death train

Chapter 134

However, watching the flame gradually dissipate, the mysterious voice did not ring.

That means the crescent bear is not dead.

At this time, the flame gradually dispersed, and the shadow of the crescent bear appeared again in the flame. Then with the sound of stepping, the flame bear went through the flame.

At the same time, a white bone spur, like a sharp arrow, suddenly came out. In the reaction of Ye Cha, he wiped Ye Cha's thigh and cut off a piece of flesh.

The leaf Cha stuffy hums a, Wu wears the wound to quickly retreat, the blood continuously flows out from the fingers.

Looking up, ye Cha showed a startled expression.

That crescent bear's fur has been burned almost, because of the fire burns, the body is full of burnt flesh and blood, constantly bleeding.

In addition, the crescent bear's back is covered with bone spurs. There are 20 or 30 of them. The shortest one is only a few inches long, and the longest one is one meter long!


All of a sudden, the crescent bear opened its mouth and roared. Its mouth cracked continuously, even to the neck. At the edge of the crack, there were dense bones and teeth, crisscrossing and crisscrossing, reaching hundreds of them.

In the middle of the crescent bear's throat is a fist sized bear pupil, wrapped in a layer of meat membrane.


The leaf brake can't help but take a breath of cool air.

Ancient species infected with zombie virus!

Usually, the virus can only revive the ancient species, but it does not mean that the ancient species will not be infected with the virus. It is just that compared with human beings, the probability of the ancient species being infected by the virus and the virus mutation is very low.

Obviously, the crescent bear in front of us was infected with virus in the process of recovery, so the explosion didn't kill the bear, and it turned into this kind of ghost.

"I'm careless."

Ye Cha also scolded himself in his heart.

The level of golden star 1 of the crescent bear is not high, even if it preys on human beings, but it is obviously not normal to kill so many ancient species, unless the more than ten ancient species killed here are all silver.

This probability is not high. Desert wasteland is an area where there are more ancient species. There are also fights among ancient species. Ancient species will also encounter zombie attacks. Therefore, the surviving ancient species have certain strength.

The crescent bears are eligible to survive in desert wasteland, but not to the level of being able to hunt other ancient species at will.

Now the answer is coming out. This crescent bear is infected with a virus. This is not a pure ancient species. The virus will make the lineage of the ancient species stronger and stronger.

At this time, after roaring, the crescent bear suddenly shook its body, and more than a dozen bone spines flew out at the same time, flying towards the leaf brake.

Ye Cha quickly turned back and ran, quickly hiding behind a pillar.

Most of the spines hit the ground, a few hit the post, or even nailed to it.

After a round of shooting, the bear shakes its body again. Then, the bear's back makes a "poof, poof" sound, and new spines grow out again.

The crescent bear did not stop at all, and immediately carried out the second round of shooting. A bone spur finally ran through the pillar, directly wiped Ye Cha's cheek and flew over, startling Ye Cha into a cold sweat.

Ye Cha quickly flashed out of the back of the column and ran to the side.

The crescent bear chased Ye Cha, suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The blood was full of small pieces of bone, which covered the front closely.

Ye Cha rushes toward a table directly. After toppling the table, he blocks the table in front of him.

Even so, some pieces of bone penetrated the table and hit Ye Cha's body, making a series of wounds.

Ye Cha's expression is distorted, and he is forced to endure the pain. The clothes on his back exude blood and quickly dye the clothes red.

Ye Cha quickly took out the red flame bomb, took out a crystal bar, and threw it out of the table without hesitation.

The sound of explosion soon rang out, and the air around was hot because of the explosion. As for whether the red flame bomb had blown up the crescent bear, ye Cha thought it was mostly not, otherwise the mysterious sound would have appeared.

And, in fact, even if it's blown up, I'm afraid it's hard to kill the crescent bear.

Since the crescent bear is infected with the virus, it will undoubtedly have the characteristics of zombies, and it must blow its head or break its neck to die.

It's also a problem. The bear's thick neck can't be grasped in one hand. Therefore, even if it is bitten by a snake, I'm afraid it can't be broken. Moreover, the grip of snake bite is enough to break a person's neck.

But can you break the bear's? Ye Cha is not sure.

As for attacking the head, the crescent bear's head has been completely split. Theoretically, the head has been exploded, and it's useless to attack the head again. However, a bear pupil the size of a fist appears in the center of the split head.

This is the body mutation after the virus. Undoubtedly, the bear pupil has become the new weakness of the crescent bear, but compared with the head, this new weakness is obviously smaller and more difficult to attack."Damn it, it's trouble."

The leaf Cha can't help but break to scold a, then quickly get up to run toward the front, because, he heard the footstep.

With a bang, the table fell apart, but the crescent bear hit it.

Ye Cha quickly threw out the metal strip that covered the moon with colored clouds and used the rapidly dispersed smoke to cover his body. This was the only good news in the bad news. Since the crescent bear became a zombie infected with the virus, the smoke that covered the moon with colored clouds was harmful to the crescent bear.

However, the killing effect of colored clouds covering the moon is limited, mainly due to the effect of smoke.

Then the cloud covered the smoke of the moon, and the leaf brake quickly hid behind a pillar.

But the leaf brake is not sure whether it is useful. Humans mainly rely on their eyesight to identify objects, but animals are different. They have a strong sense of smell.

"I hope this aspect will degenerate after the crescent bear becomes a zombie!"

Ye Cha murmured in a low voice, because zombies are different from humans and animals in this respect. They mainly rely on sound, followed by taste.

Therefore, ye Cha hid behind the pillar, but he didn't dare to move.

There is only one chance. After infected with the virus, the crescent bear became quite powerful. Ye Cha estimated that if the death train was used to assess the level, it would at least reach the level between the golden 5 star and the platinum 1 star.

The current level of yecha is golden 1 star, which means that the difference between the two sides is not star level, but almost a big level.

Therefore, a long fight is very unfavorable for yecha. Yecha hopes that he can seize the opportunity and kill himself.

Dong, Dong

At this time, the footsteps of the crescent bear suddenly became clear.

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