death train

Chapter 1331

Ice and snow God brought back a piece of flesh and blood for yecha.

That piece of flesh with dark brown hair, very long, a look is faint flesh.

Ye Cha said, "where is it?"

The ice and snow God spread his wings directly, flew at low altitude, and took yecha several people all the way forward.

About a quarter of an hour's appearance, the smell of blood was all around. Several people in yecha quickly put on the oxygen mask, and then continued to move forward.

A few faint bodies appeared in front of yecha. They died miserably. The body was not intact, but the wound was not a cut mark. It seemed that they were torn apart by bare hands.

"Here." "There's blood," cried Comus

Ye Cha said: "go, follow the bloodstain!"

The leaf Cha several people follow the bloodstain to advance quickly.

Those bloodstains should be subtle. If the other party kills Youwei with such a cruel method, he will surely get bloodstains on his body, and then leave traces when he moves forward.

The reason why these bloodstains prove to be faint is that the little ancient cat soon entered a vertigo state. Fortunately, it is not a big problem. As long as it does not continue to fight against the faint, it will recover after a period of time.

Ye Cha several people immediately accelerated the speed, but the bloodstain didn't last all the time, it was broken soon.

Nie po said: "probably those blood stains are dry."

Ye Yue said: "who will leave it? Sam's people? Or Ganlin? "

Ye Cha said: "it's not them. Those Youwei were killed by one person. It seems that there are people in CommScope who are not affected and can fight against Youwei. Maybe they are from CommScope."

Nie po said: "at least the direction is right, search around, there may be found."

Ye Cha nodded and released the snow God again. Now the snow God is the best reconnaissance method in Ye Cha's hand.

Not to mention, ye Cha placed his hope on the ice and snow God. The ice and snow God was really competitive. He went out for a walk and brought back the news for ye Cha again.

This time, ice and snow God didn't bring anything back, but he kept circling in front of yecha. It was obvious that he found something and wanted to guide yecha.

Ye Cha waved his hand and immediately signaled the God of ice and snow to lead the way, and then the people ran all the way.

Has been running along the forest, very quickly, a few people suddenly through the forest leaf brake.


In front of yecha's eyes is a piece of broken ground, forming a rock wall of about 30-40 meters, which is similar to the place where yecha fell down when he escaped from the darkness. It's just that the height here is much lower.

Ye Cha now knows why the landlady wants to climb the wall for them. This island seems to have a lot of similar terrain.

But the terrain is not the point. The point is what's under that cliff.

Ruins, huge ruins!

Below the cliff, there used to be a village with scattered stone houses.

Of course, that's what happened in the past. At the moment, we can only use relics to describe these. The stone houses have become dilapidated and covered with thick plants and vines under the erosion of years.

Nie po said: "is this the relic? It's not as hard to find as you think? "

Comus nodded. "I thought it was something very hidden, like in the mountains, under the ground, even in the sea."

Ye Cha said: "from the building we have seen before, we can infer that the ruins here should be on the ground. Let's go down and have a look first."

Nie po said, "where is Gan Lin?"

Ye Cha said: "look at the situation first. I don't believe it. Gan Lin can't find the ruins because they are so obvious."

Nie po said, "go down and have a look first."

Ye Yue doesn't need to climb the wall claw. She floats down directly. Others use the wall claw to slide down slowly.

There is a house on the edge of the cliff, and ye Cha looks in.

There is nothing in the nearly square space. There are no pictures, carvings, words and so-called decorations on the walls. It is a stone room with moss growing in the corner.

Adhering to the characteristics of this forest, those mosses are actually purple.

Others went to other stone houses and shook their heads when they came back.

"It's not that we can't see anything, it's that there's nothing for us to see, there's nothing in it," he said

Nie Po and ye Yue said in the same voice: "we are the same."

Ye Cha said: "most of the stone houses here are like this. If every room is found, what else can we do? Just looking for things makes you rich. "

Nie Po nodded: "or continue to stroll again, separate action?"

Ye Yue objected: "in case of a large number of subtle, separate operations are very dangerous, and it is not sure that biochemical combat suits and oxygen cylinders will work."

Ye Cha nods. This time, he agrees with Ye Yue. It's no harm to be careful.

Ye Cha said: "well, there's no need to gather all together, but don't separate too much. Don't leave each other's field of vision. If anything happens, you can support each other at any time."Nie po said, "let's do that."

A few people scattered a little, and then each forward.

Yecha released the ice and snow God again. There are no plants here. They are all vines covered on the stone house. There are also some shrubs and mosses. The air superiority of ice and snow God can be fully exerted here.

After the arrangement, ye Cha scattered a few people a little, and then pushed forward.

Most of the stone houses are empty, not to mention exploring. There is no need to explore at all, but just in case, we have to continue to explore.

Of course, ye Cha also thought that this kind of ordinary stone house may be of little value, and those relics of ancient civilization are unlikely to be in ordinary stone houses.

This is like the ancient people's home can have anything valuable, and the palace must have something valuable, the worst is a prince's residence, or the place where the rich live.

But when he came down from the cliff, ye Cha had a rough look. Although there were some large stone house relics, they obviously did not reach the level of the palace.

"Perhaps?" Ye Cha looked at the ground and said, "it's really under the ground."

Ye Cha thinks that he should pay attention to this aspect. There may be something about it.

But at this time, the roar of ice and snow god suddenly sounded, which attracted Ye Cha's attention.

Looking up, the God of ice and snow flies through the air, and then ye Cha hears the sound of "rumbling". A huge fire appears behind the God of ice and snow, coming from a distance.

The huge movement not only attracted Ye Cha, but also other people looked up to the sky.

Then, soon, everyone found that something was wrong, because the fireball fell down in their direction.

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