death train

Chapter 1297

"That's right." Ye Cha suddenly said, "is owl a nocturnal creature?"

The landlady said, "owls are also divided into different kinds. Snow owls mostly live in the Arctic. They can move at night and day, not at night."

Ye Cha put his heart down. Don't buy it. As a result, if he doesn't work during the day, he will have a lot of fun. After all, he must spend more time in the day than at night.

Ye Cha said: "that's it. Come to me when you have news at the next station."

"Yes," said the landlady

The leaf Cha prepares to leave, suddenly again rings what way: "can I intercept those crystals?"? Then please help me convert it into electricity. "

The landlady said with a smile, "lightning strike?"

Ye Cha nodded.

Lightning can make the battery convenient to use, but it needs to be charged, and the charging method is too slow. It's not easy to charge the battery in Dr. Davis's laboratory, and it's almost used up.

The proprietress smiles and reaches out to Ye cha. Ye Cha helplessly puts 20 gold skull coins into the proprietress's palm.

The landlady said, "come and get it tomorrow."

Ye Cha said, "good."

After leaving the dining car and returning to his personal carriage, ye Cha casually put down his hand, and the God of ice and snow flew to the head of the bed and stood, while ye Cha leaned down at the head of the bed.

In fact, the task of this station is not as troublesome as expected. The consumption of the leaf brake is not big, and there is no troublesome battle, so there is no need to rest.

If there is enough time, yecha can even use the rest of the time to go around, but since the landlady has given advance notice of the next station's task, and reminded yecha that the next station should be a troublesome task.

Ye Cha is honest and energetic, and can make some preparations, such as filling up the battery effect caused by lightning strike.


After a few days' rest, the landlady made a device for the leaf brake by using the variant crystal, which can effectively convert the crystal energy into electric energy, and then it can be absorbed by the battery.

Then, ye Cha's door was knocked suddenly.

Ye Cha opened the door and found Nie Po standing at the door with a gloomy face.

Ye Cha wondered: "what's the matter?"

Nie po said, "there's a little trouble."

"Come in and say." Ye Cha let Nie Po into the door, poured a cup of water on the tea table, and then said: "what's the matter?"

Nie po said: "Shentu Shufei is dead. I killed him."

The leaf Cha "Oh" a, don't what express, because this matter is leaf Cha let Nie break to do, now finished, should calculate a good thing.

The reason for killing Shen Tu Shufei is very simple. Ye Cha infers that he is Gan Lin's man, so he killed him ahead of time to avoid an unpredictable X factor.

Nie po said: "the problem is that he is not Gan Lin's person."

Ye Cha said: "wrong? That's wrong. What's the big deal? "

Even if ye Cha's inference is wrong, he just killed the wrong person. Ye Cha doesn't think there's any problem. Anyway, life on the death train is worthless.

Nie po said, "he's from Sumer."

The leaf Cha Leng next way: "what?"

Nie po said: "literally."

Ye Cha frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

Nie po said: "I don't understand, but I can be sure that he's not from Ganlin, but from Sumer. I feel..."

Nie Po is helpless.

Nie po said: "we have been cheated by Gan Lin again."

Ye Cha has the impulse to vomit blood, just to prevent Gan Lin from pitching himself, so he wants to kill Shen Tu Shufei. Originally, ye Cha wants to observe.

And instead of killing them, they fell into the pit?

Nie po said: "I guess Shen Tu Shufei's identity is probably a double agent."

Yecha thought for a moment and said, "samer thought Shentu Shufei was his man, and Ganlin thought Shentu Shufei was her man, and then he became my man again. Whose man is he? How do you feel so tongue twister

Nie Po tilted his head and said: "it should be samer's people, and then he was sent to Gan Lin's side as a spy, but Gan Lin probably saw through this and directly threw Shentu Shufei to you. This makes sense, and it's not right..."

Nie Po pondered for a while, and his expression was painful. It was obvious that there was a feeling that brain cells were not enough.

Nie po said: "it may be the opposite. Ganlin sent Shentu Shufei to samer, and then sacrificed Shentu Shufei with Ganlin's temperament just to pit you and make you hostile to samer. It's completely possible."

Yecha thought for a while and said, "look at the posture. It's a matter of time before Samuel and Ganlin go to war. I don't want to be dragged into the mire. It's better for them to lose both sides. Do you think it's OK to explain to Samuel?"

Nie Po hugged his head in pain and said, "I'm afraid I can't. After I kill Shentu Shufei, I kill Wesker."

Ye Cha said, "who is that?"Nie po said: "samer's ability is average, not samer's strong steward, but they have a good friendship with samer. When they were both stewards, they had a long time together."

Ye Cha patted his forehead and said, "how could you kill him?"

Nie po said: "I killed Shen Tu Shufei, and then because of this, he wanted to kill me. I can't stand up and let him kill me. I wanted to save his life. Who the hell knows that this guy is a mirror man with his heart on the right side. I shot him in the right chest and killed him."

Ye Cha is also half mad by this word, is there such a coincidence!

After pondering for a while, ye Cha said, "please."

It's not impossible to explain, but it depends on Samuel's attitude.

Yecha doesn't know much about Samur. However, if Samur's original intention is to fight Ganlin for the sake of Jones, it means that Samur should be more emotional and emotional.

If Samuel is such a temper, it is basically impossible to explain.

The most important thing is that Nie Po did not kill one, but two.

It's like slapping someone with a slap and then slapping them with a backhand. If there is only the first slap, it can be interpreted as careless, but the second slap is still careless. Who believes it?

Anyway, this matter falls on Ye cha. Ye Cha certainly doesn't believe it.

What's more, Samuel didn't believe in yecha at all. He once hinted at yecha. His meaning was very clear. He didn't expect yecha to help himself, but he hoped that yecha would not help each other at least.

This puts clearly is to suspect leaf Cha to have an affair with Gan Lin, just can make such hint.

"Son of a bitch."

The leaf Cha thought for a while, finally break to scold a.

Ye Cha doesn't know how Gan Lin can do it, but there are many times when he can't figure out something about that woman, but as a result, Nie Po seems to be right, and he seems to be trapped again.

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