death train

Chapter 1324

Let's put it this way. Task 1 is to stop the progress of the constellation project. According to the information provided by Dr. Davis, matching ancient genes must be used in the production of constellation monsters.

There is no accurate target for this kind of ancient species, which needs to be tested to check the gene matching rate. However, one thing is certain that the ancient species that can match may not be strong, but they must be very rare.

If not, CommScope would not need to go to kawasi island.

So the problem arises.

Wittsell is the project leader. In addition, Dr. Decker's students and Dr. Decker's daughter inherit the essence of this research. Both of them are key figures in the constellation project.

Well, of course, killing these two people is the key. There was a task to kill them.

But Ganlin changed the concept, killing them is the general direction of the obstruction constellation plan, rather than the plan of kawasi Island, assuming that the two people died, but has identified the genetic match of the ancient species.

Then, as long as the rest of the staff of CommScope bring back the ancient species, task 1 will also be regarded as a failure. There are many scientists in the hands of CommScope, and the scientific and technological power is far beyond this era.

Although doomsday brought disaster, CommScope's technological power did not stagnate. On the contrary, because of this unrestrained era and zombie virus, it made great progress.

So, just killing a core researcher like wittsell can thwart the plan? Yecha thinks that if CommScope can find a replacement, it's just a delay.

Therefore, in view of the current task, if we take the way of killing, we can not only kill the two of them, but kill all the members of CommScope, so as to ensure that CommScope has no harvest in kawasi island.

At the same time, the death of the core leader of the study should delay the implementation of the constellation project.

Thinking of this, ye Cha said impatiently, "don't say what I know, say the point."

Ye Cha has his own subjective judgment. He doesn't trust Gan Lin. he just wants to know what Gan Lin wants to do.

"Our main target, Lillian, the daughter of Dr. wittsell and Dr. Decker, has been taken," Ganlin said

"Well?" This answer is unexpected, leaf Cha Leng Leng Leng, then way: "be caught?"

If you are killed, ye Cha can understand. What does it mean to be caught? Who will catch them? Except ye Cha himself, but ye Cha didn't do it!

After thinking about it, ye Cha said, "Samuel?"

Ye Cha suddenly thought of Dr. Davis, the old madman didn't tempt Samuel, did he? If Dr. Davis helps Samuel get a Zodiac monster that is not weaker than Leo, he will really have the strength to confront Yasha and Ganlin.

Ganlin said, "what did Samuel do with them? It's an ancient species on the island, or ancient humans. "

Ye Cha was stunned again and tried to say, "you Wei? "The devil?"

Gan Lin surprised: "you also know?"

Ye Cha said, "I don't know anything, but I met you."

"CommScope arrived in kawasi Island earlier than us, about a month ago, they set up a large number of camps here for exploration and temporary research base stations, but a week and a half ago, those camps began to be attacked continuously," Ganlin said

Ye Cha said: "those demons did it."

Ganlin said: "yes, they rushed into the base station and captured wittsell and Lillian."

Ye Cha said: "when did it happen?"

Gan Lin said: "this morning, CommScope found a very rare queen worm around the base station. According to unreliable information, the queen worm matches some of the artificial gene simulations prepared by CommScope very well, exceeding 76%, which is undoubtedly one of the targets of CommScope, and then deployed a large number of manpower to hunt the queen worm."

The leaf Cha way: "then was taken advantage of and entered?"

Ganlin "well" said: "those demons rushed into the base station and captured wittsell and Lillian."

Ye Cha looked at the time and said, "it happened seven or eight hours ago. Are you sure they are still alive?"

Gan Lin said: "they must be alive. What should those demons say? They are different from other ancient species. They feel a bit like primitive people. They eat people, but they will not kill the target immediately. They will first make a living sacrifice, and then kill or even eat people."

Ye Cha thought of the building, which was full of corpses. He also wondered why he had to take people there since he wanted to kill them. Now it makes sense.

Ye Cha said: "well, even if it is like this, then what? Just let them die. Anyway, it doesn't conflict with our task. It saves us trouble when we die. "

Ye Cha didn't think much about it. Since he had decided to go crazy with Dr. Davis, ye Cha had to find a way to get the information of constellation plan.

With the death of these two key figures, ye Cha's plan certainly failed. However, these words must not be disclosed to Gan Lin.Gan Lin said, "if it's so simple, what can I do with you?"

The leaf Cha way: "that simply a little bit, directly enter the subject."

Gan Lin said: "there are two reasons. The first one is that they were caught in a relic, which may be related to the relics of ancient civilization. Don't tell me that you didn't try to collect those things."

Ye Cha raised his eyebrows and recalled the building he had seen before. Although it was very old and could be described by relics, he did not seem to see any words related to the ancient civilization, nor did he find any so-called relics of ancient civilization.

Ganlin continued: "in addition, the more important point is that if the demons kill them, it's really nothing, but what if it's Samuel?"

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Ganlin explained: "samer has been chased by people, and now he has probably entered the ruins."

Ye Cha said: "how do you know so clearly?"

Ganlin said: "it was samer who first found the base station and then kept staring at it. After the accident, samer took people to chase it. How do I know..."

Gan Lin paused for a moment, and then said: "since there can be a Shentu Shufei, there can also be a second one."

Ye Cha was a little stunned, and then he observed a moment of silence for Samuel. How many Ganlin's hands were there around that guy, and his every move was completely monitored by Ganlin, which was a tragedy.

At the same time, ye Cha felt cold and sweating on his back.

Since Ganlin can put hands around Samuel, what about her own?

Can ye Cha ensure that these people under his hand are all his own?

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