death train

Chapter 1367

Ye Yue went to find Xia Youran.

The leaf brake signals others to rest.

Nie Po is very alert, pulling Comus alert around, ye Cha is back to the stone house, sitting on the ground against the wall.

How tired!

Ye Cha felt a trace of palpitation.

Against Leo that time, ye Cha completely lost consciousness, not clear what happened, but this time is different, ye Cha is completely awake.

Ye Cha watched the flame flying, watching Taurus burned by the fire, and then blow his head off.

It's a very refreshing feeling, but with it comes fear.

At that moment, ye Cha felt that he was in the dark, and the whole body was covered with the eternal night, as if a giant beast opened its mouth and devoured himself at any time.

In the position of the heart, ye Cha feels that something is there, and devours himself at any time.

It's a kind of spiritual tearing. It seems that we need to tear our thinking and will to pieces in an instant, not from the body, but from the spirit, completely erase everything.

And the leaf Cha is so looking at, even looking at oneself toward Nie break to rush past, can pinch to break Nie break of throat at any time.

But this is not the will of yecha. At that moment, the body is not controlled by yecha.

"In my body..." Ye Cha stretched out his hand to press his chest, stroked the position of the red lines, and whispered: "what kind of monster is there?"

The fatal voice rang out: "in order to live, you do not hesitate to become a monster?"

Ye Cha was silent for a while and said, "yes."

Fatal way: "in this case, you have what good fear and fear, because, you live."

Ye Cha was silent again, and then said again, "yes."

Fatal way: "but I still don't suggest you use the power of the apostle, not every time you have such good luck."

Ye Chachang Shukou said: "I don't like to live by luck every time. That's not a good feeling, but after all, it's still for living? Be killed by yourself, or by someone else. "

Another deadly silence, and then said: "then struggle hard, roar hard, strive to become stronger, until the power of the apostles are afraid of you, let you drive."

Ye Cha suddenly said, "then, will you be afraid of me?"

He gave a fatal "um", as if to express his doubts.

Ye Cha said: "don't tell me that you are evolved from liquid monster. It's twice. I'm not stupid, so if I become strong enough, will you be afraid of me?"

"No Fatal way: "because, we are symbiotic, in this world, only I will not harm you, nature also does not need to fear you."

The truth is: "hope."

"That's the truth," he said seriously

At this time, the door rang Ye Yue's voice: "come in?"

Ye Cha returned to his senses and said, "come in."

Xia leisurely came in with Ye Yue. Her face was pale and haggard.

Yecha said, "Samur is dead."

Xia leisurely way: "I know."

Ye Cha said, "are you an old acquaintance with Samuel?"

Xia Youran said, "I haven't known you for a long time."

Yecha said: "well, I want to ask a few questions. I wanted to ask them before, but everyone has their own choice, so I won't ask them. But now that Samuel is dead, I think I can ask them."

Xia Youran said, "why did I become a steward of Sumer?"

Ye Cha said, "sure enough, did Samur promise to take you away from the death train?"

Xia leisurely way: "mmm."

"I don't quite understand." Ye Cha said: "why?"

Xia Youran said, "why do you mean, why do I want to leave the death train, or why do I take refuge in Samuel?"

Ye Cha said: "let's talk about it. We've known each other for a long time. I've always wanted to solve my doubts. So if I don't want to say something, I can't say it."

Xia Youran said, "the biggest source of your doubt is that if I want to leave the death train, I will leave directly, right?"

Ye Cha nodded.

There are many rules for the death train, but there are no restrictions in this respect.

Take the simplest example. At every station of the death train, there will be tasks to be performed, and then select the carriage. Everyone must get off the train and complete a task before they can return to the death train.

Note that the mission limitation here is to allow a return to the dead train.

So, the so-called task, in fact, is like buying a ticket, you complete the task, like buying a ticket, to return to the death train.

On the contrary, if you don't complete the task, you have no ticket and can't go back to the death train.

But that's all. It's just that we can't go back to the train of death, not that we will die.

Those who are left behind because they have not completed the task can continue to live and struggle in a certain city, but they just can't go back to the train of death.Therefore, as far as yecha knows, although there are not many such people, a small number of them get enough strength on the death train and become strong enough to think that they can survive in this era. They will leave the death train by themselves.

The way to leave is also very simple. If you don't complete the task at a certain station, you can't go back to the death train.

Xia Youran is very strong. It's not strange to have such an idea.

Well, just leave directly. Why do you want to make things so complicated?

Xia Youran shrugged and sat down cross legged on the ground in front of Ye Cha, saying, "because you will die."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "what?"

Xia Youran said: "why is the death train called the death train? Do you really think you can get on if you want and get off if you want? Everyone who leaves the death train will die! "

Ye Cha said: "it can only be blamed that they are not strong enough. Since they are not strong enough, they should stay on the death train honestly."

"What I'm talking about is that they don't die normally," Xia said

Ye Cha said: "of course, these days, you still expect to die naturally?"

Xia Youran was a little crazy and said, "are you hit in the head in the fight? I mean they will all be killed by the death train. If they can't go back to the death train, it means death!"

The leaf Cha Leng for a while, immediately stunned way: "ah?"

Xia Youran said, "now you know what I mean? If you think I want to leave the death train, just leave directly. But the fact is that people who enter the death train have no freedom from the first station. Every station, every station, every station has been reincarnated until they die. You have no right to say "no"

"This..." Ye Cha frowned and said suddenly, "it's impossible. I've seen people who survived. He once boarded the death train and left!"

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