death train

Chapter 1323

"That is to say..." Ye Cha looked around and said, "it's not these plants that have problems, but this area?"

If there is a problem with plants, then it is obvious that kawasi island should be full of these strange plants. However, most of the plants in this area are normal. Only this area has a problem, it is worth thinking about.

The biggest possibility is that there is no problem with plants, but there is a problem in this area, or something in this area is affecting the growth of these trees.

"What is it?"

Ye Cha murmured, suddenly twitched the Alaska whaling fork and slashed a knife on a big tree.

That big tree is very strange, normal tree height, but the branch is wavy, after a blade, there is milky juice flowing out.

Compared with the ordinary sap, the sap is a little more frightening, just like being stabbed.

The most important thing is that the tree didn't move, so it's not a plant zombie type.

This can make yecha feel at ease. Yecha's physical condition is not good now. If all the strange plants around are zombies, yecha will be in great trouble.

Even so, the blade brake is not too deep. On the one hand, unknown things need to be vigilant; on the other hand, the blade brake still has something to do.

Around to the side of the cliff, ye Cha said to the governor: "can you climb back?"

The consul nodded.

Ye Cha said, "go and get them back."

This is what ye Cha wants to do, or the task assigned to the consul. He has to go and get back the little cat, the ice God and the Fat Dragon.

Corpse flower doesn't need to care, corpse flower has its own ability to find the leaf brake.

As a matter of fact, the little cat has something to do with the snow God, but the little cat is not strong enough. After all, it has not grown up to the whole. The snow God relies on its flying ability to look down and search. There are dense trees here, so it is not easy to find the leaf brake.

The consul didn't say much, released the chain, hung a raised rock, and then slowly climbed the rock wall.

Ye Cha sat down directly near the cliff and had a rest.

The injuries on yecha are all hard injuries. They are all caused by falling down. The main reason is that the dizziness ability makes people lose their fighting ability, but it doesn't cause much damage to yecha.

This kind of hard injury uses the cell active medicament, the leaf brake also has the intermediate regeneration ability, after cooperating with each other, the recovery is very fast.

But it will take time to recover no matter how quickly.

Fortunately, ye Cha is not in a hurry. The consul goes to look for the little cat. The snow God is talking to Feilong. Ye Cha talked to Nie Po about the location.

Nie Po and Kang Maisi are not hurt, but ye Yue is still in a coma, but the brain area consumption only needs to rest, and the problem is not big. The three of them will find it by themselves.

Therefore, what ye Cha needs to do now is to wait.

Leaning against the wall for a short rest, ye Cha closed his eyes, but he was still alert. The sword fell on the edge of Southern Xinjiang, and the Alaska whaling fork had been buckled by Ye cha.

One of the principles pursued by yecha is that careful people live long.

But at this time, the communicator suddenly rang, a slight vibration.

"So soon?"

Ye Cha Leng next, open eyes to pick up the communicator.

Ye Cha thought it was Nie Po, but Gan Lin's voice sounded at the other end of the communicator: "I think we need to cooperate again."

The leaf Cha didn't reply immediately, but thought 100 turn, Gan Lin also don't open mouth, seem to be waiting.

After a while, yecha said, "I don't think Samur played with you. Do you need to cooperate with me to kill him?"

"That guy?" Ganlin said with a smile: "it's just a rash man. I know what you are thinking. I don't intend to let you help me deal with Samuel."

Ye Cha said: "you can only cheat children. Don't think I don't know that you did Shentu Shufei's business."

Gan Lin didn't deny it. She could understand who did it after thinking about it for a moment. She said with a smile, "so if that guy is not easy to deal with, I believe you will help him. He's alive, and you're not comfortable, are you?"

Ye Cha said: "war started?"

"Not yet." Gan Lin's tone put away a bit of ridicule, seriously said: "I'm here to talk about the task with you."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "mission?"

The requirement of the conductor is very simple. It doesn't matter who completes the task. The purpose of dispatching the three conductor is to ensure that the task can be completed, not to cooperate with three people.

Therefore, competition is still very obvious. Yecha also understands that there is nothing good to cooperate with in the task. There are so many rewards. No one wants to divide his own interests.

Gan Lin said: "to be frank, how do you plan to complete the task?"

Ye Cha said, "try?"

Gan Lin said, "is it necessary to try? When you act, I'll know. Besides, there are only a few ways to accomplish the task. "There are three tasks. The hidden meaning in Gan Lin's words obviously refers to the CommScope company. If it is a steel tyrant, there will be the so-called completion method.

If the conductor wants to be a steel tyrant, he can only hunt. If he can't catch it, he will kill it and take the body back. Only for the task of CommScope, can there be uncertainty.

Ye Cha hesitated for a while, then said: "kill."

Yecha is sure to disclose his intention. First of all, the probability of this choice must be the highest. Yecha is also guessing that Ganlin and Sumer are the most likely to choose this way.

What's more, the key to this task is not how to kill, but how to find out all the people. Therefore, whether or not to tell Ganlin actually has no influence. In the end, it is who can find out the people of CommScope first.

Gan Lin continued: "it's very consistent with your style, simple and direct."

Ye Cha said, "what do you want to say?"

Gan Lin said: "if you want to kill nature, you have to kill it. The task will be completed successfully. The other party will definitely return without success. But in fact, it doesn't matter if you really miss a few. For example, what does it matter if there is a team of armed personnel left?"

Ye Cha thought about it and said, "the student or daughter of Dr. wittsell and Dr. Decker?"

"Yes." Ganlin said: "to stop the constellation project of CommScope is related to killing these two people. As long as these two people die, the constellation project will be difficult to carry out, at least not on kawasi island."

Ganlin's words are not accurate. The two tasks can be related, but they can be separated. However, it is undeniable that wittsell and Dr. Dirk's students or daughters are the key points of the task.

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