death train

Chapter 1376

The port city is very big.

Therefore, even if the other party builds a human camp for survivors here, it is impossible to occupy the whole port city, and even the whole nine snake area is too large.

Ming Hai's power only occupied one area, and it was a small and shabby old city.

But ye Cha has to say that this guy is very smart.

There are no high-rise buildings in the old city, and the structure is compact. Although there are many and complex roadways, it also means that the space is small. At the same time, it means that it is difficult for the zombies outside to re-enter if this place is cleared out.

In other words, even if there are zombies wandering in, because of the terrain, it is difficult to gather them together. It is only a small scale of zombies, which is easy to kill.

As for how to distinguish this area, it's actually very simple.

The streets of the city extend in all directions, and there are too many entrances and exits. It is not like there were towers and walls in ancient times, so the other side built sentries.

It's a sentry, but it's actually very simple. The buildings on both sides were smashed through the walls, and then machine guns were set up. The roof about 300 meters away is reflective, and there should be snipers, but it's not professional.

When not shooting, the sniper will cover the sight to avoid reflection.

Then, at the intersection of the road, I put up a barbed wire fence and sealed the road directly. Moreover, not far behind the barbed wire fence, there was a tank parked. I don't know where it came from.

Yecha believed that the entrances and exits of other streets, even the roadways, must have been sealed. In this way, an area was isolated.

As soon as the leaf brake was close to the wire mesh, a voice rang out from the side and said, "stop!"

Five or six armed men came out of a shop on the side and quickly pointed their guns at yecha.

Ye Cha raised his hands to show that he had no malice, and then said, "I heard that there can be transactions here, so I came here."

A bearded man came to the leaf brake and said, "don't you know there is a designated intersection to go in and out?"

The leaf Cha Leng next, then way: "I am to listen to a person to introduce, come with admiration, this is the first time."

"The first time?" The other side looked at the leaf Cha, carefully looked at a few eyes, then said: "a person?"

This is really a strange place. The people who come here to trade don't come here alone, but they usually drive alone, because they have to escort goods. I've never seen such empty handed people as ye cha.

Ye Cha said in his heart that he was negligent, and then said, "I'm here to explore the way. By the way, I'll have a look at the situation. The motorcade is in the back. It's about two days later. After all, it's the first time. Everyone is a little vigilant."

The leaf Cha side says, the side stealthily feels out the box cigar, quietly thrusts into the other party's hand.

Big beard brightened his eyes, then nodded his head and said, "since it's the first time I'm here, I don't know the rules. You can enter from here. But when the motorcade comes back, remember to go to the East. You have to register there to check in. Do you understand?"

Ye Cha quickly nodded and said: "understand, understand."

Bearded waved the barbed wire open, then pointed to the back, said: "go straight, across the street, there is a burger king, go to the bathroom, there is a back door, you can go there."

The leaf Cha once again a face obedient accompany smile, then bypass the barbed wire net, walk forward.

Walking forward, it's still desolate. I don't see anyone, and I can't imagine any business in this place.

However, following the direction pointed by the bearded man, he found Burger King's fast food restaurant. After entering, at the place near the back door, ye Cha suddenly heard a voice, which was still very dense.

Ye Cha immediately opened the door, and then showed a look of surprise.

People, a lot of people!

In today's era, ye Cha hasn't seen so many people for a long time, and there are such busy streets.

Although it can't be regarded as a dense flow of people, people do come and go on the streets. There are all kinds of shops on both sides, selling everything, but most of them are food.

On the side of yecha is a butcher's shop. However, what people sell is not pork or beef, but meat from ancient times.

Leaf brake all the way forward, looking at the shops around, feel very interesting.

There will be no money for the business here, because money is meaningless, so it's food for food.

However, it is meaningless to exchange food for food. For example, what is the difference between taking a piece of cake and exchanging a piece of bread? Does it taste different?

Of course, the taste is different, but this kind of transaction is of little significance. No one will come all the way here to exchange bread for cake because they like cake.

So the focus of trading is volume.

For example, there is a snack shop on the side of yecha. If a barbecued bun is 50g, if you want to eat it, you need to use 150g food to replace it.

There is no limit to the amount of food exchanged. At the same time, the proportion will change according to the value of the food exchanged. For example, the proportion of food that is easy to preserve will decrease.

For example, the meat of ancient species is indeed a very dangerous thing to hunt and kill. However, the meat of ancient species is the most easily available food in the last world, with the proportion of 50g for 500g.There are also meat from zombies, which can be eaten after treatment, but the risk factor is high. Zombie virus may not be removed 100%, and there is a small probability of infection. If it is not a last resort, no one will eat this kind of meat.

However, it is also food in the end, but the proportion reaches the level of exchanging 50g for 3000g, because it is very worthless.

In a word, the transaction is subdivided in terms of type and weight, but there is no clear regulation, and it often depends on negotiation.

On the surface, if you exchange 500g of ancient meat for barbecued pork bun, you will lose a lot. You can eat at least two meals of 500g meat, but you can't eat enough for one meal of barbecued pork bun.

But in fact, it can't be regarded as such. It's also a kind of spiritual enjoyment. People's barbecued pork buns are hot, and they use salt, seasoning, craftsmanship and so on.

For example, when you go to a restaurant for dinner before the end of the world, you know that the price of the dishes you serve is only about one fifth of the price of the meal, but the restaurant is out of business?

What's more, the most important thing is the sense of existence. The atmosphere and everything here have a feeling before the end of the world, which is a kind of psychological consolation for people.

In fact, everything here is really not the core of the trading market. It is mainly a service for foreigners.

Ye Cha came to the snack shop, took out a pear from his pocket and said, "how many barbecued pork buns can I exchange for this?"

The boss's eyes suddenly bright, excited: "this is a pear?"

Ye Cha said: "can it be a pineapple?"

The boss said in a trembling voice, "it's not fruit, it's fresh pear?"

Ye Cha said with a smile: "you feel it."

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