death train

Chapter 1285

In a moment, the dazzling light dissipated, ye Cha opened his eyes, and then saw countless broken thin lines falling to the ground, and the two ends of the thin lines were blackened.

The storm gun has been broken.

"Look..." Mo Xi said with a smile, "don't you feel when you see the power I use?"

The leaf Cha complexion is gloomy, he not only has the feeling, but also has the feeling too much!

The incandescent light released by this guy has the smell of an apostle!

Although apostles walk in the name of Apostles, they can not use the power of apostles. On the contrary, yecha thinks that the name of Apostles walk is mainly because the other party has been pursuing the apostles.

It's not that ye Cha has never fought with Shengzi. In particular, Nan Rong Zhishi is an old opponent. He has never seen him use the power of an apostle.

Even at the critical moment of life and death, Nanrong has never used it, so it's not unnecessary, but it won't.

But, the light that Mo Xi just released, leaf Cha felt strong apostolic flavor.

This woman is very strong. She is better than any holy son I have ever seen before!

Mo Xi looked at Ye Cha and said, "I believe you can understand me. After all, we are of the same kind. Even without words, we can feel each other's will."

Ye Cha grinned and said, "I don't know why, go to die!"

It's too late!

The sound of surging electric current rings out, and then ye Cha blows forward.

The blue current wrapped around yecha's fist, and then accompanied by yecha's fist toward the front, a current flew out, through the thin line, and bombarded Moxi.

Thunder kill!

Moxi fingertip a little, white light appeared again, with the current together, in the white awn shrouded, current little by little annihilation, soon, completely disappeared.

Mo Xi looked at Ye Cha and said, "really don't understand? Or pretend you don't understand? Well, I came here specially this time just to see you, but I still want to make it clear again that I am looking forward to your return. "

Mo Xi side says, side slowly backward.

"Do you think..." The leaf Cha pupil shrinks a way: "want to walk can walk?"

There is also the boundary of strings around Mo Xi. Although it is not night, the thin lines can not be completely hidden, it is not easy to avoid the thin lines and pass through the cracks of the thin lines.

Space is bound!

Ye Cha squints his eyes, then reaches out his hand, and the endless bow is shown by the illusion and grasped by Ye cha.

Ye Cha reaches for an arrow!

God punishes the arrow!

Ye Cha's first arrow is going to use the divine punishment arrow, because ye Cha has a feeling that the ordinary attack is of no use to the woman in front of him.

Mo Xi said with a smile, "are you here to find someone? They are on the side of this crystal. In fact, this crystal is the trace left by them after the battle. If you catch up now, it should be too late. "

Ye Cha pulled back the bowstring of endless bow and said: "so what? Compared with being able to kill a son, tasks and rewards are nothing, are they? "

Mo Xi showed a sudden expression and said: "you misunderstood me. I just told you what you want to know. I didn't want to escape because..."

Mo Xi's body suddenly twinkled for a while, and then ye Cha saw a large light emerge again.

The next moment, the light dissipated, Mo Xi's figure directly appeared outside the boundary of string, those thin lines did not stop Mo Xi.

What's more strange is that the boundary of string has not been destroyed. The woman in front of her seems to be able to penetrate the wall and directly cross the boundary of string.

Mo Xi said with a smile, "because if I want to leave, I can leave at any time."

Words fall of the moment, Mo Xi's body again gush out a large incandescent light.

Ye Cha ignored the sting of the light to his eyes, widened his eyes, and then released the bowstring.

The divine punishment arrow flies forward, bringing out a strong spiral force. The moment it flies into the light, the spiral force tears the white light open, and then runs through it.

Gradually, the white light dissipated.

As ye Cha goes forward, Mo Xi has lost his trace. The arrow of divine punishment pierces a crystal in the distance. The center of the crystal is full of dense cracks. The arrow of divine punishment penetrates and flies out of the crystal group. I don't know where it falls.

But it's obvious that ye didn't hit with an arrow.

Because there was no blood on the ground.

"Damn it

The leaf Cha low scolds a, then one punch blows to the side, the electric current gushes over, will a crystal give the smash of the bang.

Take a deep breath, ye Cha quickly calms down, and then runs to the side, shuttling through the crystal group. After arriving at the side, there is the river.

Ye Cha looked up and saw some figures on the opposite side of the river, but they were too far away to see them clearly."Throw me across the river!"

Ye Cha yelled at the ground, and then the ground began to vibrate. Soon, the corpse vine rose from the bottom of the ground and flowed across the river. Then, at the moment of reaching the highest point, ye Cha's legs bent slightly.

Corpse flower and leaf brake are also very tacit understanding, feel leaf brake ready to force, that vine immediately forward a throw, cooperate with leaf brake force, and then leaf brake body will fly forward.


Ye Cha's body fell on the other side of the river like a cannon ball. With one palm on the ground, he rolled and unloaded his strength.

The leaf brake didn't stay too much and ran towards the front immediately.

A moment later, ye Cha finally caught up with those figures.

There are a lot of figures. There are two groups of them. They are playing a good chase.

"The sweeper?"

One of the two pursuers is obviously the same kind of Ford and Serena. They look like human beings in appearance, but they are covered with crystals of various colors.

These people are old and young, but also some young people are resisting, and even mixed with a few people who have not changed because of radiation.

As for the other side, there is no doubt that they are all from CommScope. Ye Cha also saw some partially corpsed people among them. If there is no accident, they should be members of the cleaning force of CommScope.

"CommScope is here all of a sudden?" Ye Cha pondered and said: "it seems that the so-called transaction is to be changed or cancelled?"


The leaf Cha side says, at the same time hit a ring finger.

The sand of the earth kept shaking, and then a corpse flower vine came out from the bottom of the earth.

Ye Cha said: "stop those people. In addition, let the little cat and the consul search around to see if there are any people who are chased by CommScope. If they can't be saved, the body will turn into a crystal and then swallow it and hide it. Do you understand?"

The corpse flower vine swayed for a while, then quickly dived into the ground and went forward.

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