death train

Chapter 131

"Hello The man came to the position not far from the leaf brake and said, "do you have food and water?"

The woman quickly pulled the man and said, "sorry, his tone is not very good. If you can, can you give us some food and water?"

"Water, I have, food, I have." The leaf Cha disdains a way: "but what can you take out to exchange?"

The woman hesitated and said, "I'm sorry, we don't have anything, but we really need food and water."

"That's your business." Ye Cha said, "what does it have to do with me?"

The man clenched his fist and went to the woman and said, "don't talk nonsense to him. The desert should use the desert survival law to solve the problem."

"You're right."

Ye Cha suddenly laughs, and then the whole person rushes forward. Before the man reacts, ye Cha kicks his foot fiercely, directly on the man's chest, kicking the man to the ground.

"Don't move." Ye Cha pointed a gun at the man's head and said, "I'm very happy to solve the problem with the desert survival law."

The woman knelt down beside the man and said eagerly, "sorry, he didn't mean it. We'll leave now."

The woman tried to help the man up. At this time, ye Cha saw a tattoo on the neck from the man's collar.

Ye Cha said, "Shaya and briar?"

The man showed surprise, quickly protected the woman behind him and said, "who are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm not one eyed old man." Ye Cha pointed to the neck and said, "that's the sign of crazy knight."

The tattoo is a cross of two double knives. The blade is burning with fire. As long as you are a member of the crazy knight, you have this tattoo. Considering that it is a man and a woman, the answer is coming out.

"So, are you a survivor of a human concentration camp?" Blair hoped

In this desert, there are only two forces, one is the crazy knight, the other is the surviving human concentration camp. Since yecha does not admit that he is a one eyed old man, he is likely to be a concentration camp man.

"I'm sorry, neither." Ye Cha sat back on the ground and said, "you can treat me as a lonely traveler in the desert. I don't belong to any party. I just heard about you."


Blair's delicate face clearly showed disappointment.

Ye Cha said, "are you going to the surviving human concentration camp?"

Blair nodded and said, "it's only safe to go there. The one eyed old man is catching us."

Yecha said: "it's far away from the surviving human concentration camp. You can't get there without enough water and food."

"Yes, so if you're willing to give us some food and water, we'll pay you back when we get to the surviving human concentration camp," Blair said

"In return? Hehe, the food and water supply of the surviving human concentration camp are also very tight. You need to work and then get food according to the ratio. I don't think you can give me any reward when you get there. " Ye Cha laughed and said, "but I'm still willing to help you."

Blair's eyes lit up and said, "really?"

"Really." Ye Cha said: "but I'm not very kind-hearted. It's a trade. If I pay for food and water, you have to pay the same price."

Shaya immediately put Blair behind him and said, "boy, if you dare to do something wrong, I will never agree."

"You think too much." Ye Cha said, "I didn't want to do anything to your woman."

"What do you want us to pay? We have nothing now. "

Ye Cha said: "have you been following the one eyed old man in this desert for a long time? Do you know where there are monsters in this place? "

"Monster?" Xia Ya Leng after next, smile a way: "isn't everywhere?"

Ye Cha said: "I don't mean those zombies, but monsters like the Dragon bat beside the one eyed old man."

The concept of ancient species does not exist in this land. That is the name of death train. Yecha can only use examples to let xiaya understand what she wants.

Shaya frowned and said, "what do you want to do with those monsters?"

Ye Cha got up and said, "that's my business. As long as you take me to find a monster, I can give you three days' share of food and water. During the search, I will take care of the food and water. What do you think?"

Shaya thought and said, "yes, I know where to find those guys."

Ye Cha said: "don't promise so fast. If I know you are playing with me, or deliberately delay the search time for food and water, I will kill you."

"It will only take two days to go to the surviving human concentration camp, I'm sure," she said

The leaf Cha nods a way: "that does so."

Ye Cha said as he threw a bag of dried meat and several bottles of mineral water.There are two reasons why yecha is willing to pay for food and water. The first reason is that although he has the memory of the last life, he only knows that there are many ancient species in the desert wasteland, but he does not know the specific distribution area.

As a native of this desert, xiaya is obviously more familiar with all this, which can help yecha successfully find the third ancient species and complete the task of issuing the death train.

The second reason is the one eyed old man. At present, Shaya and Blair are being pursued by the one eyed old man. Although yecha failed once, he did not intend to give up the task of killing the one eyed old man.

With the two people in front of you, you may be able to find a new opportunity to kill the one eyed old man.

In fact, yecha finished the task of killing the old one eyed man in his previous life. At that time, there was no trouble in the process of killing the old one eyed man.

One reason is that at that time, the leaf brake was much stronger than it is now, and the death train also arrived at platform 12. The other reason is that the one eyed old man was not strong at all, just a lot of people.

The difficulty of this task is how to find the crazy Knight coming and going like the wind in the desert, and the chance to kill the one eyed old man face to face.

Therefore, this opportunity falls on Shaya and Blair. Since they can't find the one eyed old man, let the one eyed old man come to them.

"Eat now." The leaf Cha way: "after eating, set out."

As he chewed the dried meat, Blair said, "how do you find so much food when you live alone in the desert?"

Ye Cha said with a smile: "it was robbed from the one eyed old man."

The action of Shaya and Blair is stiff, and the fear can be clearly seen from their eyes. For them, the name of the one eyed old man symbolizes terror.

"Don't worry too much." Yecha played with the Alaska whaling fork and said, "if the crazy Knights come, I will send them to huangquan road."

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