death train

Chapter 135

Ye Cha listened to the footsteps, still with his back close to the post, and he didn't dare to make any noise, but he carefully twisted his head, poked his head out a little, and observed it.

The crescent bear has already stepped not far away from itself, at most three meters away.

"Closer, closer..."

Ye Cha yelled in his heart, since he was close to about three meters away and had not found himself, it can be seen that after the crescent bear was infected by the virus and became a zombie, his sense of smell really deteriorated greatly.

At this time, the crescent bear stepped forward again, moved a few steps, and entered the distance of two meters.

"It's now!"

Ye Cha's eyes suddenly brightened, and then he twisted his body and ran out directly from the back of the pillar. His whole body's muscles tensed in an instant, and then his legs pushed forward.

The leaf brake jumped on the crescent bear's body, the crescent bear's split head suddenly closed, directly towards the leaf brake's arm bite down.


With a low roar, ye Cha felt that his left arm was about to be bitten off. Then he pulled out the Alaska whaling fork from his waist and stabbed the bear's head.

"Let go, let go!"

Ye Cha drank low, and continuously waved the Alaska whaling fork to stab the crescent bear's head. The crescent bear's body swung, and the bone spur on his back stabbed Ye Cha's waist directly.


Ye Cha snorted. The severe pain made Ye Cha's forehead full of sweat. Even so, ye Cha's hand didn't stop at all. He still stabbed the crescent bear with an Alaska whaling fork.

Yecha is very clear that the Alaskan whaling fork is his last hope at present. Only by using the Alaskan whaling fork to attack continuously can he make use of the healing effect of blood sucking and let himself live.

At the same time, ye Cha's left hand, which was bitten by the crescent bear, was suddenly opened in the mouth of the crescent bear.

"Die for me!" Ye Cha roared: "shockwave!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Without the slightest reservation, the continuous emission of three shock waves exploded directly in the mouth of the crescent bear.

The next moment, the huge body of the crescent bear was blasted out by the shock wave, rolling on the ground continuously, crushing several skeletons.

That head, is also in this instant thoroughly broken, into a cloud of blood, countless small pieces of meat fell to the ground.

However, the vitality of the crescent bear is so strong that it is hard to imagine. Even so, it has not died.

The bear's pupil hidden in his throat is exposed, and the back end is connected with something like meridians, covered with a layer of meat film, constantly shaking in the air.

Ye Cha gasps and slowly gets up from the ground. Looking at the crescent bear who is still trying to struggle, he pours out again.

"Didn't you hear me?" Ye Cha held up his Alaska whaling fork and said, "die for me!"


The Alaskan whaling fork fell down hard and went straight into the fist sized bear's pupil. Then there was a dull sound, and the bear's pupil spattered a mixture of red and black blood. Then, the crescent bear's body finally became motionless.

"You killed the corpse half moon bear, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: ossification gene."

"You killed the corpse half moon bear, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: blood."

"You killed the corpse half moon bear, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: broken alienation bear pupil."

"You have completed task 3: kill three ancient species with silver 5 stars or more."

Listening to the mysterious voice, ye Cha sat down on the ground, then fell back and spread himself into a big shape, his chest undulating and panting.

I don't know how long it took for ye Cha to sit up on the ground and collect his booty.

The ossification gene should be the ability of the crescent bear to grow spines on its back.

However, genes cannot be extracted immediately. Yecha can only find out the container, put a piece of bone and a piece of corpse meat in it for preservation, and then go to the dining car to collect the genes after returning to the death train.

Blood is very convenient, crescent bear's corpse is everywhere, ye Cha took a bottle to fill a bottle, hobbled the corpse flower put in the door to carry in, and then put it on the side of the corpse to irrigate the soil of corpse flower.

Although yecha's original intention is to use the flesh and blood of ancient species to cultivate corpse flowers, the alienated ancient species infected with the virus are obviously more advanced. For corpse flowers, they are undoubtedly more high-end nutrients.

As for the last alienated bear pupil, it is naturally the bear pupil pierced by yecha's Alaskan whaling fork.

Ye Cha was a little confused. He didn't know what the use of this thing was. After all, before dissimilating Xiong Tong, there was the word "broken", which means that this thing should have been completely damaged by himself.

However, since the mysterious voice prompted, yecha still took the Alaskan whaling fork, cut the things that looked like meridians on the bear's pupil, and then scraped the flesh and blood from the surface of the pupil.It's a delicate job. You should clean it up without damaging the bear's pupil.

At this time, the leaf Cha suddenly feels the back neck is itchy, can't help looking back, immediately startled.

Corpse flower that bud unexpectedly came to his back, constantly rubbing his neck.

"This is also..." The leaf Cha is stunned a way: "grow of too fast?"

Although Ye Cha knew that the flesh and blood of the mutant species infected with the virus must be more significant for the cultivation of corpse flower, which could provide more nutrients, he did not expect that it could make corpse flower grow so much.

At present, the rhizome of the corpse flower has grown to two and a half meters high. The largest bud is half the size of a head, and two fist sized buds grow out on both sides.

There are five leaves at the bottom of each bud, with sharp serrations on the edge. At the same time, there are two tail finger thick vines at the bottom of the five leaves, which are about half a meter long. There are six in total, corresponding to the number of flower buds.

In addition, ye Cha also smelled a faint aroma, which was sent out from the corpse flower. The aroma had an indescribable magic and seemed to have a hallucinogenic effect.

Of course, the corpse flower is not aggressive to the leaf brake. When the leaf brake smells the fragrance, it just feels soft all over. In the non combat period, it can be used to calm the nerves.

At the same time, although the corpse flower should not be out of its infancy, but after growing up to this degree, it already has a certain attack ability, and what makes Ye Cha very depressed is that he never thought that the corpse flower could be so big in a short time.

So, the flowerpot seems too small.

Ye Cha could not help murmuring: "it seems that after returning to the death train this time, we have to give the corpse flower breeding space."

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