death train

Chapter 1298

Ye Cha feels that he is quite unjust this time. He didn't do anything. This matter is completely handed over to Nie Po. As a result, he can deal with such a result.

Sigh, it's useless to throw this black pot to Nie Po. Do you want to hand Nie Po over and tell Samuel that Nie Po did everything by himself?

It's really a way, but ye Cha won't do it. It's not because of shamelessness or friendship with Nie Po. Instead, it's a sign of weakness.

With Ye Cha's character, he would never be willing to show weakness to others.

"I messed up this time. I should find something wrong with Shen Tu Shufei." Nie po said: "the question is what to do now? Although there is no movement in Samuel's side, it is estimated that it will not pass. When he does, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome. "

Ye Cha said: "don't blame yourself. If it's really Gan Lin's good thing, this is what she wants. It's also aimed at me. It's nothing to do with you."

Ye Cha finally understands that Gan Lin has proposed an alliance with him a while ago. Knowing that he can't promise, he has vowed to make an alliance.

This woman is obviously ready!

If yecha turns against Samur, either Samur will kill yecha or yecha will kill samer. Then yecha will certainly cooperate with Ganlin. After all, yecha has a common enemy.

Nie po said: "however, we should still have time. Samer and Ganlin don't deal with each other. Now if you are included, he should not have the courage to deal with both of you at the same time."

Ye Cha's complexion becomes strange, looking at Nie Po and saying: "time may not be as much as you think."

Nie breaks a Leng way: "how?"

Ye Cha said: "at the next station, three purses will be sent out at the same time, which is an independent task of the purser. There will be no other dead members on the train. Of course, each purser can take four purses, a standard five person team."

Nie Po is also speechless. Is there such a coincidence in the world?

Nie po said: "that's a good opportunity for Samuel, because compared with you, he has been a steward for the shortest time."

The so-called inside information is multifaceted, but the most intuitive thing is the number and quality of the crew members under hand. In this respect, the longer you have been a steward, the more advantages you will have.

However, if only four people are selected from the bottom of the hand to fight head-on, Samuel will be in a weak position, or this advantage will disappear.

Ye Cha shook his head and said, "you don't understand me."

Nie Po doubts a way: "how?"

Ye Cha said: "you didn't think it was really five to five?"

Nie took a cold breath fiercely. It's reasonable. Samer and Ganlin didn't deal with each other. Now yecha seems to be on the opposite side of samer. It's not five to five, but five to ten. Samer is not in a weak position, but is doomed.

Ye Cha said with a smile: "I don't mind if there is one less purser on the death train. Anyway, it's not without one. Moreover, it seems good to let him follow Jones's footsteps from the way his companion once walked."

Nie po said: "you have made up your mind to kill him?"

Ye Cha said: "I really want to sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight and let him fight with Gan Lin, so that I am the real beneficiary. However, since the situation has changed, I naturally need to change my strategy."

Ye Cha picked up the cup and drank it up.

"My world is actually very simple." Ye Cha said: "either a friend or an enemy, there is no third choice. Since he can no longer be a friend, even if he has not become an enemy, I can only kill him before he becomes an enemy."

"It's like Ganlin's wish again." Nie Po was in a bad mood, and then he looked a little strange and said, "that woman won't count this as one of them, will she?"

"You mean the next stop, this..." Ye Cha hesitated for a moment and said, "it should be impossible. She can know where the next stop is before a few stops?"

Nie po said, "well, I can only say that samer is really unlucky."

Yecha shrugs. If things really go according to yecha's prediction, samer is almost dead. In yecha's opinion, if Ganlin has been on guard against samer for a long time, there is no reason to miss this excellent opportunity.

Nie po said: "in this case, I can feel at ease. By the way, not to mention samer, is it a big task to send out three purses at the next station? The apostles

Ye Cha said with a smile, "you have written your thoughts on your face."

Nie Po did not shy away from saying: "a big task certainly has many advantages, but to participate in such a task, of course, it needs strength. I don't think I lack that thing."

Ye Cha nods and selects one from his crew. If you only look at the strength, Nie Po is really the first choice.

Nie po said, "do you think of the other three people?"

Ye Cha said with a smile: "do you really directly think that you must occupy a quota? Well, count you in first. I haven't thought about the others yet. "

Nie Po Baji next mouth, thought for a long time way: "only consider the strength, the people under your hand is really difficult to choose, not the strength enough problem, but are too characteristic."It's hard to say whether it's strong or weak, because everyone has their own characteristics. It seems that every steward of the leaf brake has his own characteristics, and what he is good at is very distinct.

Ye Cha said: "if you take ye Yue, you must take Feilong. Ye Yue needs a regular bodyguard, or you can only take Feilong? The physical quality of that guy is hopeless when he is fighting hand to hand. This time, the target is mainly ancient species. There are many opportunities for hand to hand combat. "

Nie po said: "what about the little fat man? You are old friends with him

Ye Cha said: "it's better to take ye Yue with him. In this place with a large number of ancient species, I'm really afraid that his pile of bombs will cause some big trouble."

Nie po said: "the remaining strength is not enough?"

Ye Cha nods, Mu Yunjie and Du Lingling almost mean it.

Ye Cha thought and said, "where's Comus?"

Comus was already a strong king when he took part in the stewardess examination. He was the only seven king among the members who took part in the stewardess examination at that time.

Of course, at that time, homas only had the level of King Zun 1 star, and now it must be more than that. Generally speaking, homas has a good foundation. Although it's a short time to become a steward, it's strong enough before becoming a steward, and it's worth looking forward to.

Nie po said: "I don't know him very well, but he often mingles with Ye Yue. In addition, he has a good relationship with mu Jieyun probably because he participated in the flight attendant assessment together. If you want to know his situation, you'd better ask them."

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