death train

Chapter 1286

The people of CommScope are pursuing. Although there are some people who can take part in the battle, there are obviously more people who need to be taken care of. There are more than a dozen people who are old, weak, sick and disabled, so there is no possibility of escape.

"I'll see how long you can run."

A man with a corpse on his whole arm gave a sneer, and then hit a crystal on his side. After blowing the crystal out of a big hole, he lifted the crystal up directly and threw it forward.

However, at this moment, under the crystal, the corpse flower vine suddenly jumped out, directly wrapped around each other's neck before the other side reacted.

A sudden drop in air.

Senbo's cold suddenly appeared from the vine, quickly wrapped each other's body.

Click, click!

The crisp sound suddenly appeared, slowly, the cold frost quickly appeared, quickly covered each other's body, a layer of hard frost spread.

"You guys, I haven't brought anyone to trouble you, but I brought them to your door first." Ye Cha came up from the rear and said, "forget it. Anyway, there is a task to clean up the troops in the crew's task, so let's finish it easily."

The leaf Cha swings hand, that corpse flower vine then suddenly tightens, immediately accompanies the ice frost's fragmentation, the other party's body becomes one by one falls on the ground.

A member of the cleaning force turned around, looked at Ye Cha coldly and said, "who are you?"

Ye Cha said: "they are all dying people. Why ask so clearly?"

Leaf Cha forward a shake hand, behind suddenly gush black iron sand, toward the other party shrouded in the past.

The right hand of the member of the cleaning force is his weapon. The whole arm is completely corpsed, and there are countless bone spines in the arm, with one eye pupil after another.

Facing the iron sand flying forward, he gave convenience a hard blow.

There was a hole in the sand.

Just, the next moment


The member of the cleaning force screamed, covered his arm and kept retreating.

Purplish red blood along the arm, constantly flowing down, dripping on the ground.

The iron sand of Ye Cha is extremely sharp, not easy to touch. Moreover, even if the iron sand is smashed, what can it do?

Under the control of magnetic force, the scattered iron sand quickly floats again, turns into a stream, and rushes towards the other side again.


The member of the cleaning force didn't even react. There was a blood hole in his chest, which was directly penetrated by iron sand.

"Well?" Ye Cha frowned and said, "it's not a task?"

Ye Cha killed one person, and Shi Hua also killed one person, but the mysterious voice did not appear as expected, which naturally means that ye Cha's task schedule has not changed.

Ye Cha tilted his head and recalled it, as if the task of the steward was to kill the cleaning team members of CommScope, while the task of the dead car members was to kill the cleaning team members.

"Is there a difference between the two?" Ye Cha looked at the corpse on the ground and said, "no wonder it's so weak."

As a special armed force superior to the three dragons team, the cleaning force of CommScope has a good strength because of its ability to corpse in a short period of time. Although most Ye Cha doesn't pay much attention to the leaders of the cleaning Force squadron, they are not so weak. They can be killed face to face.

Ye Cha swept from the rest of the members of the cleaning force, and found that all of them could only be partially corpsed, and none of them was completely corpsed.

At first, ye Cha thought that it was the other party who left the force, because the corpse state of the cleaning troops had sequelae, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, but the other party can only partially corpse.

And the corpse of the cleaning troops is similar to that of the alien humans. The degree of corpse depends on the strength to a great extent.

Ye Cha finally came to understand that the so-called cleaning units were actually defective products of failed corpse experiments?

When ye Cha thought about it, he immediately relaxed. If there were four or five members of the cleaning force, the battle would still be a little troublesome. If he didn't show some skills, he was afraid that he would not be able to handle it easily.

But if it's defective

"The truth is disappointing. "Ye Cha put down his hand and said," can't you even warm me up? "

One of the members of the cleaning force yelled at Ye Cha again: "who are you?"

Ye Cha said: "after you know who I am, can you kill me?"


At the moment of Ye chayan's fall, the corpse flower vine suddenly launched a sneak attack and appeared from the rear. It pierced the other side's calf. It didn't wait for the other side to shout, but also strangled the other side's neck and kept tightening.

Since it was impossible to communicate, or that is to say, ye Cha didn't mean to communicate with the other party at all, so that the other party finally felt it. Ye Cha was going to kill them all.Then, any words have no meaning.

Two members of the cleaning force rushed towards Ye Cha from left to right. At the moment when they came to Ye Cha, one member of the cleaning force raised his fist to bombard, but was blocked by iron sand.

But the next moment!

The member of the cleaning force opened his mouth, his head cracked like petals, and the edge was dense with teeth like serrations, biting towards yecha. The meat pieces even planned to wrap yecha's head directly.

"Don't touch me with such disgusting things."

Ye Cha casually put out his hand to grab it, and then took out a black sand sword from the floating iron sand and chopped it down to the other side's neck.

Hand up, sword down!

The black iron sand kept shaking, making a harsh sound, and at the same time, it became extremely sharp.


The next moment, the sound of the blade into the meat sounded, and then the other side's head fell down and rolled to one side.

But ye Cha didn't stop. He immediately took back the iron sand sword, because there was a member of the cleaning troops on the other side.


Another member of the sword in the fierce sound again.

The other side clenched his teeth and showed obvious ferocity on his face. When the iron sand sword stabbed the other side in the waist, the other side suddenly reached out to hold the iron sand sword.

Almost for a moment, the other side's palm was not cut into flesh and blood, but still refused to release the iron sand sword.

Injury for injury!

Ye Cha instantly understood what the other party wanted to do, and then with a cruel smile, he directly released the iron sand sword, and then jumped away to the back, about three meters away from the other party.

Ye Cha can see the consternation on the other side's face, obviously didn't expect that ye Cha would abandon the weapon so easily.

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