death train

Chapter 1288

Montero was obviously the kind of person who knew the current affairs very well. He thought a little and said, "I'll explain it."

Ye Cha said: "hurry up, I don't have much time, and I think you really want to save people, so don't delay too long, because you don't have much time to delay."

"I understand." Montero nodded and said, "it will be fine soon. It won't take long."

The leaf brake doesn't matter to swing a hand, slightly some cloth is impatient.

Montero whispered a few words to other people. It seemed that he was admonishing and arranging. At the same time, he felt like saying his last words. Obviously, Montero didn't think yecha could do anything by himself, but he came back to yecha.

Montero has the meaning of shirking, not that he doesn't want to save people, but that he is afraid that yecha will force the rest of the people to participate in the battle, and even treat them as cannon fodder.

But if only Montero himself, Montero has the will to fight. After all, Serena is her daughter, and Serena is in the hands of CommScope.

Ye Cha can fully guess Montero's mind, and even, ye Cha knows that this guy has played a little trick, Montero thinks his voice is very low.

Unfortunately, yecha's physical strength also brought about the improvement of five senses. Yecha clearly heard Montero's advice to others.

One of them is to find other people, do not let them go to the tiger camp to save people.

Obviously, under the attack of CommScope, there are more people escaping. Ye Cha's eyes are not all of them. The other party just separated.

However, ye Cha doesn't care.

Instead of getting some helpers who are not very useful, ye Cha thinks it's more important to fight for time. Don't delay the time. CommScope ran away with things, and then the bamboo basket came to nothing.

"Lead the way." Ye Cha said, "how long can I get to tiger camp?"

"I know where to find a car," Montero said. "About three or four hours is enough to drive."

Ye Cha said: "what are you waiting for? Let's go

Montero's car doesn't go to some places to look for it. After all, this place is not a city, it's not a place where people gather, and it's hard to see the cars here.

The nuclear power plant was originally equipped with some vehicles, but it was almost destroyed when zombies attacked the plant.

Otherwise, there will be enough vehicles and enough food and water. These people who have changed because of radiation have already left here.

Unfortunately, they are short of vehicles, food and even gasoline.

Montero said that they hid the car in advance so that it could be used in some special circumstances.

The car is an old jeep, but it's OK to drive.

Along the river toward the downstream direction, soon, ye Cha saw the so-called tiger camp.

This tiger camp is really different, at least from yecha's impression of survivor human camp.

First of all, the scale of the tiger camp is much smaller than that of most of the survivors' human camps. Second, the construction method is adopted. The tiger camp is built like a military camp.

"The founder of tiger camp is a great man. I don't know what to say. He has some unique and eccentric abilities. Moreover, I think he built tiger camp for the support of CommScope," Montero said beside yecha

Ye Cha nodded, which can be seen from those buildings.

Those buildings are all mosaic buildings. In short, they are built like models. After they are disassembled, they are alloy steel plates one by one.

This is not something that can be found everywhere. Obviously, only with the support of CommScope can this be achieved.

At the same time, yecha picked up the telescope and saw the target.

The tiger camp is very busy, carrying things constantly, including those human beings who have changed their lives. They have shackles on their hands and feet. Yecha even saw Serena in it.

"It looks like they're going to abandon the tiger camp." Ye Cha thought and said, "it's normal. They have taken what they want. There's no reason to stay in the radiation zone."

"What should we do?" Montero said nervously

Ye Cha said: "don't do anything, go in, kill people, take things, as for..."

Yecha gave Montero a cruel look.

Ye Cha said: "it doesn't matter to me how you save people. It's all your consideration whether you can save people or not. After all, you have no capital to trade with me."

For yecha, Montero is a guide. It's enough to bring him to tiger camp. Yecha doesn't expect Montero to help him fight.

Yecha won't help Montero save people. Of course, Montero seizes the opportunity to give people out. That's Montero's ability. Yecha doesn't care. Strictly speaking, yecha at least gives Montero a chance to save people.However, before starting, ye Cha contacted the landlady first.

After all, the tiger camp has a lot of manpower, and the cleaning force of CommScope is in. How much is still a headache. Therefore, ye Cha has to find some help for himself.

"I have a very important piece of information to offer." Ye Cha said seriously: "at present, the abnormal crystals, especially the high-quality abnormal crystals, have hit a place called Tiger camp. We should take this as our goal."

The landlady instantly understood what ye Cha was up to, rolled her eyes and said, "are you taking this as your goal?"

Ye Cha laughed and said, "at least I didn't lie."

The landlady said, "you just say that I want to spread the news for you. What do you do when you say that in a dignified way?"

Ye Cha said: "they can also find the change crystal for mutual benefit. Don't say I'm insidious. The task completion is higher and the change crystal is more. Everyone will be satisfied. As for whether more people will die because of this, do you care? Does the conductor care? Does the death train care? "

The landlady said with ease, "anyway, I see what you mean."

Ye Cha said: "it's better, but let's do it first."

When ye Cha finished his communication with the boss's wife, his idea was very simple, that is to create chaos. When more and more people arrive at the tiger camp, it will naturally become more and more chaotic.

Of course, ye Cha has to burn the fire first. If those people arrive at the tiger camp and find it orderly, they will be on the sidelines. But if the battle has started, there is no doubt that everyone will take part in the battle. Otherwise, they can only eat leftovers, and no one wants to lag behind.

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