death train

Chapter 1377

There was little fruit in the last days.

If you want to list the most precious food in the last time, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables are absolutely at the top of the list.

The so-called fruits are basically made into dried fruits, which is convenient for preservation.

Of course, with the continuous establishment of human camps for survivors, there are still some fresh fruits, but the fruits are perishable and cannot be taken to this place for long-distance trade.

Therefore, although the scale of this place is not small, it is a place where many survivors' human camps exchange their needs, but fresh fruits are also difficult to see.

Moreover, the pears that yecha takes out are very fresh. Generally speaking, even if there are fresh fruits, they are not so fresh when they are transported here. However, the pears that yecha takes out are exactly like the ones that have just been picked.

"It's all for you." The boss said excitedly: "this drawer of steamed buns is for you."

Leaf Cha dry smile for a while, take a drawer of steamed buns at least thirty or forty, oneself take to sell?

"No more." Ye Cha said, "give me two barbecued pork buns and another bowl of wings."

The boss said, "OK, OK, please have a seat."

The boss quickly took things for the leaf brake, and then even regardless of the business, excited to take clothes to wipe pear, and then open mouth to bite, but suddenly thought of what.

"Xuanxuan, come here."

The boss yelled at the back of the shop, and then a little boy about five or six years old ran out from behind. The boss immediately stuffed the pear into the little boy's hand.

"Come on, eat." The boss doted on his face and said, "it's sweet."

Ye Cha looked at this scene and couldn't help laughing. Then he bit the barbecued pork bun and drank a bowl of wings.

The taste can't be said to be delicious, but it's not bad. It's very common. At least the food in the dining car of the death train tastes much better.

Moreover, red wine, steak and local snacks are all available in the dining car of the death train. As long as you have enough skeletons, they can be served to you. It tastes like the hands of the top culinary masters.

The barbecued pork bun and WAN Zai's wings in front of us are not in fashion at all.

But there's a different feeling.

Ye Cha feels the softness of the dough and the chewiness of the meat. He likes it very much.

It's not the taste, it's the spirit.

Ye Cha felt the truth.

This is a feeling that can not be felt on the death train. Everything on the death train is always mysterious and illusory. Everything makes people feel less real. Even the food in the dining car is not so delicious as it is made by people.

The barbecued pork bun and Wanzai wings in front of us, though not so delicious, are more real.

There is a feeling of being alive!

Ye Cha raised his head and poured all the bowl wings into his mouth. Then he looked at the boss on one side, took out a box of cigars from his arms, threw one and said, "come on."

The boss took the cigar, submissive dare not point, hesitated: "I have nothing to change, and, again change really want to lose money."

Ye Cha said with a smile, "you don't need to give me anything. Just answer me a few questions."

"Question?" the boss asked

Ye Cha cut the cigar open, lit it and said, "this is my first time here. I'm very strange to everything here, so I need someone to help me answer my questions and give me some guidance."

"No problem, it's no problem at all." The boss immediately became happy, even closed the door directly, put up the sign of business suspension, sat down in front of the leaf brake and said, "what do you want to ask? Just ask

Ye Cha said: "I think you can see that I'm here to trade. So, where should I go?"

"It's easy." The boss said: "there are three major trade fairs here. One is regular, and people from human survivors' camps all over the world will send people to come here. The other is long-term, which is in Jiumen building. There are trade fairs there for many years, and people from human survivors' camps will send people to stay here."

Ye Cha said: "there is another one?"

"The boss said:" that is the Ming sea adult organization, the threshold is relatively high

Ye Cha said, "I just want to find him."

"This..." The boss shook his head and said, "I can't help it. Even if you have fresh fruits and cigars, they are valuable enough, but the quantity is too small, and Ming Hai despises them. Moreover, to tell you the truth, cigars are OK, but the fruits are in fact flashy."

Ye Cha nodded. Fruit is really attractive, but it's hard to keep.

Even if there are a lot of fruits, what should we do if we buy them? Not only can we eat dried fruits, but they are not fresh fruits, so they are not so valuable. The value of dried fruits is only one tenth of that of fresh fruits.

The survivors were planted in human camps and made dried fruits for preservation. Fortunately, it's not stupid to buy dried fruits at a high price. It's better to exchange dried fruits with people.

Ye Cha said: "I not only have these, but also other precious food resources. Salt, sugar, instant noodles and compressed biscuits can be preserved for a long time, and the quantity is not small."The boss looks at Ye Cha strangely.

Ye Cha said with a smile: "my team will arrive soon. I'm just one step ahead."

"I see." The boss nodded and said, "but I'm afraid it's still not easy. It's a high threshold to directly trade with Minghai adults. But if you have enough precious things and a large amount of them, you can apply for the transaction, but you may not be able to pass the application."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "well, where to apply?"

The boss pushed open the window and pointed to a corridor in the distance: "see?"

Ye Cha nodded.

"The boss said:" where is the base camp of Ming Hai adults, you can directly take things there, but I advise you to find a guide, more able to speak

The leaf Cha way: "guide is literal meaning?"

The boss said: "it means literally that they are all the people of Minghai. They are dedicated to serving the people who come here from other camps, and they are all free. However, if you are willing to pay a price quietly, they can talk about some things. After all, they are all the people of Minghai."

Ye Cha said: "I see. Then, the last question is, where can I find a guide?"

The boss was stunned and said, "didn't you see it when you came in? It's right over the entrance. "

Ye Cha patted his forehead. He seemed to have bribed someone to come in. He knew that he had to go there. Why did he give up a box of cigars for nothing.

The leaf Cha helplessly spreads a hand way: "I didn't notice."

The boss looked at Ye Cha's purse, agitated the lower throat and said, "do you want me to make a phone call for you? I know people who are very nice and reliable. "

The leaf Cha which also can not know the meaning, again took a pear from own waist bag to come out a way: "that trouble you."

The boss immediately said with a smile: "no trouble, no trouble, I'm going to help you call."

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