death train

Chapter 1342

Ruins, South straight!

Claire abandoned the two guns and used the shotgun. The intention is very obvious. The shotgun is more powerful. Of course, the range is a big problem.

However, now they are separated by an alley, so there is no problem in choosing shotguns at such a distance.

Besides, Claire's pistol is finished.

Compared with changing bullets, it's faster to change guns directly. In particular, Kerr has a pile of guns hanging on his body. It's almost like a human shaped armory. There is no shortage of guns.


One shot didn't hit, Claire immediately pulled the bolt, Nie Po naturally can't stand foolishly, immediately dodged to one side.

Clare obviously is not a good fault, pull the bolt did not shoot, but quickly back, from the other side of the alley back out, obviously feel something.

Sure enough, as soon as Claire left the alley, a grenade flew in.

With a roar, the grenade burst open, set off flames, and gushed out from the alleys on both sides.

Feeling the heat of the air, they moved at the same time, moving to the side and shooting at each other when moving over the window.

Then, no one hit anyone.

People who are good at using guns are also good at avoiding the shooting of such weapons. Both of them are able to complete the shooting while hiding in the dead corner of the window, without giving each other an accurate chance to hit.

However, when he flashed past the window and leaned back against the wall again, Nie Po looked at his left arm.

The clothes were rotten and covered with blood.

Just abraded, not directly hit, Nie Po did not give Claire any chance, can only say that the other side's luck is good.

However, luck itself is one of the factors that can determine the war situation. There is nothing to complain about.


Nie Po takes a deep breath and steps forward carefully. He comes to the alley in front of him. He looks up and doesn't see Claire.

Nie Po hung the king's rifle on the wall and fixed it with the crack of the wall brick. Then he put the gun case on the ground, took out the whole set of tiger king's rifle and quickly equipped it.

Nie Po started to make a detour from the side. Compared with the previous mutual attack and defense, Nie Po decided to make himself bolder. He was tired of the battle.

On the other side, Claire probes carefully, then sees the muzzle opposite the alley, and immediately withdraws his head.

About a second or two later, Claire looked again and found that the muzzle was still there.

This time, Claire frowned.

A small part of the muzzle of the gun was exposed outside, which of course exposed the position, which meant Nie Po was behind the wall, and this was obviously a mistake.

But will Nie Po make such a low-level mistake?

Claire thinks it will. Nie Po is also a human being. People make mistakes, but Nie Po has never found that he makes mistakes, which makes Claire feel very abnormal.

Nie Po's standard should not be as low as this.

In this moment

Nie Po suddenly rushed out of the next alley, aiming at Claire's position.

"No, I've been fooled."

Claire knew it in a flash, but it was too late.

Nie Po pulls the trigger on Claire.

Bang, bang, Bang

The muzzle of the tiger king rifle spewed fire, constantly hitting Claire's chest, and then the bullets kept exploding. Although the explosion power of a single bullet is not strong, if it is continuous, it is another matter.

Clare's body was blown out almost in an instant, and he fell to the ground not far away. The shotgun in his hand also fell to the distance.


Ruins, front street.

Ye Yue is floating in the air, about seven meters above the ground. She looks down at Xia Youran, which makes her feel bad.

No one likes to be looked down.

Without any hesitation, Xia leisurely again out of the knife, scarlet knife light toward the sky.


The move is not old. Ye Yue reaches out her hand at will. The light of the sword seems to be absorbed by something. It disappears in an instant.

Xia leisurely clenched his teeth and began to wave his sword continuously.

She doesn't believe that ye Yue can absorb attacks all the time. There must be an upper limit. As long as she breaks through the upper limit, ye Yue has nothing to do.

"Goblin!" Xia leisurely light drink a way: "group demon dance disorderly!"

Xia leisurely constantly out of the knife, faster incredible, arm in the air with a shadow.

One by one, the knife light swept out into the air. A large area of it, like fireworks, looked particularly gorgeous.

Ye Yue's face is expressionless. She just sweeps her hand in front of her body. The moment that the light sweeps from ye Yue's palm, it will disappear.

Xia Youran's face is cold and stern. He once again puts his sword in a new posture."Goblin!" Xia leisurely light drink a way: "break a mountain!"

Summer leisurely a knife toward the air again cut down.

This time, the light overflowing from the magic knife was extremely huge, ten meters in size, and it fell down towards Ye Yue.

Just, still useless!

Ye Yue stretched out her hand towards the huge knife light.


When Dao Guang touched Ye Yue's palm in time, it was suddenly broken, and then turned into countless halos scattered, and disappeared again inexplicably.

However, Xia leisurely has not given up!

There is no knife, but a sudden turn of the wrist, summer leisurely again toward the front step.

"Goblin!" Xia Youran again said: "lightning strike!"

I don't know how Xia Youran did it. The magic knife was cut towards the sky, but the light fell from the sky, as if it was really like lightning strike, directly towards Ye Yue's head.

The leaf month complexion is gloomy, raise head a way: "barrier!"

There is a spherical barrier around Yeyue's body, which envelops Yeyue.


And then there was a tremendous roar of light falling on the barrier.

With a click, some fine cracks appeared on the surface of the barrier.

Of course, it's just some cracks. Xia Youran's strike didn't completely break the barrier of Ye Yue, but it was enough to make Xia Youran happy.

The reason is very simple, this hit, ye Yue did not use absorption.

No matter what you think, it's better to absorb this ability of turning attack into invisibility than barrier hardtop attack. Even a fool knows how to choose, and ye Yue has been using it all the time.

Therefore, there is only one possibility that ye Yue suddenly changes the barrier. It's not that she doesn't want to use it, but that she can't.

"Is it the limit at last?"

Although Ye Yue has always been very strong and can't breathe, Xia also believes that ye Yue must have a limit.

Now, it's Ye Yue's limit!

"So..." Xia leisurely way: "I also finally should move the real case."


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