death train

Chapter 1287

It is obviously unwise to discard weapons in battle, but it depends on what weapons are!

The next moment, the iron sand sword in the opponent's hand turned back to iron sand, just like water, pouring down from the palm of the opponent's hand, leaving only an expression of amazement.


Back to the black sand, the iron sand rushed forward, aiming at the position of the heart and penetrating the other side's heart.


The sound of the body falling to the ground appeared.

Ye Cha looked back and saw that the last member of the cleaning force was dead, and his neck was broken by the corpse flower. There were also some scattered armed personnel who cooperated with the members of the cleaning force to pursue, which was not worth mentioning. Naturally, they were all cleaned up by the corpse flower.

Ye Cha walked towards the group of people, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled hugged each other, their bodies trembled, and some who could fight were close to Ye Cha, showing their vigilance.

"one has the final say." Seeing that no one responded, yecha said again, "I have an agreement with a man named Ford that he will help you migrate."

At the mention of Ford's name, the other party finally had a reaction, and a man came out from behind.

Men about 50 years old, some thin, body is full of colorful crystal block, between the eyebrows and eyes looks a little familiar feeling.

"I've heard of you." The man said, "my name is Montero. You can take me as the leader of these people for a while."

Ye Cha thought and said, "Serena?"

Montero was stunned, and then he looked a little sad and said, "I'm Serena's father."

Ye Cha said: "what happened?"

"All of a sudden, CommScope attacked us, and that's what it is," Montero said

Ye Cha said, "what about the others?"

"Most of them were taken, including my daughter." Montero said, "let's talk as we walk. I need to settle in."

The brake leaf also has no opinion.

Montero led the crowd to get up quickly and continue to leave, then walked side by side with yecha and said, "in fact, CommScope can destroy us at any time."

Ye Cha agrees with this view. Although these people have changed because of radiation, it's no problem to deal with a handful of zombies. Even because of the strong defense of crystal block, it's no problem to deal with some pure physical attack zombies.

However, it is obviously impossible to resist the impact of CommScope. The armed forces dispatched by CommScope can form a crushing force in terms of individual combat power and number of people.

Therefore, yecha knew that Montero's words had the following.

Sure enough, Montero continued, "we're like sheep in captivity. CommScope wants to get those crystals and knows that they can grow. So they made an agreement with the tiger camp to turn the tiger camp into a shepherd. They attack regularly and get the crystals. It's like pulling wool."

Ye Cha said: "well, why do you want to kill sheep now?"

Montero said: "I don't know. If I knew, how could they sneak on me and make me so miserable, but what experiment might it be related to?"

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Montero said: "the people from CommScope invaded the nuclear power plant. During the fighting, I heard a woman from CommScope talking with Vincent, the leader of tiger camp. Vincent didn't understand why he wanted to eradicate us directly. The woman's answer was that the experiment was in a critical period and needed a lot of energy supply."

Ye Cha said: "does energy supply refer to these abnormal crystals?"

"They didn't mention it, but I think it is. After all, they are here to grab it," Montero said

Ye Cha said: "well, have you been robbed?"

Montero said: "yes, most of the crystals in the nuclear power plant have been poached, and what is left is what the other side doesn't want and what is made in the fight with us."

Ye Cha said, "where's the body?"

Montero said, "it's taken away, too."

The leaf Cha low scolds a way: "son of a bitch."

"I'm sorry, Ford's deal with you can't be fulfilled, because we have nothing to give you now," Montero said

Ye Cha swept Montero coldly and said, "no, there are more than twenty people here. If I kill you, I can still get a lot of things, can't I?"

Goo Doo!

Montero stirred his throat and felt the feeling of terror. He could clearly feel that yecha was not joking. That kind of strong killing intention didn't appear when he was joking.

Ye Cha said: "so, don't play such tricks in front of me. I know what you are thinking and why you say these words."

Montero's eyes twitched and finally nodded.

What does Montero want? He just wanted to lure yecha to snatch the crystal that was taken away by CommScope and save his companion.Unfortunately, the old man is obviously not a qualified schemer. The smell of inducement and temptation in his words is too strong.

But can CommScope really let it go?

"Do you want to rob my things?"

Ye Cha sneered in his heart. Although this idea is not reasonable, after reaching an agreement with Ford, ye Cha classified the congratulations in the nuclear power plant as his own. How dare those bastards rob their own things?

Secondly, since the steward's task is directional to the members of the cleaning force, ye Cha would have to go to CommScope for trouble, and the task still has to be completed.

Yecha looked at Montero and said, "I want to know the current situation. How long ago did the fighting start? Who were captured? What about the people at CommScope? "

"The battle started last night, lasted about three hours, and we were all defeated. Then the people from CommScope dug up the crystal and carried away the body. If there was no accident, it would be back to tiger camp," Montero said

Ye Cha said: "are you sure? Will you just leave

Montero said: "I'm sure that because of the need to excavate crystals, the other party got a lot of excavation equipment yesterday, but there are not many transport vehicles, so it's impossible to drive the excavator to leave, right? Definitely going to tiger camp for transfer. "

"Good." Ye Cha said: "you still have five minutes to prepare, and then take me to tiger camp."

Montero said: "it's not safe here. I want to save people, but it's more important than those who haven't been captured. I have to settle them and even search for other people who have escaped."

"You think I'm asking for your opinion?" Ye Cha said: "you can choose to take me to the tiger camp, or I will kill all the others and force you to take me to the tiger camp, understand?"

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