death train

Chapter 1325

Ye Cha wanted to swear.

He guessed Ganlin's outspoken words. Maybe he wanted to make himself suspicious.

But this is mingmou, ye Cha thought of this, also can't help but still think to these things, to guess, to doubt, in case there are Ganlin people around him.

"Hello At this time, Gan Lin's voice sounded again: "still listening?"

The leaf Cha sinks a way: "continue to say."

Gan Lin said: "first of all, the site is worth exploring. Second, to kill wittsell and Lillian is one of the tasks. Finally, task 1 does not directly specify to kill two people, but from the perspective of task completion, the two people are also the core tasks that cannot be bypassed."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "well."

Ganlin said: "so, Samuel is ahead of us. Although we don't take all the advantages of this mission, do you want most of the rewards to fall into his hands?"

"Reward?" Ye Cha suddenly laughed and said, "I don't think you will kindly let him leave this island alive."

Gan Lin did not deny this and said directly: "but if he takes the lead, even if I kill him, these rewards will not fall on me. They just help the conductor save a lot of money. It's a loss business."

Ye Cha thought for a while and said, "I don't deny that our position is the same this time. Then, where is the relic?"

Gan Lin said, "I don't know."

The leaf Cha almost a mouthful blood spurts out, together said a long time is nonsense?

Ye Cha said: "don't you have people around Samur? Didn't your spy report the location to you? "

Ganlin said: "I haven't been in touch for a long time. That's why I infer that Samur may enter the ruins. It seems that places related to that ancient civilization all have some unique power. They may be able to block communication, but there is a general scope."

Ye Chadao: "say."

"There's an area near the center of the island where I find a large number of ancient species. There are also many powerful and rare ancient species, and the plants there are very strange," Gan said

Ye Cha looks around. Is this the area where he is now?

Gan Lin said: "you have come into contact with the relics of ancient civilization, and you know that the power of those things may affect the surrounding. I think the strange plants in that area must be affected by those forces."

Ye Cha really knows about it, and has seen it many times. For example, he has touched zombies before, and those zombies didn't seem to be infected with zombie virus, but they survived. Ye Cha speculates that it was the influence of sarcophagus.

In addition, qianchan went to the island because of the water spirit Moya. Yecha found an island full of zombies. It turns out that it was probably caused by the influence of ancient civilization stone.

Because, considering the infection rate of plants, it is impossible to have so many plant zombies.

In addition, when the stone tablet of Noah was first snatched, the environment of the underground remains was obviously abnormal. The silver white underground world and the trees made of resin were all influenced by the relics of ancient civilization.

There are many other similar situations. Basically, as long as there are relics of ancient civilization, there must be something around that will be affected by power.

Environment, objects, all possible.

"Moreover, the CommScope base station is also built near that area," Ganlin continued

Ye Cha said, "well, I can understand your meaning. That is to say, you want me to search for the relics with you. The key is that if I find them, I will inform you, right?"

Ganlin said: "our common goal now is Samuel. We can't let all the benefits fall into his hands, right?"

Ye Cha said: "I think I have the ability to deal with him."

"Well, if the reward falls into your hands, I can still accept it.

Gan Lin giggled.

Ye Cha bares her teeth. She can't believe what she said. Although it sounds good, who knows if she is going to lure herself to fight with Sam? She can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

This is where ye Cha hates Gan Lin. it's hard to guess the woman's intention. What's more, no matter what decision she makes, she may fall into the trap she sets.

Deep suction mouth, ye Cha said: "if you find traces, I will contact you."

After ye Cha finished speaking, he ended the communication directly.

Leaning against the cliff, ye Cha fell into deep thinking.

Ye Cha doesn't doubt the authenticity of intelligence. Gan Lin is good at using real intelligence and information to tempt others to work for her. On the contrary, Gan Lin seldom lies, because the effect of lying is only once, and no one will believe it next time.

But the truth is different. For example, although Ye Cha has been cheated, as long as Gan Lin is telling the truth, it will be profitable. If he has been cheated, he will be cheated. In front of interests, other things are obviously not important."Sumer, ruins..."

Ye Cha murmured and looked at the plants around him. Finally, he decided to wait until the others arrived.

Of course, ye Cha is not idle, constantly thinking about Countermeasures in his heart.

Ye Cha thinks that the current situation is very bad, but it is also an opportunity.

Ye Cha intends to get information from wittsell. The method is nothing more than deception, temptation and threat. But the means can be thought about later. First of all, wittsell has to be in Ye Cha's hands.

Another key point is that it must be done in a hidden way and should not be known.

The conductor didn't ask them to look for information, so it may be a taboo of the conductor to privately detain the information and conceal it. Therefore, if you want to get the information, you have to keep it quiet.

In CommScope, it's better to leave no one alive, but even so, can we really completely hide this matter?

Yecha is the first one to rush into the camp of CommScope and destroy the people of CommScope. If there is any information about the follow-up information, yecha will become the number one suspect.

But now it's different. Wittsell and Lillian have been caught in the ruins. According to Ganlin's information, samer has already gone, and Ganlin will certainly go.

In this way, the three purses all gathered in one place, ye Cha even started, got the information, even if the information was leaked, what evidence can prove that ye Cha did it?

The three purses are all there.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, ye Cha felt that it was really a very good opportunity for him.

At the same time, there is another point that can be confirmed. This matter must be solved as soon as possible.

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