death train

Chapter 1361

Ye Cha reached out and wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked up at wittsell.

At the moment, wittsell has also suffered some injuries, but the injuries are not serious. In the second form, wittsell's physical fitness has been strengthened again, not only the attack power has been enhanced, but also the defense has been significantly improved.

The most important thing is that even the speed has been improved. Even if there is paralysis effect, for the reduction and suppression of movement ability, wittsell's speed still becomes very terrible.

"Damn it

The leaf Cha low scolds a, clench teeth to support the ground to climb up, raise a hand then toward front to wave a current.

The current sweeps forward and cuts wittsell's body, but it is useless. Wittsell smashes the current with his body.


Wittsell roared again, then jumped up and fell in front of yecha. The next moment, wittsell raised his fist.


Wittsell's arm suddenly trembled and hung in the air.

Ye Cha saw that wittsell didn't mean to be merciful. This guy just wanted to blow his fist on his nose.

Ye Yue's voice rang out at this time: "it seems that you need help."

Ye Yue leaned against the wall not far away, and the brain area consumption seemed to recover, but it was obviously weak.

At this time, wittsell roared angrily, forced to break free from the shackles of brain domain ability, and blew his fist down.

But for a moment, the shackles were enough. Ye Cha leaned back and wittsell's fist hit the ground.

Boom, the ground was smashed out of a spider web crack.

Wittsell raised his body, watched Ye Cha climb up from the ground, raised his fist again, but in this moment

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The gunshot suddenly rang out, Nie Po did not know when he stood on the roof of the side, carrying the gun to shoot at wittsell, who instinctively raised his arm to protect his head.

The bullets hit wittsell continuously, but it seems to have no effect. After the bullets hit wittsell, it can only make wittsell's body slightly depressed, and even can't penetrate wittsell's skin.

"Hi Nie Po yelled: "long horn, look here."

Nie Po shouts out loud to attract wittsell's attention. While he continues to shoot, he takes out a grenade, bites open the bolt with his teeth and throws it at wittsell.


The grenade fell at wittsell's feet and exploded. The flames mixed with black smoke surged up. The impact force pushed wittsell out, and wittsell slid back against the ground.

In addition to the explosion, wittsell's body was stained with burnt black ash, thinking that it had no effect.

Dong, Dong, Dong

The dull footstep sounds at this time, the huge figure of Fat Dragon suddenly appears behind wittsell.


The Fat Dragon laughs, and then two slaps, one left and one right, beat wittsell's head at the same time.

With a bang, Feilong pressed wittsell's head, and then the palm of his hand kept pushing and squeezing. Fresh food soon flowed down from wittsell's forehead. Feilong seemed to really want to crush wittsell's head like a watermelon.



Wittsell suddenly reaches out his hand, grabs Fat Dragon's wrist, and slowly opens Fat Dragon's wrist little by little.

Nie Po jumped down from the roof and went to Ye cha. He was surprised and said, "did Feilong lose his power? How is that possible? "


Wittsell forced the Fat Dragon's palm open, and then head fiercely toward the rear of a hit, the fat dragon to directly hit fly out.

"Fat man, you can't do it. It's up to me."

Comus appeared behind the Fat Dragon and gave him a push to prevent him from falling to the ground. Then the cat suddenly jumped forward and raised his left arm.

"The arm of the gods." Comus growled, "holy judge!"


Comus punched out, and then there was a gaping expression on his face. His fist was directly pinched by wittsell.

The next moment, wittsell casually shook his hand, just like throwing garbage, Comus was thrown out.


Comus put in a stone house, and it collapsed.

Nie Po was surprised and said, "what on earth is this?"

Ye Cha gritted his teeth and said, "Taurus!"

Nie Po is more surprised: "constellation monster?"

Although they all went to the island when hunting water elf Moya, they haven't seen Leo. Strictly speaking, it's the first time for them to see constellation monsters.

"Be careful." Ye Cha said: "this guy is very troublesome."At the same time, the fat dragon has rushed to Taurus again.

"Asshole!" Feilong yelled, "you hurt me."

The big palm of the Pu fan was raised, and the Fat Dragon slapped directly at the top of wittsell's head.

The leaf Cha facial expression a change way: "don't!"

If it's the first form, the fat dragon is also the type of extreme evolution of physical fitness. Hard work may be in the downwind, but it can hold up for a while. But if it's the second form of Taurus, it's two different things.

Wittsell opened his mouth and saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth. It can be seen that wittsell was also very excited. He liked the guy who was willing to fight with him.

And then

Wittsell's fist went out.


Fist palm collision!

Feilong tilted his head, and then raised his right arm.

Fat Dragon's right palm disappeared, leaving only the empty wrist, with a wrist bone, blood flowing out of the wound.


At this time, Feilong screamed loudly, holding his arm and retreating.

With just one punch, wittsell smashed Fat Dragon's wrist bone, with great power, tearing the whole palm off.

"Damn it Ye Cha expected that Feilong was not the opponent of wittsell, but he didn't expect to be so miserable. He said to Ye Yue, "get his palm back and freeze it."

When ye Cha said that, he had already rushed out, because wittsell didn't mean to stop, and was walking towards Feilong.

Quickly came to behind wittsell, ye Cha suddenly jumped up, his knees on wittsell's back, pulled out the thin thread from the string ring, and put it on wittsell's neck.

"Asshole!" Leaf Cha ferocious way: "don't forget your opponent is me."

The leaf brake constantly tried to tighten the thin thread, but it couldn't cut wittsell's neck. Then, wittsell stretched out his hand to hold the thin thread, tugged hard, and threw the leaf brake forward.

With a bang, the leaf brake fell to the ground and showed his teeth in pain.

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