death train

Chapter 1358

The good news is as like as two peas, Witt Sal is simply more likely to be Leo than Witt Sal. If it's just a duplicate lion, then it will never be stronger than Leo. It may even be a little weaker. After all, it's just a copy. The ceiling is exactly the same.

However, it's hard to say the lower limit. As wittsell himself said, the human body is indeed relatively low in terms of evolution, which is incomparable with wild animals and ancient species.

Although wittsell transformed his body ahead of time, are those pieces of corpse really stronger than finding a powerful ancient species as the carrier of Taurus? That's not necessarily true.

Second, just like two identical eggs can't be found in the world, even if they are re carved, even if there is any slight deviation in the process of production, it will lead to different results, resulting in the Taurus state of wittsell being weaker than that of Leo.

Of course, since the transformation is successful, even if you can't make a 100% replica of Leo, your strength is very close to that of Leo. According to Ye Cha, a layman, there must be 90% or even more than 95%, otherwise the transformation will not be successful.

And here's the bad news!

Leo is a typical example of the evolution of physical fitness. Now that Leo has been re carved, the Taurus form of vitessel must be of this type.

And the type of physical fitness limit evolution, although there are many limitations, many times it will be very passive, but it is undeniable that this type of frontal attack is very difficult to deal with.

Ye Cha would rather deal with some more characteristic guys than fight with them, because the former can aim at each other according to their ability, while the latter is very difficult.

Or more directly, the type of physical fitness limit evolution, very restrained leaf brake.

The route Ye Cha planned for himself has always been for all-round development.

Melee, ye Cha can!

Long range combat, ye Cha can!

In terms of ability, there are martial arts, sword moves, props, fields, elements, reinforcement, gains, and all kinds of them. These are also the biggest advantages of yecha. Yecha can easily adjust for different opponents.

But in the face of the type of extreme evolution of physical fitness, there is no room for adjustment. This type of guy has the same fighting style. No matter what he faces, he just needs to fight.

If the other party does not do it, he will die.

The fist is the biggest weapon.

"We have to figure out how to deal with this guy."

Ye Cha whispered in his heart, and then suddenly stopped.

Because I can't run.

Ghost step has reached the upper limit of use. Yecha can no longer evade wittsell's attack, but it can't get rid of wittsell only with the ability of the son of wind.


"Hard armor!"

Ye Cha did not hesitate to choose to increase his strength and strengthen his defense.

At the same time, the black shashuo suddenly flew up at this moment, constantly flying in the air, and then, like a barrier, stood in front of yecha.


The next moment, wittsell came to yecha and waved his fist.

The black sand in front of Ye Cha's body was smashed directly. Of course, it didn't have no effect. The black sand was extremely sharp. When it crossed wittsell's arm, it left a lot of wounds.

However, this degree of wound obviously can't have a great impact on wittsell. It doesn't take long for wittsell to heal the wound with his regenerative ability.


The next moment, the palm of the leaf brake met up.

Snake bite!

When the fist palm collided, ye Cha felt the huge impact force.

But the leaf brake is in the way!

Relying on the hard force, snake bite and hard armor, ye Cha blocked wittsell's fist.

However, this feeling is still not good.

Ye Cha is trying his best to make a physical collision, but wittsell obviously hasn't tried his best. Ye Cha has fought with Scorpio and Leo, and it's clear that the other side has a change in form to improve their chances.

Besides, the rain stopped!

Bailong Tianwei's time has reached the upper limit, which is bad news for ye cha.

It's too late!

At the same time, the electric current suddenly appeared on the leaf brake's body, and the electric arc flowed along the leaf brake's body one by one towards wittsell, wrapping wittsell's body.


The current flow, continue to cause damage to wittsell, ye shasong opened wittsell's fist, decisively back to the rear quickly.

Wittsell growled and mooed and wanted to pursue.

This time, however, wittsell stalled.

Thunderclap: close contact with the target, and then suddenly release the current to attack, causing damage to the target, at the same time, 100% trigger the hit fly effect, 35% probability with paralysis effect, reducing the target's action ability.The 100% flying effect is almost useless. Yecha noticed that at the moment of electric current impact, wittsell's body slightly retreated about half a meter.

This means that the 100% hit effect is really launched, but because of the extremely strong body of wittsell, the effect is very weak.

After all, at 100%, the effect will definitely trigger, but it doesn't determine how useful the effect is.

However, fortunately, the 35% probability of paralysis effect started at this time. Wittsell fell into paralysis, and the speed dropped significantly. This caused the body to stagnate at the moment of preparing to pursue Ye cha.

The leaf brake quickly opens the distance, then toward the front empty grip.

It's too late!

The harsh electric current sound sounded again, and then the electric current appeared in the palm of the leaf brake.

The current is rapidly elongated, and soon becomes the shape of a knife, a ten meter long thunder blade!

Thunder tooth blade: guide the lightning to form a "blade" shape and chop the target. It has a 50% probability of paralysis effect and reduces the target's action ability. It has a 50% probability of life weakening effect, which makes the target suffer continuous damage and incurable. It can trigger 100% damage effect and destroy the non biological target with an interval of 30 minutes.


Ye Cha throws Lei Ya blade towards the front and cuts wittsell hard.

Lei Ya blade is broken in an instant, but it is not broken by wittsell, but the real attack of Lei Ya blade is at the moment of breaking.

Countless electric currents burst and fell on wittsell, wrapping his body.

Those electric current follow the skin of wittsell, quickly drill into the body of wittsell, the tingling feeling instantly spreads all over the body.

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