death train

Chapter 1272

Ye Cha looked around and couldn't see anything. Then he said to the governor, "I need a map."

The consul nodded. A moment later, a plane map was transferred to the PDA of yecha.

The nuclear power plant in Enhui plain has been destroyed by zombies, resulting in nuclear radiation leakage. This new type of nuclear power plant, which was not built for a long time, will be controlled in a very small area even if it leaks.

However, after the end of the world, there were not many living people. Even if there were, they were busy running for their lives. No one took measures to control it, which naturally led to a very large radiation area.

But, of course, the closer to the nuclear power plant, the greater the radiation. This is a very simple truth, and what the blade brake has to accomplish is a task belonging to the crew.

That is to say, the high purity and large enough mutation crystal has weight limitation. Of course, the general mutation crystal, although Ye Cha doesn't know what to use, can also collect some.

However, the closer to the radiation source, the more natural and high-quality abnormal crystals there are. For this reason, yecha must first find the location of the nuclear power plant.

Ye Cha was very lucky for this, because he just came out of the place with a road sign. According to the direction indicated by the road sign, and then compared with the map, it was easy to confirm the location.

"In this direction?"

Ye Cha looked left and right, then chose the direction and began to move along the road.

Yecha has been to many places, but such a dilapidated area in the wild is really rare, because relatively speaking, the frequency of zombies in the wild must be much less.

However, the road in front of yecha was full of cracks, and the continuous extension could not see the end. Most of the protective railings on both sides were crooked, and the road signs all collapsed.

This place makes Ye Cha feel as miserable as if he had experienced a zombie tide.


I don't know how long I've been walking forward. Suddenly, the quiet kitten roared ahead.

Ye Cha immediately entered a state of alert.

Little kitten is still very obedient. When she first came here, she was probably worried because she was sensitive and felt the danger of radiation, but after she calmed down, there was no problem.

Therefore, the roar of the kitten is absolutely impossible without reason.



Ye Cha looked around and found nothing. Even the consul didn't say anything.

Ye Cha looked at the little cat. The little cat ran forward a few steps, then raised his head and roared toward the top.

Looking up at the leaf brake, there is a rail bridge for the train. Looking at it from the leaf brake's point of view, I didn't find anything strange there.

"Up there?"

The leaf Cha murmurs a, then toward the consul hit a color.

As soon as the consul raised his hand, white light appeared in his left hand. Those light quickly condensed into a chain and flew out towards the railway bridge. After wrapping around the top of the stone pillar below, he kept shrinking and pulled the consul over.

Almost at this moment, a figure suddenly came out from the gap between the stone column and the deck of the railway bridge, jumped up quickly, turned over the railway bridge and began to run towards the side.

Leaf Cha a pick eyebrow, as expected someone.

Ye Cha ran forward quickly and came to the moment under the railway bridge


The ground trembled and split a gap. Then a corpse vine appeared from the foot of yecha. Holding yecha and little cat, it directly sent yecha to the railway bridge.


Leaf Cha low drinks a, quickly toward front chase.

The speed of that figure is not slow. At present, although the wind around is very small, it's still against the wind. The ability of the son of wind can't be exerted, but the leaf brake doesn't rely on the ability of the son of wind, and the speed is not slow, but it can only barely hang each other.

But at this time

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The clear gunshot suddenly appeared, and the consul directly shot at the rear, which made the figure in front of him have to start to run to the snake line, and he was hit on the surface.

Naturally, the speed will slow down.

Ye Cha took the opportunity to catch up with the other side, suddenly jumped up is a fly kick.


That person's shadow reaction is very quick, quickly think about the side to get out of the way, leaf brake from the other side, a foot pedal on the ground, the ground to step on a piece.

"Why?" The leaf Cha turns round to see, Leng next way: "isn't the Apostle walk?"

The figure was dressed like an apostle walking, but it didn't seem to be. Although it was dressed in black, it was not a cape, but a very loose sweater.

Because the other person's body is very petite, it really looks like being covered by a cloak from a distance, especially when the other person is wearing a hat and a black mask instead of a mask.

"Woman?" Ye Cha hesitated and said, "girl?"The figure of the other side really can't see the men and women, the sweater is too big, but the petite body shape, and eyes look like women, and feel young.

Ye Cha said tentatively: "death train?"

The other side didn't speak, but stretched out his right hand to the left. Then yecha heard the sound of "click, click" coming from the other side's sleeve, like the sound of ice being trampled.

The next moment, some colorful crystals from each other's sleeves suddenly emerged, rapidly extended and enlarged, and became a sickle.


The other side lightly drinks a, leaf cha in the heart secretly way a, as expected is a girl.

The other side is a female voice, and it sounds young. Then ye Cha sees the sickle coming to him.

Looking at the crystal sickle sweeping towards himself, ye Cha spread out his palm and swept at will.

In the cloth bag hanging behind Ye Cha's waist, the black iron sand kept flying out under the traction of magnetic control, forming a ball and then bumping forward to block the crystal sickle.

"It's really the people on the death train." Ye Cha said: "this ability should come from the death train."

Ye Cha took out a handful of iron sand and turned it into the shape of a sword. He waved at the opponent and forced him away.

"Hey, I don't want to kill people." Ye Cha said: "there is no reason to kill you, so stop attacking."

If it's the people on the death train, it's really unnecessary.

Although according to the content of the task, the task of this station is heavy, and there will probably be a fight, because the goal of the task is to carry out goods.

There is no doubt that the more mutation crystals you collect, the more rewards you will get. Therefore, ye Cha can expect that some ruthless guys will start to kill and snatch at the later stage of the task.

After all, there's no quick way to search by yourself.

But not now!

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