death train

Chapter 130


Listening to the mysterious voice, ye Cha sat down on the ground, gasping. At the last moment, he was really hurt. There was no place in his body that didn't hurt.

After sitting for a long time, ye Cha felt better. Then he got up from the ground, swayed to the pickup truck, took out a bottle of mineral water and poured it into his mouth. He drank most of it in one breath, and then he lavishly drenched the rest of the bottle on his head.

After throwing the mineral water bottle aside, ye Cha pulled out his backpack from the co driver's seat, took out the box containing the corpse flower, went to the body of the Dragon bat, cut a hole, and put the blood of the Dragon bat into a sudden.

At the same time, after the blood was poured into the soil, the corpse flower seedlings wriggled quickly, and then grew rapidly with the speed visible to the naked eye.

The effect is much stronger than the flesh and blood of the golden scorpion.

Ye Cha naturally knows the reason. The reason lies in the Apocalypse reward.

When ye Cha kills the golden scorpion, the Apocalypse reward he gets is not the flesh and blood of the golden scorpion. Although it can be used to feed the corpse flower, it can't let the blood of ancient species penetrate into the seedling of the corpse flower.

The Dragon bat is different, because the Apocalypse reward Ye Cha gets is the half dragon blood of the Dragon bat. In this way, feeding the corpse flower seedlings with the blood of the Dragon bat will get twice the result with half the effort.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the rhizome of that corpse flower seedling directly grew to half a meter high. Originally, there was only one leaf at the top of the rhizome, but now it grew a fist sized bud.

Ye Cha reached for the bud and said, "remember the smell, I cultivated you."

In fact, corpse flower is not a pure plant, but a new form of organism through virus mutation, which is between plants and animals, and has a certain dog nature.

Keep in mind that the most instinctive way to feed a Tibetan mastiff is to feed a dog, even if it is a fierce dog.

Ye Cha said as he cut the meat from the body of the Dragon bat and put it in the flowerpot. Then he shook his body and got up and walked back to the pickup truck.

Because the rhizome directly grew to half a meter, the corpse flower seedlings have successfully passed the seedling stage, and should be in the juvenile stage at present. At the same time, they can no longer be put into the box. Ye Cha simply threw the corpse flower into the co driver's seat, and then drove on.

Along the way, the crazy Knight didn't catch up. On the way, yecha found a few scattered zombies, killed them with Alaska whaling fork, and cured them by sucking blood. Yecha felt much better and his pain was reduced.

Because of this, ye Cha is also very careful about the Alaska whaling fork. He can lose everything on his body, but the Alaska whaling fork must not be lost. It can really save lives at the critical moment.

After driving in the desert for two or three hours, it was getting brighter. Yecha found a small hill and sat down in the leeward position to have a rest.

Take out the corpse flower and see that the corpses of the Dragon bat have almost disappeared. At present, the flower bud of the corpse flower can't be opened and can't directly swallow the corpse. However, the soil of the corpse flower contains putrefaction, which can dissolve the corpse into nutrients.

When ye Cha carried the flowerpot, the root of the corpse flower was crooked, and the flower bud directly leaned against Ye Cha, without any aggressiveness. This is the performance of feeling the breath of Ye Cha and actively showing kindness.

Yecha touched the flower bud, then put the flower pot aside, took out the food and water, and a set of camping tableware, put up the pot directly, cooked the dried meat, and then began to eat and drink.

After having enough to eat and drink, ye Cha is also calculating.

According to the memory of the last life, yecha knew that it would take about 15 to 20 days to reach the surviving human concentration camp. At present, he has food and water, cars and fuel. As long as he doesn't get lost, it's not difficult to arrive all the way.

Although Ye Cha is still thinking about the task of killing the one eyed old man, frankly speaking, it's not easy to kill the old man. There are about 500 members of the crazy knight. Usually, even if they are scattered, half of them will stay with the one eyed old man.

It's too difficult to kill the one eyed old man under such circumstances. It's hard to have a second chance like last night.

However, ye Cha can't wait to see if he can't, so he has to give up. It's extremely difficult to finish all the tasks every time he arrives at the platform of the death train. Besides strength, he also needs a lot of luck.

However, ye Cha was very interested in the third task, killing three ancient species of silver 5 stars or more. After all, he killed the golden scorpion and the Dragon bat. The progress of this task has accumulated two-thirds. It's a pity if he gives up.

Ye Cha couldn't help murmuring, "where can I find the third ancient species?"

In yecha's last life, he killed several ancient species in the desert wasteland. There are many ancient species in this place. Otherwise, the death train would not have killed three ancient species at the desert wasteland station.It is true that the tasks given by the death train are accompanied by danger and can not be easily completed, but the death train never gives tasks that cannot be completed.

However, the problem is that it is useless even if ye Cha was killed. The activity zone of those ancient species is not fixed, and ye Cha does not know where to look.

Ye Cha is thinking. Suddenly, the sound of traffic interrupts Ye Cha's thinking.

Ye Cha looked up and saw an off-road vehicle in the desert.

Ye Cha immediately grasped the silver machete.

The off-road vehicle was obviously modified, with a large crash barrier at the front, a dense row of cones, and flame throwers on the roof.

Although the surviving human concentration camp's motorcade also refits the vehicle, otherwise the ordinary vehicle simply cannot drive in the desert for a long time.

However, this is obviously the style of crazy Knights refitting vehicles. Moreover, the vehicles of the surviving human concentration camp are always operated by teams and never left alone.

However, if there is only one car, it doesn't feel like the pursuit of a crazy knight. In other words, what can a car do to catch up with itself?

At the same time, the driver of the off-road vehicle seems to have found the existence of the leaf brake, suddenly turned a corner and drove towards the leaf brake.

The leaf Cha picked to pick eyebrow, unexpectedly took the initiative to deliver to come?

A moment later, the off-road vehicle stopped five or six meters away from the leaf brake, the door opened, and a man and a woman stepped down from the vehicle.

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