death train

Chapter 1366

"Ye cha?"

Nie Po felt that the feeling of suffocation was eroding his body. He looked down and saw that ye Cha was still in a fatal state. His eyes were scarlet and showed a sense of killing.

Nie Po can clearly feel that ye Cha is going to kill himself.

Ye Cha grinned and the black liquid on his face kept surging.

"Get out of the way!"

Ganlin drank a, suddenly a hand, and then the foot of the leaf brake will emerge a black light, soon into a circle of whirlpool.

Countless ghosts fly out from the whirlpool and tightly entangle Ye Cha's body.

The leaf Cha quickly struggles up, the palm a loose, Nie breaks to fall on the ground.

Gan Lin waved her hand and repeated, "all out of the way."


At this time, there was a roar in Ye Cha's throat. Suddenly, he broke those white ghosts and stepped forward.

But it's just a step.

That black light and shadow whirlpool, appeared a dense bone hand, like a Parthenocissus general, constantly toward the leaf brake body to climb, bound the leaf brake.

"Wake up

"Wake up!"

"Don't you want to die? Then wake up

The fatal voice rang out in Ye Cha's head, constantly calling.


Ye Cha roared again, and all the bones and hands on his body were broken, then he suddenly rushed forward.

Just one step, ye Cha rushes to Gan Lin's front, raises right hand, gushes out flame in palm.

Gan Lin seems to be hesitating, but only for a moment, and then close her eyes.

But in this instant, the palm of leaf Cha suddenly hangs, in front of Gan Lin's eyes.

The temperature of the flame made Gan Lin's cheek a little hot and a little red.

Slowly, the flame takes back the body of the blade brake, and then the black liquid shrinks little by little, and soon, it gets back into the body of the blade brake.

Ye Cha's face was pale, and his whole body was soaked with sweat.

Ye Cha put down his hand, bypassed Gan Lin and looked at other people: "go!"

Ye Yue looked at Ye Cha and said, "are you ok?"

"Nothing." Ye Cha repeated: "go."

The leaf Cha takes the lead to walk forward, the head also does not return, he needs to rest now, a nobody's place, let oneself completely relax.

"Wait a minute." Ganlin suddenly said: "Virgo was killed by me."

Ye Cha said: "I know."

The leaf brake didn't say anything more. After promising, he strode forward.

Nie breaks a few people to all have some inexplicable, follow leaf Cha continuously forward.

The atmosphere was a little oppressive, and no one dared to speak.

I don't know how long it took, but ye Cha suddenly stopped and said to other people, "you're going to stay outside for a while. Don't come in."

Ye Cha said, directly into a stone house, the whole person against the wall of the stone house, suddenly raised his head toward the wall, the wall to break a piece.

Then ye Cha showed the color of pain. Green tendons appeared on his body. Black liquid appeared on the surface of Ye Cha's body.

Nie Po heard something at the door and looked at each other.

Nie Po frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

"He didn't recover completely. He was forced down with willpower." Ye Yue frowned and said, "it's a bit like mental pollution."

"Mental pollution?" Nie po said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Yue said: "it's one of the special words of super human. It's hard to describe what's going on. It probably means that the state of mind is unstable, irritable, tyrannical and so on. It often appears in the battle between super human. Because of the mutual erosion of brain abilities, there will be mental contamination."

Nie po said, "he's not a superhuman, is he?"

Ye Yue said: "so what I said is a bit like it. I feel that something is depriving him of his will, as if there is another person in his consciousness."

Comus said, "isn't that multiple personality?"

"Gee." Ye Yue said: "it seems that you are quite right. It's the feeling that multiple personalities occupy each other's bodies."

Comus barked and said, "our purser is actually a psycho? No wonder there is a saying that if you want to make people strong, you must make them crazy. "

"You're insane." At this time, ye Cha came out of the stone house gasping and said, "besides, read more books. Neuropathy is not the same thing as mental illness."

"Are you all right?" Nie po said cautiously: "I mean it's really OK, it doesn't look OK."

"It's all right." Some of the side effects of the brake blade are not obvious

This explanation can also be confused. The ability to sell on the death train is omnipresent, and the more powerful the ability is, the greater the limitation is, or some side effects are common.The leaf brake has killed Taurus, and it's no surprise that the ability used belongs to this column.

Nie Po pats Ye Cha's shoulder to show comfort.

"Find a place to rest," said Comus

Ye Cha said: "it's OK to have a rest here. This place is used for layout. Now the damned ones are dead. There should be no trouble."

Nie Po nodded and said, "we know."

Ye Cha said, "have you met the people of Sumer?"

Nie Po nodded and said, "kill me."

"I killed him too," said Comus

"My one is alive." Ye Yue said, "it's Xia Youran."

The leaf Cha doesn't matter a way: "you see to do by yourself."

As for Feilong, it's no need to ask. Feilong's life means he's dead. It's more difficult for Feilong to stay alive than to kill.

Nie po said, "where's Samuel?"

Ye Cha said: "dead."

Nie po said, "the people from CommScope?"

"He's in collusion with people from CommScope," yecha said

"Ah, the others are surprised?"

This is indeed a very surprising thing, just as yecha was also very surprised when he knew it. He didn't know why Sumer made such a choice.

Even if you want revenge, even if he killed Ganlin and yecha, the conductor will not be difficult for him, because it will only prove that Samuel is powerful, and then be reused by the conductor.

That's the law of the jungle, the law of survival on the death train.

The dead have no value. To live means to be strong.

Of course, yecha guessed that maybe samer thought he couldn't get rid of Ganlin and himself, so he planned to turn to CommScope?

"But will all the people under Samuel go mad with him?" Ye Cha thought and said, "is Xia leisurely alive?"

Ye Yue nodded and said, "unless she encounters an ancient species, she will die in her current state, otherwise, she should live well."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "bring her here."

Ye Yuetan said that there is no problem, as long as it is not a fool, you know what ye Cha is going to ask Xia Youran.

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