death train

Chapter 1375

Ye Cha's eyes brightened involuntarily. He hadn't thought of this before. This business is so profitable!

If you bring a truck of food by yourself, it's only a little Silver Skull coin at most, but you can sell dozens or hundreds of gold skull coins on the death train.

Looking at Ye Cha's starry eyes, the landlady spilled the water again: "anything that is not hunted by herself can't be traded on the death train. It's not only me. It's useless for you to find someone else. Anything you exchange will disappear."

Ye Cha grinned. He really sealed the loophole. Otherwise, in this way, he could make his strength terrible in a short time.

Ye Cha said: "I really want to change things..."

Ye Cha said, and put a stack of drawings on the bar.

The proprietress looked at her eyes and said, "the drawing of the twin sawtooth sword?"

Ye Cha nodded and said, "yes, I'm going to make this thing, so I can't even use the material I changed for myself?"

The landlady said, "that's no problem. You can do as you like."

If you use it yourself, there's no limit. You can guess the reason, because if you make it yourself, you have to have a drawing!

Drawings are good things, but there are very few of them.

If the items purchased from the treasure list are rare, the items made from drawings are rare among the rarities, which are at least ten times rarer than those in the treasure list. Each item is basically the high-end goods in the treasure list.

The reason is very simple. First of all, there are very few drawings, which can't be seen. Second, a lot of materials are needed, among which there are many precious materials. Even if you reach these two points, there is still a key problem, that is, the production will fail!

Each drawing has the limitation of trying to make. For example, the number of times to make the drawing of the double serrated sword in yecha's hand is twice. That is to say, if the drawing is not made twice, it will disappear.

Therefore, under such harsh conditions, such things are very few.

Moreover, it's no use hoarding a lot of materials. First of all, you have to have drawings, and second, you have to be able to make them successfully. These two points can block the probability of the appearance of such items. Of course, the landlady doesn't care whether the leaf brake changes materials.

At the same time, this is also the explanation that ye Cha Lingguang thought of in a flash.

After all, I went to Hong Kong City to exchange a lot of materials, but they are useless. They will certainly arouse suspicion.

Originally, ye Cha didn't realize this. After being reminded by the boss's wife, ye Cha noticed it and immediately thought about the excuse. It was a coincidence that he had a drawing in his hand, which was sent by Samuel at the beginning.

The landlady said, "there are still six days to go before the departure, and then the next stop will stay for 15 days, that is to say, you must come back within 21 days. Do you understand?"

Ye Cha nodded.

The landlady said, "well, what about the food? Since you are going for the materials, you must need a lot of food to change it? "

Ye Chadao: "simple and easy to save, and easy to keep things, is it high value?"

The landlady said, "sure, but I still suggest taking some luxury goods. There must be few buyers, but the price is high."

Ye Cha said: "well, ten cases of instant noodles, ten cases of compressed biscuits, ten cases of sugar, ten cases of salt, ten cases of dry beans, and one case of wine. Forget it, it's not easy to take and it's easy to break. Give me another 20 bags of cigars and two cases of fruits. There are more kinds of fruits."

The landlady said, "I've wiped the change. Fifteen gold skull coins."

Fifteen gold skull coins are actually the money for the twenty boxes of cigars and fruits. The small change erased is enough to buy all the things in front. Luxury goods are also very valuable on the death train.

This is actually a strange phenomenon.

If you don't eat, you will die!

If you don't drink water, you will die!

No smoking, no death!

Don't drink, don't die!

But the price of the latter two is hundreds of times higher than that of the former two. If you have enough bread, you have to pay dozens of times for steak.

This is understandable and incomprehensible.

Spiritual satisfaction, before the end of the world, is understandable. Enjoying life and enjoying beautiful things is not a derogatory term.

But after the end of the world, this demand is not weakened, on the contrary, it is longed for, as if all this is the final spiritual comfort.

Ye Cha gave the money and said, "let someone help me move to the platform."

The landlady nodded and said, "OK, have a good trip."

Ye Cha leaves the dining car, and then enters the platform of the death train. The things are ready soon. Ye Cha directly calls out the corpse flower to eat the things.

Walking out of the death train along the stairs, looking up, you can see many buildings in Ye Cha's eyes, as well as a very familiar feeling.

"Because of the words?"

Ye Cha laughs from the corner of his mouth. There are many old buildings. On both sides of the street are dense shops, mainly restaurants.All kinds of signboards are hanging everywhere. Of course, many of them fall on the ground and have been smashed.

And the Chinese characters above make ye Cha feel incomparably cordial.

"I haven't seen it for a long time!"

Yecha smiles, and then the snow God flutters his wings and falls on yecha's shoulder. Yecha puts two pieces of raw meat into yecha's mouth.

Ice and snow God crooked head, wondering why the leaf brake gave food, but no order.

Ye Cha touched the head of ice and snow God with a smile and said, "I don't need you to scout anything. It's just because I'm in a good mood."

After ye Cha finished, he walked towards the front, more leisurely.

This time, there is no task, and it's not a fight. It's a pure trade. It doesn't take much effort, and the time is enough. Naturally, ye Cha is not very nervous.

Of course, what should be done should be done.

As ye Cha walked along, he pointed his finger toward the side, and an arc flew forward to blow up a wandering Zombie's head.

After the lightning stroke upgraded the capacity of the blade brake to that of the Leidi, the battery became a lightning core, and the capacity of pure electric power almost doubled or tripled. At present, as long as the electric power is fully stored, the blade brake doesn't have to worry that the capacity can't be used.

After killing the zombie, ye Cha began to look around.

There are zombies here, which means that ye Cha is not going to the nine snake district. Therefore, ye Cha must first determine his position, and then find the direction of the nine snake district.

Or to be more direct, yecha needs a map.

"Found it."

Ye Cha paced forward, came to the front of the collapsed newspaper Pavilion, opened the stacked magazines, and then took out a map sealed with a plastic bag.

Ye Cha spread out the map and looked at it for a while. Then he pointed on the map and said, "it's not bad. It's not far away. I should be able to get there before dark."

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