death train

Chapter 138

Dead train, a car.

The young man sat on the sofa with a wine glass in his hand, which contained wine like blood.

All of a sudden, the man's palm suddenly forced, the cup was crushed, and the wine spilled out, and the carpet on the ground was dyed red.

"A bunch of trash."

The expression of the man changes of twist, low voice drinks to scold.

After a moment, the man seemed to calm down, picked up the phone, dialed a number and said, "let Jin Anyi come to see me."

The man put down the phone, asked about minutes, the door was knocked, a strong man into the car.

The man has a very handsome face, but a scar extending from the eyebrow corner to the chin destroys everything.

Jin An Yi said, "are you looking for me?"

The young man opened the cupboard, took out a metal box and threw it in the past, saying: "Lin Chengyan, that waste failed. This time it's up to you. I hope you can bring back good news to me."

Jin Anyi opened the box, then frowned and said: "please forgive me, the death train has just arrived at platform 4. No one can buy weapons of this level, if the conductor knows..."

"So..." The young man suddenly interrupted: "it doesn't matter if the conductor knows about the slave area?"

Jin Anyi hesitated and said, "this..."

"If the conductor knows about the slave area, I'll die, and so will you." The young man got up and said, "that guy broke into the slave area, so he can't live, he must die."

The young man walked around the sofa and patted Jin Anyi on the shoulder.

"Lin Chengyan is a fool, you are not." "The young man said:" I give you things, does not mean you have to start, I think you can think of a way, right

Jin Anyi pondered and said, "I think I know what to do."

The young man said, "I'm waiting for your good news."


Desert wasteland!

The car is moving forward in the desert, with a piece of dust at the rear.

The car didn't stop until the sunset. The leaf brake came down from the car and said, "let's have a rest here today."

Xia ya got out of the driveway: "yes."

Ye Cha took out his camping equipment and said, "how long will it take to reach the surviving human concentration camp?"

Shaya thought and said, "it's going to take about a week."

Ye Cha frowned and said, "gasoline is enough, but our food doesn't seem to last a week."

Blair apologized and said, "sorry, it's because of us."

The food Ye Cha snatched from the one eyed old man is enough for him to arrive at the surviving human camp. However, if Xia Ya and Blair are included in the food ration for three people, the food and water are obviously not enough. Even after ye Cha killed Gong Qi, he also found some food from his car.

Ye Cha said: "I just made a deal with you. It's my own choice. I admire you for escaping from the one eyed old man. You have lived so long without food and water."

"We originally wanted to find the surviving human concentration camp on the road. As long as we got on the bus, we would not lack food and water, and we could reach the surviving human concentration camp directly," Xia said

"But we didn't wait for the motorcade after waiting for three days. On the contrary, the crazy riders came to us. We fought and won. The previous food and water were snatched from the crazy riders," Blair said

Ye Cha took out the dried meat and bit it: "is there no other place to get food?"

"At least in this desert, all the food that can be found has been taken away by the crazy knight and the surviving human concentration camp. At present, if the surviving human concentration camp wants to find food, it can only go to the cities around the desert."

Ye Cha nodded.

In fact, the problem of food is still relatively easy to solve. Some edible creatures can be found in the desert, such as sand lizards and scorpions. To say the least, even if we don't eat for three or four days, it's not impossible.

Especially after ye Cha's physical fitness has been strengthened, it's OK not to eat for a week. At most, he will be a little weak.

The trouble is that fresh water is more important than food. At the same time, lack of water and hunger can make people weaker. Losing or weakening combat power in this desert is equivalent to being associated with death.

"At least we have food for now." Shaya got up and said, "I'll go and pick up something to light a campfire."

Ye Cha nodded, then poured some water into the pot and began to cook the dried meat.

The desert weather is dry, and the dried meat is very hard. If you don't cook it, it's really hard to swallow.

After he began to cook the broth, ye Cha took out the corpse flower again, and then put the corpse of the crescent bear in the flowerpot. The three flower buds of the corpse flower immediately dropped down, dripping corrosive liquid, and began to decay the corpse.

Blair can't help but stay away. She's not surprised at the existence of corpse flowers. Since the end of the world, there have been many strange things in the world. She's surprised why yecha has to keep such horrible things."Hello, hello..." At this time, Xia Ya's voice suddenly came, quickly ran back, gasped: "car, car, there is a team."

Ye Cha's eyes lit up and said, "the motorcade of the surviving human concentration camp?"

"Yes." "There are signs of surviving human concentration camps on those cars, but the motorcade is a bit weird," said Xia ya

Ye Cha said: "weird?"

Shaya nodded, pointed to the distance and said, "the motorcade stopped on the road over there, but there were no soldiers in the surviving human camp around."

Ye Cha couldn't help frowning, which was really strange.

If you stop halfway, it is said that in the past, the sun is setting, and the night has come. You need to rest and eat, then there should be talents around the team.

After all, if you just rest in the car, there's no need to stop. If the driver is tired, it's better to drive by himself.

"Go After the leaf Cha pondered for a while, resolute way: "we go to have a look."

Shaya nodded and said, "follow me."

Xiaya led the way, which was not far from their position. After climbing a hill, he saw the motorcade of human concentration camp.

A total of nine vehicles, five armed vehicles in charge of escorting, have undergone considerable transformation of weapons. The body is full of all kinds of weapons, including saws, spikes and impact barriers.

The remaining four cars, including a minivan, two minivans and a large medium-sized bus, should be used to transport materials.

These nine cars are like a long dragon on the road, quiet.

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