death train

Chapter 1368

Xia leisurely way: "that person?"

"Dead." Ye Cha didn't feel right, and then added: "I killed it."

Xia Youran laughed and said, "if you don't kill him, he will die sooner or later."

Ye Cha frowned and said, "how do you know about this? If you're right, those who leave the death train are dead, then the dead won't speak. "

Xia Youran suddenly gets up and unties his clothes.

Ye Cha frowned, but didn't say anything. Ye Cha didn't think that Xia leisurely would suddenly come to be interested and planned to do that kind of thing with himself.

A moment later, Xia leisurely unties his clothes, revealing his bra and graceful figure. Then ye Cha sees a ferocious wound.

The wound is a little below Xia Youran's heart, all the way to the side of his navel.

Xia Youran said: "I almost died. Although the wound has healed, it will not disappear. Even if I use the medicine on the death train, I think this is probably a warning."

Ye Cha frowned and said, "have you ever left the death train?"

"Yes, I don't like being controlled, even if it's a train." Xia leisurely showed the color of pain and said: "I can't describe what happened to me, the feeling of walking around in front of the gate of death. Fortunately, at the last moment, I went back to the death train."

After Xia Youran finished, she put on her clothes again.

Xia Youran said: "if you don't believe me, you can ask the landlady. She doesn't avoid this. After returning to the death train, I asked her and she told me."

Ye Cha said, "what did she say?"

"She said Xia leisurely's eyes showed a trace of fear and said, "I will die."

Ye Cha's brow tightened, and then said, "what's the matter with you and Samuel?"

Xia Youran said, "Sam is dead. People from CommScope want to be dead, too?"

Ye Cha nodded, he was alive, of course, those people are going to die.

Xia Youran had a despairing look on her face, and then said, "if you go to CommScope, you don't have to die."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "what?"

"I don't know." Xia leisurely painfully hugged his head and said: "when you leave the death train, there will be something chasing you. That thing is not behind you, but here!"

Xia leisurely said, pointing to his head.

Xia Youran said: "I don't know if it's an ability. In a word, he will appear in your mind, constantly drag you into his world, and then kill you. I am chased by him until I return to the death train, and then Samuel finds me."

Ye Cha said: "does he have a way to leave the death train?"

Xia leisurely way: "yes."

The leaf Cha way: "he proved to you?"

Xia Youran nodded and said, "he asked one of his crew members to leave the dead train. Then a month later, he made a video. The other was still alive and joined CommScope."

Yecha asked: "CommScope?"

"Yes, it's the same this time," Xia said. "After we leave the death train, we will go to CommScope. I feel that going to CommScope has something to do with living, but I don't know how to do it."

"CommScope, CommScope..." The leaf Cha continuously murmurs, then fiercely pulls up the volume way: "do you say the CommScope company?"

Summer leisurely looking at leaf Cha suddenly become excited appearance, have some doubts, but still nod.

Ye Cha began to pace back and forth.

Ye Cha actually met one of the people who left the death train. His name was Vincent, the leader of the tiger camp. He was once a member of the death train and left.

The most important point is that tiger camp has a cooperative relationship with CommScope, which can even be said to be supported by CommScope.

So, in theory, Vincent, as the leader of tiger camp, is also a member of CommScope?

"This..." Ye Cha bit his finger and said, "it's really interesting?"

Xia leisurely way: "what do you know?"

"Samuel may not have lied to you." Ye Cha said: "the guy who left the death train and was killed by me joined CommScope."

Xia Youran was obviously stunned, then shook his head and said, "now it's meaningless to say this, isn't it? Anyway, Samuel is dead. "

Ye Cha nodded and said, "have a rest. If necessary, you can go back with us."

Xia leisurely way: "thank you."

There are many stone houses. Ye Cha wants to be quiet, and no one bothers him.

Ye Cha's heart is in a mess. He thinks a lot.

First of all, it comes from the power of the apostles. Yecha didn't know how to describe it. Although strictly speaking, it saved himself twice, the feeling of unknown and uncontrollable makes people tremble, especially the feeling that he seems to swallow himself up at any time. It makes people feel palpitating when they think about it.And there's something fatal


Ye Chachang sighed. This is something that must be solved, but it can't be solved.

Secondly, Xia Youran provided his own intelligence, which was really a surprising thing. Ye Cha had never thought about it before.

However, judging from Xia Youran's words, the landlady does not seem to avoid this matter, otherwise she will not answer Xia Youran positively. In this case, you can try the most direct way, that is to ask the landlady.

The focus is on CommScope, which makes it very interesting.

Ye Cha is now extremely curious about the role of CommScope in this matter.

At the end of the day, Yasha doesn't think much of CommScope.

Death train, Apostle walk, and CommScope!

From the current clues, CommScope is likely to be the originator of doomsday, but so what? Yecha's positioning for CommScope is a group of lunatics who still want to seek benefits for themselves in the last days.

In yecha's opinion, what research is still being carried out by CommScope, many of which are aimed at zombies. What's the reason? Interests, of course.

It is estimated that some people do not understand, what are the benefits in the end?

Money, power, life, the pursuit and struggle of nothing more than those things.

And now power is meaningless, and money is like papyrus.

But what if the doomsday is over?

What if the world regains order and needs to rebuild civilization?

Then, as a behemoth in the last world, CommScope is likely to get all the ruling power and the right to make rules.

However, no matter how CommScope studies, it is still at the level and stage of human beings.

The train of death and the apostles obviously hold the mysterious power far beyond normal cognition and civilization.

So, of course, Yasha will be dismissive of CommScope.

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