death train

Chapter 136

Ye Cha put away the bear pupil, then found a plastic bag, cut some crescent bear meat and put it in. These will be the rations of corpse flower.

Although corpse flower does not need to eat three meals a day like human beings, its growth characteristic is that if there is food, it will grow, and if there is no food, it will stop growing. In addition, even ordinary water irrigation and photosynthesis can maintain its vitality.

However, ye Cha thinks it's better to feed him from time to time, so that he can increase his intimacy with corpse flower.

After the things are packed up, because the corpse flower's shape becomes very big, ye Cha can't put the corpse flower back into the backpack, so he simply holds it in his hand and leaves the house.

At present, there are a lot of food and water. The task of killing three ancient species has also been completed. Although the one eyed old man has not been killed yet, Shaya and Blair are by his side. Maybe he and the one eyed old man will have a chance to see each other again.

Of course, if you can't touch it, you don't want to force it. After completing the two tasks, you can go back to the death train. After all, the environment of desert wasteland is so bad that no one likes to stay here more.

All the way back to the entrance of the canyon, ye Cha's eyebrow suddenly picked up, and then scolded: "this son of a bitch."

Shaya and Blair are gone. Besides, there's fuel, food and water in the pickup truck!

Ye Cha said: "it's a mistake to believe that guy..."

The leaf Cha can't help but scold again, but suddenly and abruptly stop, because, the situation is not right.

It's true that Shaya and Blair are gone, and so are the fuel, food and water in his car.

But xiaya's SUV is still there!

Yes, yecha's pickup truck and xiaya's SUV are all here.

This is very strange. If Shaya runs away with Blair, it is normal to drive his own car or the pickup truck with the leaf brake.

But what's the matter with both cars? The guy's carrying things, walking off with Blair?

It's impossible. Even if Shaya can move things, he will only have two hands. Blair has only four hands. How can he move so many things.

Ye Cha quickly went to the side of the car, and then looked around. Soon, he found a little blood on the side of the SUV.

Ye Cha noticed something, quickly went back to his pickup truck, opened the door and threw the backpack in.

At this time, a small piece of paper caught in the crack of the door fell down. Ye Cha picked it up and looked at it. It said: East, help.

"I see."

Leaf brake without any hesitation, into the driver's seat, then quickly start the car.

The engine roared, and the pickup truck quickly ran forward, heading east.

If you're not wrong, Shaya and Blair should have been captured. As for who captured them, yecha's first thought must be crazy knight.

However, it should not be the crazy Knights around the one eyed old man. Otherwise, when they see the pickup truck, they will know that the leaf brake is also there. They can't walk away. They will surely find a way to catch the leaf brake and take it back to the one eyed old man.

At least, if you can't grasp it, you will want to kill the leaf brake.

In this case, it's very likely that the crazy knights who were sent by the one eyed old man to search for Shaya and Blair arrived. Those people didn't know the existence of yecha.

About 15 minutes, a car finally appeared in the view of the leaf brake.

But it doesn't feel like the one eyed old man's car. Although it has been refitted, it doesn't look like the crazy Knight's car with so many weapons. It's more like the car of the surviving human concentration camp.

But ye Cha didn't care so much!

"Rob people from Laozi?" Ye Cha licked his lips and said, "then go to die for me."

The leaf brake accelerates suddenly, and the pickup truck accelerates again, catching up from behind with dust. Without hesitation, as soon as the leaf brake stepped on the accelerator, it hit the rear of a car.

Bang, the two cars collided and shook violently, but the other's car was obviously not a heavyweight with the leaf brake pickup truck, and it was directly pushed out.

Ye suddenly hit the steering wheel, immediately overtaking from the side, then turned the steering wheel fiercely, and hit it hard.


The sound of collision again, the other side's car was hit by the pickup truck of the leaf brake.

At the same time, the stick, like a mace, installed in the inner ring of the pickup truck's tire, played a role at this time. Almost instantly, it punctured the other side's tire.

The car skidded out, rocked and stopped.

The leaf brake opens the door and goes to the side of the car. Looking through the back window, you can see that both Shaya and Blair are tied up and on the seats. Under the seats, they are also full of their own fuel, food and water.

"Get out of here."

Ye Cha wrapped his fist in his clothes and smashed the window of the front passenger's seat. Then he grabbed a man in the front passenger's seat and dragged him out and threw him to the ground.Because of the car crash, the whole person was not strong enough to resist. After being thrown to the ground, ye Cha made up his feet without pity.

At this time, the driver's door was opened, a tall man came out, picked up a pistol and aimed at the brake.

The leaf moment fiercely turns over a body, immediately toward the side jump to open.

Bang, bang, bang!

After the bullets hit the ground continuously, they constantly stirred up dust.

A moment later, the leaf brake rolled and flashed to a piece. After stabilizing his body, he pressed forward.


The pupil of that person fiercely shrinks, then the arms cross in front of the body, light shout a way: "endure!"

The muscles of the man suddenly rose, and the whole body seemed to be in a big circle. Even on the surface of the body, a faint white light film appeared, wrapping the body.


The shockwave hit the other side, but it didn't blow people out as ye Cha imagined. The other side took a shockwave and glided backward, dragging out two mud marks on the ground.

Ye Cha eyebrow tip a to pick a way: "you are not the person of crazy knight."

The man grinned and said, "carriage 3, Gongqi!"

"If that's the case, it's impossible to take the shock wave." Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "death carriage, ye Cha!"

Gong Qi's face changed slightly. The death carriage is the pronoun of strength. All the people who survive in the cruel death carriage are outstanding in strength.

The most important thing is that the ranking of the death train battle is not for the five carriages participating in the battle, but for the whole carriage of the death train.

Ye Cha, death carriage battle, first order!

Ye Cha laughs and looks at Gong Qi and says: "you are afraid!"

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