death train

Chapter 1360

Of course, the consul can't be stronger than wittsell. It can only be said that the chains used by the consul have evolved from particularity, especially after swallowing the flesh and blood of Yan's son. The chains may also contain the power of apostles.

After several successive punches, wittsell was unable to break the chain. He became very angry and suddenly grabbed the chain.

Clank, clank!

The chain drags across the ground and makes a clear sound. The consul has nothing to do with it. In terms of strength, it is impossible to surpass wittsell.


Wittsell drags the chain and makes constant efforts. With the swing of the chain, he directly flies the consul's body and smashes the corpse flowers and vines around him.

For a moment, the chaos suddenly became a ball, continuous collision, corpse flower vines are entangled together, wittsell took the opportunity to rush out of the encirclement circle, and rushed to the leaf brake again.

How fast!

The arc of wittsell's body has not disappeared, the paralysis effect of life weakening and reducing movement speed is still there, but wittsell's speed is still terrible.

Ye Cha estimated the speed of both sides, and found that he was still slower than wittsell, because the wind around was not strong, and the ability of the son of wind could not be 100%.

For a moment, the leaf brake makes a decision, can't avoid past, of course can only hard come.


The clear sound of the sword sounds, and the sword falls out of the scabbard in southern Xinjiang!

The moon night of the twenty fourth bridge!

It's meaningless to attack the opponents of wittsell's level. Ye Cha's sword is the three main sword moves.

Sword out, sword light split!

At the moment when ye Cha's Sword Pierced forward, the light of the sword suddenly dispersed and turned into twenty-four channels, which was extremely gorgeous. It was like a huge silver net, which covered Ye Cha's body, and at the same time shrouded in the past toward wittsell.


No retreat, no timidity, wittsell directly raised his fist, and then toward the front out.

This is the type of extreme evolution of physical fitness, the way of fighting chosen.

Only fists!


Wittsell's fists collided with the sword light, and he tore the sword light directly. However, with the sword light passing by, wittsell's arm was constantly cracked.

The blood flowed down from wittsell's arm. It was bright red and mixed with a trace of gold.

When ye Cha found that the moon of the 24th bridge couldn't resist wittsell's fist, he decisively dropped his sword to Nanjiang.


Wittsell's fist hit the sword and fell into southern Xinjiang. The sword body appeared obvious distortion, and then hit Ye Cha's chest.

Ye Cha's body was like a short kite, flying straight out and falling on the ground.


Ye Cha didn't have time to get up, one side of his head gushed blood, and his face turned pale in an instant.

Ye Cha felt that the viscera were trembling, and there seemed to be some broken fragments in the blood.

Of course, wittsell did not get a good deal. The arm was as if it had been discarded. It was dripping with blood, and even cut off some flesh and blood, showing the traces of bones.

At this time, life is weak, and the ability to curb the cure plays a great role, which can make wittsell unable to regenerate flesh and blood.

However, the pain obviously made wittsell more angry.

Roaring wildly!

The roar of wittsell reverberated around, and then

Kara, Kara!

There was a sound of bone movement. Wittsell's back was suddenly torn, and four bones on each side suddenly grew out. Then he went around to the front of the body and slowly folded up, clinging to the body.

Then the thighs, the calves, the arms.

All of a sudden, the bones stabbed out of wittsell's body, then slowly bent, connected, and wrapped wittsell's body.

Second form!

Ye Cha's reaction is very fast. At the moment when wittsell's body changes, a carp kicks. After getting up from the ground, he quickly backs away, keeps away from wittsell, and starts the attack first.

Six dragons flying!

When the sword came out, the red light of the sword gushed forward, quickly condensed into a bloody dragon shape, and ran towards wittsell.


Wittsell blows forward, smashes the blood dragon with one punch, and then charges forward to meet the second blood dragon directly.


The dull sound of impact sounded again. Wittsell's shoulder sank and smashed the second blood dragon cleanly. Then he met the third blood dragon.

The continuous frontal collision with two blood dragons made wittsell's speed slightly slow. When he met with the third blood dragon, wittsell could no longer rush directly. Instead, he pushed with both hands to catch the impact of the third blood dragon.

With the impact of the blood dragon, wittsell's body was slowly pushed back out, and thenRoar!

Wittsell suddenly raised his head and roared, then tore the third blood dragon to pieces with both hands.

Wittsell continued to move forward without flinching at all. Then his shoulder sank and he ran into the fourth blood dragon.

Both sides constantly push!

Wittsell bumps into the fourth blood dragon, then leans forward and pushes back the blood dragon that flew out before.

One step, two steps, three steps


Wittsell forcefully pushed the fourth blood dragon, pressed the blood dragon back, and then collided with the sixth (fifth) blood dragon that just flew out, making a loud noise.

The two blood dragons became fragments in the collision. Wittsell was cut out one by one. But wittsell completely ignored the wound and pain, strode forward, came to yecha and shot out with his fist.

Ye Cha gritted his teeth and wanted to retreat. However, when the six dragons were used in Feitian, ye Cha couldn't move at will. Only in this way could he keep the six dragons in a line. Now, the sixth blood dragon has gathered.

Ye Cha clenched his teeth and forced him to fight with wittsell. With his sword, the sixth blood Dragon flew forward.


Just at this time, wittsell blows his fist forward and collides with the sixth blood dragon. Then the huge roar comes to mind again.

The blood dragon seems to be crushed inch by inch. Its body is constantly wrinkled, shrinking, and then completely broken.

The fierce air wave swings away at the moment, as if there is a huge explosion, layer by layer, like ripples, pushing around one after another.

Ye Cha felt his chest heaving, so he was blown out again, floating half a meter in the air. Then he fell behind and kept rolling against the ground. He finally stabilized himself. Before he could get up, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood to dye his clothes red.

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