death train

Chapter 1291

The three spring hands are the common ones in the trickery box, but they are usually spring fists in the trickery box, and now they are spring hands.

The three spring hands quickly pinched the two arms of the leaf brake, followed the thigh of the leaf brake, and there was nothing behind the spring, but the leaf brake felt like it was really caught, and wanted to break free, but felt great force.

"I see." Ye Cha said: "you are also a person on the death train. No, you used to be a person on the death train."

This kind of strange props is usually sold only on the death train. The Apostle may also walk, but the other party is obviously not the apostle, so there is only one answer left.

This guy is from the death train, but since he doesn't take part in this mission but is the leader of tiger camp, it can't be this station that got off the death train, it can only be once.

Vincent grinned: "I once won the first place in the battle of death carriage. Although I have been away for a long time, you are still not my opponent..."

Before Vincent's words came down, the leaf brake suddenly started again. This time, it used several times as much force as before. The three spring hands were directly broken, and even the spring was broken.

Vincent's pupils shrank in surprise as he went to bed.

"Number one in the battle of death?" Ye Cha sneered: "do you know who I am?"

Ye Cha suddenly stretched out his hand to Vincent, and his fingers became claws.

Catch the dragon and crane, catch the dragon!

Strong suction appeared, Vincent's body was stiffly sucked in the past, ye Cha pinched Vincent's throat, and then hit him hard toward the ground.

Bang, the ground made a loud noise, and Vincent's back gave him a crack.

Ye Cha looked at Vincent and said, "I'm the purser!"

Ye Cha's attack is not over yet. As soon as he shakes his hand, he throws Vincent to the ground and makes Vincent roll continuously on the ground.

The next moment

High wind!

At the same time, with the ghost step, ye Cha almost caught up with Vincent in the blink of an eye, and then raised his foot to step down towards Vincent.


When ye Cha's paw fell on Vincent, Vincent opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Dwayne." Vincent cried in pain, "help me, help me..."

When Vincent said the word "steward" in yecha, he changed from self-confidence to despair.

Vincent left the death train after the death train rebellion. He saw the landlady rescue and suppress the guy who wanted to launch the rebellion at will. At the same time, he deeply felt the power and terror of the landlady.

But the landlady didn't stop anyone from leaving, so Vincent left the death train.

But the feeling of fear will not disappear because of leaving, or it is only temporary.

Purser? This should be similar to the boss's wife, right?

This is the only idea in Vincent's head. The rest is to ask for help. He doesn't ask for someone to kill the leaf brake, as long as someone can appear to resist the leaf brake and let him escape.

And then

Vincent felt the fear he had.

Ye Cha said: "Dwayne? He's the captain of the cleaning team, isn't he? It's him, isn't it? Although he looks like he's not easy to recognize now. "

Vincent looked at the place pointed by yecha, and then felt like his heart had stopped.

Where is a strange zombie standing there, wiping a bloody dagger, and at the foot of the zombie, there are a lot of corpses, a cat like dog like beast is eating, eating very happily.

Suddenly, the beast's tail swung, and a head turned over. It just touched Vincent's eyes. It was a familiar face.

"I'm sorry." Ye Cha bent over and pinched Vincent's throat and said, "I'm afraid no one can save you."


Crisp crack sound sounded, neck bone was completely twisted by leaf brake.

When you kill the defector who doesn't know how to be grateful, reward: magic hand salute X6

when you kill the defector who doesn't know how to be grateful, additional reward: Gold skull coin X5

Ye Cha grinned, looked at the body and said, "five gold skull coins are really valuable."

After Vincent is eliminated, ye Cha looks around and finds that the tiger camp is more chaotic.

Corpse flower is the main maker of chaos. At the same time, because it is the most conspicuous, it is undoubtedly the main target. But ye Cha is very keen to find that corpse flower is not the only invader.

A lot of people on the dead train arrived!

Most of these guys are thieves. They don't deliberately make a big noise, but they secretly kill people there, especially when they catch the constant attack of CommScope.

After all, it's important to collect crystals, but one of the targets is CommScope's sweep force and its units.Of course, those who sneak in don't forget to collect changeful crystals. Since they want to complete the task, of course, they can't do less than one.

So that's the real reason for more chaos.

The chaos created by the attack on Shi Hua was deliberately calmed under the command, at least to calm down the armed men and to jointly attack or defend.

However, if the company around is unknowingly killed, it is another matter, invisible enemy, is the most palpitating.

In the end, the reason for the confusion was that Montero and his men began to counterattack.

Montero really saved a lot of the captured human beings.

There is hatred on both sides. The second thing is to kill. If you want to escape from here, those who can fight will join the fight immediately.

Most importantly, the tiger camp has a large number of mutant crystals that CommScope has seized back!

The more crystals there are, the more capable these people will be.

Boom, boom, boom!

The roaring sound is constantly ringing, as if it won't stop at all. Then huge crystals are constantly rising, all over the tiger camp.

And these are the chaos that Yasha wants.

"It's almost time to do it."

Ye Cha murmured, very satisfied with the current situation, and then walked to the side.

Came to the side of a material car, opened the back door of the car and saw that there were crystal bodies inside.

The leaf brake will close the door and quickly move to the driver's seat.

When the corpse flower was rampant, the consul and the little cat were not idle. They sneaked in and found what ye Cha wanted. Then they just left here.

Ye Cha jumps into the driver's seat and drives quickly. At present, everyone's attention is on corpse flower. Ye Cha doesn't want to let corpse flower leave so soon, so he can be rampant for a while. By that time, ye Cha has already run away.

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