daughter. We are surrounded by a lot of monsters. Those machines suddenly move. Can someone help us? Please, please help us. "

Ye Cha watched the channel, and then found that he had finished adjusting all the channels. The voice just now was actually a recording.


Ye Cha murmured for a moment, then took a picture of the body of the corpse, and found a wallet with several banknotes, two credit cards and a picture.

The photo shows a man and a woman. The man is the corpse in front of her, while the woman is a tall red haired creature. She is very hot and sexy with delicate features. She is not a typical white man and seems to have Indian blood.

Ye Cha said again, "Aisha?"

If the woman in the photo is called Aisha, ye Cha can probably guess what's going on. It's probably a love story. Unfortunately, it seems that the love story hasn't started yet, and the hero seems to die.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

At this time, gunfire came from outside the room, and the PDA pinned to Ye Cha's waist sent out the warning signal of the consul.

The leaf Cha picks next eyebrow, the consul seems to start fighting with something.

Ye Cha immediately walked towards the door, intending to see the situation, but he just got to the door.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The clear sound of the strafing gun suddenly rang out, the wall around the door frame was broken, countless sawdust flying, ye Cha holding his head, quickly returned to the house.

Ye Cha sits down next to the window, and the window bar is on the top of Ye Cha's head. When the sound of shooting is over, ye Cha looks up, and then he is stunned.It's not the people from CommScope or the zombies who shoot at yecha. Yecha doesn't know how to describe the things in front of him. It feels like a pile of scrap iron?

In fact, the feeling of Ye Cha is right.

What appears in front of Ye Cha's eyes is an irregular metal ball, and this metal ball seems to be made up of all kinds of metal, or, more directly, all kinds of metal materials.

Ye Cha could see some of the objects, such as spanners, clothes hangers, steel pipes, and even a disassembled microwave oven, because ye Cha saw the cover of the microwave oven sticking to the back of the metal ball.

At the top of the metal ball, there are two barrels, which look like the barrel of an AKM assault rifle. With the shooting, many cartridge cases will fall out from under the metal ball.

"What the hell is this?" Ye Cha whispered: "mechanical zombie?"

Looking at a moving metal ball, ye Cha instinctively thought of the mechanical zombie, but the feeling was different. The mechanical zombie still had a biological part, just combined with machinery.

And this thing in front of you is obviously a metal ball made up of a bunch of miscellaneous things, right?

A few question marks flashed in Ye Cha's head, but he didn't think about it any more. No matter what it was, since it was aggressive, it was better to kill it first.

Taking advantage of the other party seems to re fill bullets, ye Cha immediately suddenly stood up and raised the destroyer.

Clank, clank!

The barrel of the fingertip fired bullets continuously, hit the metal ball, and then dangled golden sparks.

Ye Cha was a little surprised. The bullet of the destroyer was useless. Although the metal ball looked messy, its defense was much higher than ye Cha thought.

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