death train

Chapter 1330

Nie Po turns around in CommScope's base station, comes back and frowns, "it doesn't feel right."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Nie po said: "previously, Youwei attacked the camp of CommScope company by using the vertigo ability to let the people of CommScope company take them away without resistance, right?"

Ye Cha nodded.

Nie po said: "there are traces of fighting here."

"Oh?" Ye Cha said, "I'll go and have a look."

Yecha went to the base station, and then found that there were traces of combat, and it was very obvious.

There are some shell shells on the ground, the surrounding building walls, places that have been smashed, many cracks on the ground, and traces of things being dragged.

Nie Po went to the back of Ye Cha and said, "it's not you Wei who did it?"

Ye Cha said: "I'm not sure. If you look at the traces, there are not many people participating in the battle. The cracks on the ground are obviously trampled out by people, and they should be one person."

Nie Po suddenly said: "some people are not affected by vertigo, so they fight with Youwei? However, there must be a lot of subtle figures. It's hard to fight with two fists and four hands. "

Ye Cha nodded and said, "it should be like this."

Ye Cha said here, and sighed: "it's good to know how not to be affected by the dizziness."

Nie Po heard Ye Cha mention this topic, but also a little palpitation.

In fact, the humble strength is not strong, at least for a few of them. If the number is large, it will be more troublesome, but it is only the degree of trouble.

The key lies in the dizzy feeling. Once you are attacked, it can be said that you will completely lose your fighting ability. After all, how can you fight even if you can't stand steadily?

It's really a terrible thing.

Ye Cha said: "these battle traces are probably the reason why the Tianlong soldier thought we attacked the base station. He thought we attacked here."

Nie po said: "of course we didn't do it, and it can't be Samuel. If he has a way to resist vertigo, he can kill all the faint ones."

The leaf Cha nods a way: "go, at least proved Gan Lin didn't lie, here really had an accident."

When ye Cha was talking to Nie Po, the sound of a helicopter came from the sky. Soon, several huge iron boxes were dropped.

Ye Cha and Nie Po speed up, and the iron box is airdropped at the gate of the base station. Comus and ye Yue have opened the box.

Ye Cha said: "biochemical combat suit, one for each person. Well, Feilong, you don't need it."

The biochemical combat suit of box power is not four, but three. There is a note left by the landlady: there is no size that fat dragon can wear.

Ye Cha looked at Feilong's physique and said that he understood the difficulty of the boss's wife.

"In addition, keep the oxygen bottle on your back." Ye Cha said: "when you fight with Youwei, you use oxygen bottles to breathe. Three in a group. The connecting pipes are all connected. After using one bottle, you can directly switch between the second bottle and the third bottle for oxygen supply."

Ye Yue said: "I always feel like I want to explore some mysterious water world."

Not to mention, that biochemical suit is tight, and with oxygen cylinders, it's like diving.

"Appearance doesn't matter. What matters is the weight and whether it will affect the battle." Nie Po tried the next thing and said, "it's very light and easy to use than I imagined."

Ye Cha said: "on the train of death, as long as you have enough skeletons, you can always buy something satisfying."

Ye Cha quickly finished wearing, and then said: "let's go."

The leaf Cha side says, stuffed a few raw meat sticks to ice snow God.

Ice and snow God is very smart to know what ye Cha wants it to do, and directly spread his wings and fly, consciously reconnaissance around.

After the preparation, they began to move in the direction that the Dragon Warrior said.

This is purely a gamble on luck, but it's not uncommon for a blind cat to meet a dead mouse. Ye Cha thinks his luck should be OK.

Reentering the woods, the kitten played a huge role.

Because, this strange forest, occupy the ancient species to terrible.

Kawasi island is an island full of all kinds of ancient species, which I knew before I came here. But yecha thinks that if you subdivide it, in fact, the main distribution areas of ancient species are in the center.

Of course, compared with other places, there are many ancient species in the outer ring area. Otherwise, the leaf brake would not land and two battles would have been fought in succession. However, if it was distributed in proportion, the number of ancient species in the outer ring area is at most 40%, and that in the central area is about 60%.

In this way, the proportion difference is not big, but the outer area of the island is twice as large as the central area.

However, not all of the ancient species are aggressive. Most of the habits of the ancient species are similar to those of wild animals. They are very aggressive and naturally have relatively docile herbivorous habits.

For example, not far from yecha, the three Tailed Fox with green pupils is looking at yecha curiously.Three tailed blue eyed fox, looks very beautiful, also very weak appearance, but in fact, it is an ancient king level species.

What's amazing is that foxes are carnivorous canines, while three tailed blue eyed foxes are herbivorous. They mainly feed on vegetation and plants. As an ancient species of King level, although foxes are the bottom of one star, their combat power can't be ignored.

But as long as it doesn't attack, the three tailed blue eyed fox has almost no threat. It is a very docile and clever ancient species, and can be tamed.

If you put it in peacetime, yecha people obviously found the treasure again, the ancient species that can be tamed are extremely rare, not to mention the ancient species of Zunwang level.

Although it may not be successful, yecha will definitely stop and talk about life, ideals and future with Sanwei Biyan fox, so as to bring Sanwei Biyan fox back to the train of death.

Even if you don't take it with you, you can sell it to the landlady. At least it starts with hundreds of gold skull coins.

But ye Cha really doesn't have this idea now, also don't have such free time, looking at that head three tail blue eyed fox, looking at several people on his side, smiling to take out an apple, shake hands to throw to three tail blue eyed fox.

Although the price of fresh fruit is higher than that of gold in the last days, and it can be easily bought on the train of death, Sanwei Biyan fox is obviously very alert, and does not accept Ye Cha's good intentions, but constantly looks at it.

Ye Cha didn't care, so he waved his hand and continued to move forward.

Three blue eyed foxes wag their tails and watch ye Cha go away. Finally, they catch the apple in one mouthful, then turn around and run, and soon disappear in the woods.

On the other hand, ye Cha feels that his bad luck seems to have finally dispersed, because the God of ice and snow has come back.

Moreover, the snow God not only flew back, but also brought back very important news for yecha.

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