death train

Chapter 1359

Wittsell's continuous roar, this blow teeth blade brought him a lot of damage.

Different from the general attack, the attack damage of ray tooth blade acts on the surface and the body at the same time. In Taurus form, wittsell's strong body can ignore the surface damage.

However, the direct attack of the body damage, wittsell can not completely resist.

A moment later, wittsell's body continued to emit black smoke, the body issued a burning smell, but no longer roar, it seems to survive the severe pain of the attack.

However, the arc on wittsell's body did not disappear, and still continued to wrap around wittsell's body.

This is another type of paralyzing effect, the life weakening effect, which enters the body through electric current, can cause continuous damage and is incurable.


Ye Cha's mouth is not very satisfied. The thunder has brought inspiration to Ye cha. If you can keep wittsell paralyzed and reduce his movement ability, maybe you can kill him.

In addition, the paralysis effect of thunder boom and thunder tooth blade can overlap, that is, the effect of reducing movement speed can overlap.

Unfortunately, there are two forms of paralysis effect of thunder tooth blade, which are reducing movement ability and life decay.

And what the leaf brake touches is the latter.

Thunder tooth blade can only be used once every 30 minutes. If ye Cha wants to trigger it again, he can only wait half an hour later.

"But life decay is also good." Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said: "if it's incurable, it means that your regeneration ability can't work, right?"

The leaf Cha side says, the side fiercely forward a flick hand.

The string of the ring constantly flying out of the thin line, toward all directions, around the surrounding stone house, find the support point, and then suddenly refracted, flying toward wittsell.


Wittsell kept growling and then punching forward.


With the blow out of wittsell's fist, a thin thread was smashed by the blow.

However, the thread did not break, but spread around, and then quickly wrapped around wittsell's arm.

In addition to times, there are thighs, waist, neck

Almost for a moment, wittsell's body was entangled by thin lines.

"Sky moon!"

Ye Cha suddenly pulled the thread back, and the thread wrapped around wittsell quickly moved close to wittsell's body.

Those thin threads are as sharp as knives. The sky moon skill itself uses continuous cutting of thin threads to create damage.

However, wittsell's body is so strong that it can be cut continuously by thin lines. It can only leave a very shallow bloodstain on wittsell's body, just like a scratch.

But, no healing!

This kind of injury, in terms of wittsell's regenerative ability, can be healed almost in a moment, and even the scar will not be left.

But this time it didn't heal!

This means that the effect of life decay does work, and wittsell's ability to regenerate is blocked.


At this time, wittsell once again issued a cow moo like roar, and then forced to struggle, arms suddenly force, forced to break those thin lines.

Because of the recoil force, ye Cha stepped back toward the rear. Looking at wittsell, he immediately stretched out his hand and pressed the void.



Invisible force forward, hard hit wittsell's chest, will wittsell to hit fly out.

In any case, ye Cha doesn't intend to let wittsell get close to him. That guy's fist is too deadly, especially the Dragon state and the White Dragon King state have reached the upper limit of time.

This means that the physical fitness of yecha has returned to the normal level, and the defense ability has been reduced.


At this time, wittsell smashed a wall, fell into a stone house, the roof suddenly collapsed, will wittsell under the pressure.

The God of ice and snow appeared at the right time and swept over the ruins. With the flying of ice and snow, the ruins were frozen directly.

"Seal him up." The leaf Cha low drinks a way: "don't let him come out."

Boom, boom, boom!

With the command from the leaf brake, there was a loud noise all around, the ground cracked, and the corpse flowers and vines suddenly flew up from the ground, constantly pressing on the ruins.

The roaring sound of the cow's moo is constantly ringing, and then the ruins are constantly shaking. We can see that wittsell is struggling violently.

With the ice cover and the corpse flower vines, ye Cha hopes to suppress it for a while. The longer the delay, the more obvious the effect of life weakening will be. Moreover, after 30 minutes, ye Cha can use the thunder tooth blade again.This is the tactic that ye Cha just thought of not long ago, that is

Kill wittsell!

The former limits wittsell's movement ability, while the latter can form consumption. As long as it lasts long enough, yecha believes that he can drag wittsell to death.

Unfortunately, the corpse flower vine obviously can't suppress wittsell.


After about half a minute's stalemate, the ruins suddenly made a loud noise, and then the ruins exploded. The corpse flowers and vines that overlapped on them also flew out at the first time, hitting the ground around them, making a loud noise.


The roar like a cow's moo sounded again. Vetsell pushed aside the stones on his body, shook his body and stood up again. Standing directly on the top of the ruins, he grabbed a huge stone and threw it towards the leaf brake.

The huge stone was flying in the air, with a strong wind, but before it hit the leaf brake, the black iron sand suddenly flew up, wrapped around the stone, and cut it into pieces.


Wittsell roared again and rushed down from the ruins, but was suddenly entangled in his legs by a chain.

The consul!

The consul hid behind the ruins, and restrained wittsell for the first time when he moved.

At the same time, the corpse flower vine swims fast to the ground, crisscrossing around wittsell.

Wittsell angrily blows out a corpse flower vine, but it is still blocked. There are a lot of corpse flower vines.

At the same time, the chain wrapped around his feet also made him very uncomfortable, and suddenly he raised his fist to the chain.


Wittsell's fist fell, the ground roared, and collapsed directly downward, forming a huge pit.

However, the chain condensed by the light did not break!

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