death train

Chapter 1343

Ruins, Southeast house group!

Feilong put a lot of chocolate into his mouth. It seemed that it wasn't enough. He felt like he was still in the middle of something. Then he opened the other side of his purse.

The waist is bulging. After the Fat Dragon opens, a pile of iron jars of fruit and hard candy rolls out.

Feilong opened an iron jar and poured it into his mouth. He poured the whole jar of fruit candy into his mouth. Then he began to chew it.

Feilong looked at Morrison and said vaguely, "yecha said that when you are tired from fighting, you can eat something sweet and add sugar to restore your physical strength."

Morrison had a twitch in the corner of his eye. Is that a sugar supplement? You eat up two mouthfuls of sugar for a week.

Then, anger filled Morrison's brain again. Morrison yelled at the Fat Dragon: "you dare to play with me!"

Morrison doesn't believe that fat dragon is really stupid. If he is really stupid, he would have been killed by zombies. How can he follow the death train all the way to the present? Therefore, the only possibility Morrison can think of is that fat dragon is deliberately playing with himself.

With the huge fist raised, Morrison obviously had a strong action, and then slammed down the Fat Dragon's nose again.



The punch didn't hit.

Morrison's pupils suddenly contracted, because he saw a huge palm in front of his fist and took it off again.

For a moment, Morrison felt like he was falling into the ice.

The previous feeling of being dominated by fear suddenly came back.

Feilong shook his head and said with a satisfied look: "yecha is really right. After eating, he can fight again!"

You can eat when fighting. It's really Ye Cha's advice to Feilong.

Because fat dragon is a very strange example.

He is not a superhuman or a hetero human, but obviously belongs to the type of biological evolution. Even Feilong did not spend a cent on anything related to fighting in the dining car.

The only thing Feilong bought was food, food, or food.

Constant, crazy eating is the way Fat Dragon completes its biological evolution.

Although it's incredible, if eating is evolution, for fat dragons, eating can also restore their physical strength, recover their injuries, and even temporarily improve their combat power.

Because of the special body, food is just like medicine to Feilong.

As long as the fat dragon takes medicine to cure the injured, it can cure the others.

Other people who want to improve their strength in a short time, such as Morrison, need to be injected with genetic medicine. Feilong just needs to eat.

And which aspect of the ability to improve can also completely depend on Feilong's will.

In the final analysis, there is only one word - eat!

Click, click!

Fat Dragon squeezed Morrison's fist and slowly got up from the ground. At the same time, his palm was constantly exerting force, and the sound of bone cracking was constantly ringing.


Morrison screamed and slowly fell to his knees.

Feilong said, "I don't want to fight. I'm so tired."

Feilong said as he raised the palm of the fan again.

"So." Feilong looked at Morrison seriously, as if pleading: "you die quickly."

Words fall, that huge slap toward Morrison cover down.


Fat Dragon's palm fell on Morrison's Tianling lid, the sound of bone crack suddenly sounded, and blood suddenly splashed from Morrison's head, which was smashed by Fat Dragon.

For a moment, Morrison's body, as if he had been drained of all his strength, slowly fell to the ground and became motionless.


Vestige, vestige corridor on the west side.


With one hand, Comus grabbed Wilder's wrist, one hand suddenly extended to the edge of his eyes, and with a direct force, he buttoned the eyeball out, leaving an empty socket.

Videl stirred his throat and said, "electronic eye!"

"Electronic eye?" Comus said with a smile, "it's not wrong to say that, but let me explain it in detail."

Comus used his thumb to force a pinch, the surface of the eyeball is a layer of film, rub off into a metal ball.

"It's a high concentration technology bomb, not to mention a small one. If it explodes, it will collapse a five story building in a flash, and the method of initiation is very simple, just like this," said Comus

Comus suddenly pressed the metal ball, the position of the electronic eye suddenly lit up red light, constantly flashing, and at the same time issued a "drip" sound.

When he was in shock, wildly wanted to pull back his arm, but his strength could not be compared with Comus, completely unable to pull back his arm.Wilder yelled at Comus, "Psycho, are you crazy? We're going to die together! "

"Die together? You think too much. " "You are not qualified to die with me," said Comus

All of a sudden, a layer of aperture appeared on Comus' body. After swinging around, it formed a ball and wrapped Comus' body.

Ion shield!

The light ball on Comus is the ion shield used in dealing with the dim before.


The sound of the metal ball suddenly jerked up, and the frequency of the red light flickered quickly.

Comus said with a smile, "goodbye!"


Wilder roared angrily, raised his dagger and chopped it at his arm.

Broken arm!

Weddell is also a tough character, in the last crisis moment, intends to cut off his arm, to break free.

Unfortunately, if he can do so at the first time, he will certainly be able to escape, but it is obviously too late now.

The blade just landed on Weddell's little arm, and then


The sound of the explosion suddenly sounded, the flame soared to the sky, crazy swept toward the ground, the ground inch by inch cracked, black smoke toward the sky, forming a mushroom cloud.

I don't know how long after that, the smoke and flame gradually dispersed.

At the center of the explosion, the ground had completely collapsed, forming a huge hole, and the surrounding stone houses were smashed.

Comus was standing at the center of his body. The ion shield around his body had been blown to pieces. His clothes were blackened and cracked in many places.

But he was the only one standing.

Comus looked down. He still had an arm in his hand. However, his arm had been broken. The rest of it was wrapped by the ion shield, so it was not destroyed.

Comus disdained to throw the broken arm to a side: "vulnerable!"

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