death train

Chapter 1273

Ye Cha does not deny that he will snatch directly when he has to.

But the leaf brake won't go to snatch because of the common abnormal crystal. It doesn't make any sense. Even if you want to snatch it, it's also high quality and task related.

It's just like being a bad guy is of different grades. One steals a battery car and the other robs a bank. Although they are both crimes, it's obvious that the latter has more grades.

Ye Cha thinks that he will not fall into the category of stealing battery cars. Besides, the fight should not be now. Ye Cha doesn't think that it is a big problem how many abnormal crystals there are in everyone's hands, or even whether there are abnormal crystals.

That's why yecha doesn't think this battle is necessary.

The problem is that the girl in front of yecha doesn't seem to think so. After being pushed back by yecha, she doesn't mean to stop at all. Instead, she quickly runs to the side, runs around yecha, looks for opportunities, and jumps up to attack yecha again.

Ye Cha frowned and said, "can't you understand people's words?"

Facing the sweeping crystal sickle, ye Cha didn't move.

Because, Kitty is behind each other!

Yecha found the attack of the little ancient cat very interesting.

The kitten is no longer the cub that used to be. It has grown up so much and is about the size of an ordinary leopard that it can't be ignored.

But the little cat walked with no sound, as if she could hide her sense of existence. When ye Cha was fighting with each other, the little cat was running around and getting close to her.

Now it has completely appeared behind the other side, no more than three or four meters. But at such a close distance, the other side still didn't find the existence of the little ancient cat.

This is actually the way most wild animals hunt, slowly close, hide, and then in the case of the other side unprepared, suddenly burst out to attack.

But it's not as bizarre as the little ancient cat. It's so close that it can't be found without any cover. Ye Cha guessed that this should belong to the alien biological ability of the little ancient cat.

The next moment, at the moment when the girl waved the blade, the little cat also suddenly made a force. Her body was like half of the ejection, suddenly rushed behind the girl, opened her mouth and bit the girl's leg, knocking the girl down from the air.

The girl fell into a ball with the kitten and rolled on the ground continuously.

The kitten is very fierce. After growing up, the kitten is full of the ferocity of wild animals. It's just a posture of not biting each other and not letting go. It pours forward like crazy and keeps biting.

In this case, the scythe of the ancient cat could not be displayed when it was young.

But ye Cha frowned.

Although the other side kept waving his arm and was embarrassed to resist the bite of the little cat, it seemed that the little cat had the upper hand, but ye Cha felt that he heard something strange.

Click, click

It's like the sound of the crystal sickle when it appeared. The girl's body looks like something hard. The kitten can't break the defense at all.

In fact, after tearing and beating for so long, there was no blood on the girl's body.

The leaf Cha pondered for a while, then way: "get out of the way!"

Little cat is obedient, immediately stop biting, to the side to get out of the way, and in this moment, ye Cha suddenly stretched out his hand.

Catch the dragon and crane, catch the dragon!

The right hand that leaf Cha stretches out suddenly has no finger to become claw shape, then the strong suction appears, the other side was forced to suck to come over.

Ye Cha could see the color of consternation in his opponent's eyes, obviously because of the sudden force majeure suction, but he reacted quickly, found that he could not resist, and immediately waved the crystal sickle.

The left hand of the leaf brake swings at will, the iron sand floating around flies to the body side of the leaf brake and turns into a black wall.

Jingle of a body, iron sand will be crystal sickle to block down.

The next moment, ye Cha pinches the other party's throat.


Ye Cha fiercely presses the girl toward the ground. After a loud noise, ye Cha is more sure what protective gear she seems to be wearing. The sound of hitting the ground is not like the sound of body impact, but like the impact of some solid object.

"Kid." Ye Cha said, "if you don't obey, you will suffer."

The girl didn't make a sound, just kept struggling.

Ye Cha's power was obviously much stronger than her. At the same time, when she was pressed down on the ground by Ye Cha, the iron sand quickly collapsed and entangled the girl's arm, making the girl unable to wave the crystal sickle.

However, in this moment, the girl's other arm sleeve, sounded like the crack of ice again, and then a sharp knife suddenly came out of the sleeve and stabbed at the door of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha almost instinctively leaned back, but he still felt some moisture on his face, but there was a cut under the corner of his eye.

The leaf Cha Nu way: "want to die I complete you."Ye Cha suddenly threw the girl forward, rolling on the ground, and then stretched out her hand again.


The silver white thread flies out of the ring, turns into the shape of a gun, and then flies out in the direction of the girl.

Boom, accompanied by the girl rolling on the ground continuously, the gunshot hit the ground, stabbing out a big hole with a radius of about one meter.

But the attack is not over.

Those thin lines quickly spread, leaf brake a shake wrist, those thin lines fly to the air, pocket arc, then quickly toward the bottom.

The gun of the storm!

Those thin lines constantly hit the ground, making a "bang, bang" sound, leaving a fist sized hole in the ground.

The girl showed some embarrassment, constantly running Dodge, but still was a lot of thin line to hit.

Those thin lines seem to be unable to penetrate the girl's body, but they can pierce small holes in each other's clothes. Ye Cha can vaguely see that the girl's body seems to reflect something.

However, even if it can't cause actual damage, the impact is still strong. After the girl was hit continuously, she faltered at her feet, fell to the ground again and rolled on the ground in confusion.

"Then change some more powerful attack moves." Ye Cha sneered and stretched out his hand forward: "railgun shape."

Inside the exterminator, there was a sound of mechanical rotation, which soon turned into the shape of a gun tube. Then as soon as ye Cha raised his hand, the pulse bomb was launched continuously.

Boom, boom, boom!

With the sound of explosion, the girl began to dodge again, but could not completely avoid the explosion range. Yecha precisely controlled the landing point, and connected the explosion range of the pulse bomb.

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