death train

Chapter 1290

All friendly alien creatures have dragon attribute!

Ye Cha made such a choice, there is a reason is to avoid the obvious defect of corpse flower!

Almost at the moment when the flag was put down, the ground roared again.

A huge crack reappeared, almost through a third of the tiger camp area, and then the main flower of corpse flower slowly rose from the ground.

The appearance of the main flower has changed!

The leaves around the flowers open to all sides, with fine serrations on the edge. The main flower in the center is half open and half closed, just like a dragon head. A red stamen comes out and falls to the ground, just like a dragon's tongue.

At the same time, the creeps of corpse flowers surging around are now showing fine lines, which look like dragon scales. The front end of the vine splits and turns into a mouth by mouth.

The next moment, the temperature in the air drops sharply.

A few corpse flower vines at the same time, began to spray out a crazy silver cold wave.

The cold wave fell on the burning corpse flower vines, quickly extinguished the flame, fell to the ground, quickly frozen the ground, and fell on those armed people around, naturally creating ice sculptures one by one!

This is the reason why Ye Cha needs Long Wei Nu scale. Although Long Wei Nu scale can't directly change the material, it doesn't mean that corpse flower is not a plant under the action of Long Wei Nu scale.

However, with the Dragon attribute, it can not only strengthen the corpse flower, but also reduce the weakness of the corpse flower that is afraid of fire as a plant, which is enough for yecha.

"Absolutely!" Ye Cha looked at the ground and murmured, "destroy here."

Ye Cha's voice is very small, and is looking at the ground to say, but ye Cha is very clear, corpse flower can hear his words, will also respond.


Suddenly, a huge corpse flower vine swept toward the side, and then a building was directly penetrated by the corpse flower vine. With the movement of the corpse flower vine, the building was cut.

Countless debris fell, hit the ground, making a huge noise, and the building collapsed.

At the same time, since the main flower appeared, it also means that the corpse flower moved the real thing, otherwise the main flower would not appear easily.

If fire is the weakness of corpse flower, the main flower is the fatal wound.

When the corpse flower grows to its full body, its regeneration ability is terrible. It doesn't matter how many roots the corpse flower vines have broken. As long as the main flower is still there, new vines will grow in ten days and a half months.

And killing the main flower is the only way to kill the corpse flower.

However, the main flower which is so easy to kill!

In terms of tiger camp and CommScope, it is obvious that zombies are not new to the plant corpse flower, at least some of its characteristics are well understood.

So, the other side is very decisive to use the burning bottle, and in the main flower appeared, immediately someone loud command, toward the main flower launched a charge.

But in this moment

A strange fragrance suddenly filled the air.

The main flower is constantly swinging left and right, and then the yellow and white spores begin to spread wildly in the air.

With the spread of spores and fragrance, those armed men could not rush to the main flower at all, and the burning bottle in their hands could not be thrown out, so they felt dizzy.

Poop, poop, poop!

Those armed men fell to the ground one after another, straight to the ground, unconscious.

Then, the corpse flower again like a beast exposed its tusks, the main flower continued to open and close, countless green liquid was sprayed out.

Corrosion solution!

If the solution falls to the ground, it will immediately make a "hiss" sound, continuously emit white smoke, and fall on those people around

Ye Cha watched with his own eyes that the flesh and blood of an armed man disappeared in a very short time and turned into a white bone. Even after the white bone collapsed on the ground, the bone was constantly corroded.

In the end, all traces of the other party in the world are wiped out.

Ye Cha just stood in the corner, leaning against a pile of material boxes, looking like a good play.

Ye Cha didn't expect that the corpse flower had already been so strong after she tried her best.

Because the main flower is the Achilles' heel, ye Cha usually doesn't let the main flower appear on the ground easily even if it limits the strength of corpse flower.

If there are only vines, the strength of corpse flower will be greatly weakened, and the attack mode is relatively monotonous. However, it is undeniable that corpse flower will be very safe and almost impossible to be completely killed.

However, at the moment, ye Cha feels that it seems appropriate to let the main flower of the corpse flower appear. It's nothing to show the strength of the corpse flower thoroughly. His protection of the corpse flower is too much. Now the corpse flower can't be killed so easily.

"Found it!"

At this time, a sound suddenly sounded behind the leaf brake, which attracted the attention of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha turned his head and saw a black man with a bald head. His figure was not very strong, but his muscles were very clear, and he felt explosive.Ye Cha said with a smile, "are you looking for me?"

The other side pointed to the corpse flower way: "you make of ghost, right?"

Ye Cha said, "so what."

"I know where you come from, so I know it's impossible for you to stop it, but I also know how to stop it and kill you," he said

Suddenly, the other side pulled out a large caliber revolver from the back of his waist and pulled the trigger towards the leaf brake.


The huge gun sound appeared, the leaf brake dodged, the bullet hit the material box, and directly flew the material box full of ammunition.

The black man grinned, showed his white teeth and said, "kill you, and that thing will stop."

Ye Cha came out from the other side of the stacked material box and said, "who are you?"

"You're not good at intelligence." The other side grinned and said, "come to my site and make trouble. I don't know who I am."

Ye Cha tilted his head and said, "Vincent?"

Yecha vaguely remembers that Montero mentioned the name and called him the leader of the tiger camp.

Vincent raised his gun again and said, "yes, it's me, the guy from the death train!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Vincent said as he pulled the trigger toward the brake.

Ghost step!

Ye Cha's figure flashed quickly, avoiding Vincent's shooting. At the same time, he was surprised that this guy knew he was from the death train?

At the same time, Vincent shot all six rounds of the revolver without filling it. He abandoned the revolver, took something from his back pocket and threw it in the direction of the leaf brake.

Magic salute!

Vincent threw out something, which turned out to be a three gun salute. With three bangs, it suddenly exploded around the leaf brake, and the smoke filled all around. Then, without waiting for the leaf brake to react, three spring hands suddenly appeared.

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