death train

Chapter 1234

At this time, the metal ball seemed to be reloaded and fired at the leaf brake again. The muzzle of the gun spewed fire, and the bullets kept shooting in the direction of the window.

The walls of the house were made of wood and couldn't stop the bullets. Ye Cha immediately moved his waist to the side to avoid the bullets.

Then, ye Cha found that the metal ball could move. It was about two and a half meters above the ground. He didn't know what method he used. He could float in the air and move horizontally.

"Damn it

The leaf Cha low scolds a, then take out a metal bar to throw out from the color cloud cover in the middle of the month.

Hiss, hiss!

With the sound, smoke quickly spread out, covering a large area of the front of the house.

The leaf brake turned over and came out from the window on the other side of the living room. But just after landing, the gunfire continued to ring. However, it didn't aim at the position of the leaf brake.

"It seems that it should be something like a lens, as a field of vision, not a sensing device."

Obviously, if it's a smoke sensor, it's not able to make a judgment.

The blade brake determines the position of the metal ball through the sound of gunfire, and then runs towards the side at a high speed.

"Railgun form!"

As soon as ye Cha raised his arm, there was a sound of mechanical rotation in the exterminator, which soon became the shape of the gun barrel.

The next moment, the blade brake out of the smoke, and then fired toward the side.

Two pulse bombs were launched continuously, gliding close to the ground, falling under the metal ball one by one, and then emitting blue light.

Positioning blasting!

Boom, boom!

The two pulse bombs exploded almost at the same time, and then the metal ball was blown out, turned into a pile of parts and scattered around.

Ye Cha went to see that the metal ball was really a pile of metal. Ye Cha saw screws, nails and metal pieces. Anyway, as long as it was metal, it seemed that everything could be put together.

In addition, the blade brake also saw a large number of bullets. The metal ball should be hollow. These bullets are inside the metal ball. I just don't know how to automatically fill them.

In particular, ye Cha didn't find any meat, or biological parts. At this point, it doesn't look like a mechanical zombie. It feels strange.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

At this time, the gunshot sounded again, the leaf brake sounded, the consul seemed to be still fighting, immediately ran towards the rear of the house along the gunshot.

After arriving at the house, a lot of metal products were scattered on the ground, which was obviously broken by the archon. At the same time, the archon was still fighting with three metal balls.

The three metal balls are similar to the one broken by the leaf brake, but they are not exactly the same, because they are made of different metal products.

Ye Cha didn't care so much. First, he joined the battle. While the three metal balls were shooting at the consul, he raised his arm and fired the pulse bomb again.

The pulse bomb curved in the air and fell forward, one of which was directly attached to the metal ball.


With the blue light like electric current exploding, the metal ball was broken, and countless metal parts scattered around.

The consul rushed out from the rear of the building, raised the Hades rifle and shot at a metal ball, smashing it completely.

On the other side, the pulse bomb burst continuously, but did not destroy the remaining metal ball. The leaf brake quickly stepped forward and pulled out the thin string from the ring in his hand.

The gun of the storm!

Those thin strings flew out into the air, and then suddenly dispersed, falling like white rain, smashing the metal ball completely.

Looking at the scattered parts on the ground, ye Cha said, "what are these things coming from?"

The consul pointed to the side, and ye Cha found a big pit not far away. When he went to see it, it was all kinds of metal garbage, such as discarded household appliances.

The leaf Cha way: "come out from this inside?"

The consul nodded.

Ye Cha felt his chin and murmured: "strange, moving metal? But it's not like the machinery and equipment made by CommScope, it's like a piece of metal garbage. "

Robots existed before the end of time, which is not uncommon. However, they are still in the stage of continuous development and improvement. They can't do all kinds of things for human beings like in the movies.

However, after the end of the world, CommScope has made a lot of things based on robot research.

For example, the early arbiter, based on the robot manufacturing technology, mixed the biological part, and then used the zombie virus to make the biological part work, controlled by the electronic chip. In a sense, because it is semi-mechanical, it can't be said that the robot is completely wrong.After that, mechanical zombies were born based on this kind of experimental transformation research.

But this kind of pure mechanized machine is generally used in defense facilities, such as laser guns, sentry machine guns and so on, which are often seen in CommScope's base. In fact, it looks like a robot with a different shape, and it can also automatically lock and shoot.

But in fact, it can only be regarded as a defense machine, such as those metal balls that can move autonomously and attack actively. At the same time, there is no biological part of the machine, and ye Cha has never seen it.

Clank, clank!

Ye Cha was thinking about what those metal balls were. Suddenly, a sound of metal impact came into Ye Cha's ear, making Ye Cha's mind come back.

Looking at the big pit full of metal garbage, ye Cha suddenly widened his eyes.

The metal in the big pit even moved by itself, as if there was a force of suction constantly involved in the general, which sucked all the metal garbage around.

Soon, along with those metal garbage stacked together, more and more big, at the same time slowly formed a human shape, and then a metal garbage pieced together into a human shape up to seven or eight meters high, the giant stood up from the garbage pit.

"Damn it Ye Cha was stunned and said, "what the hell is this?"

At the same time, the metal giant stood up from the ground, raised his fist directly, and smashed it down to the leaf brake.

Ghost step!

Ye Cha's figure flashed and disappeared immediately. The metal giant's fist hit the ground hard and made a huge noise. At the same time, the ground collapsed and a large number of cracks appeared around it.

At the same time, the arm, is also a pile of metal debris fell, hit the ground, jingling straight ring.

The metal giant didn't have any stagnation. After straightening up again, he swung his fist to the leaf brake again, with a strong wind and force.

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