death train

Chapter 139

Shaya reached out and said, "look at the icon on the car. It's the sign of the surviving human concentration camp."

The logo is an ellipse. On the inner ring of the ellipse, it says hope in English, which means hope.

Ye Cha said, "let's go and have a look."

Yecha directly slides down the hill, and then goes towards the road. When it is about five meters away, yecha directly reaches out to stop Shaya and Blair.

Ye Cha pulled out the silver thorns from the holster, put the two guns in hand, and then slowly went on.

"What's the problem?" she whispered

Ye Cha said: "there is a smell of blood. You two had better stay here. I can't guarantee what will happen."

Shaya immediately guards Blair behind him, pulls out a dagger from behind his waist and holds it carefully.

Leaf brake is slowly toward the bus, gradually close, leaf brake can vaguely hear some subtle sound from the car.

Ye Cha tried to look inside from the window, but the windows were all equipped with barbed wire, and at the same time the curtains were drawn, so he could not see the situation inside.

The leaf brake simply went to the car door and tried. Without pulling, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked towards the door of the minibus.

Bang, the door was kicked open by the leaf brake, but at this time, a figure suddenly rushed out.

Ye Cha almost instinctively raised his hand to shoot.

At the sound of the gun, the man's head was directly pestered on the muzzle of the gun. With the sound of the gun, he was directly smashed, and then fell to the ground.

Ye Cha lowered his head and said, "zombie?"

At the same time, after the opened door of CMB, it staggered out of the zombie and rushed towards the leaf brake.

Bang, bang!

As ye Cha stepped back, he fired two shots to blow up the heads of the two zombies. Then he raised his foot and kicked down another zombie. Then he pulled the trigger to blow up the head of the zombie.

There were four zombies rushing out, and then the minibus was quiet.

The leaf Cha walks forward, will be kicked rotten door to slowly push open, suddenly, a head suddenly came out, toward the wrist of the leaf Cha bit to come over.

As soon as ye Cha's pupil shrank, he quickly turned to one side, then hit the head of the zombie with the butt of a gun and knocked the zombie to the ground. Then he raised his foot and stepped on the neck to break the neck of the zombie.


The leaf Cha vomits the outlet turbid gas, the last really also gives him a fright, didn't expect that there is a zombie behind the door.

Get rid of five zombies. Ye Cha goes to the car to have a look.

Sure enough, it was the surviving people who concentrated on delivering goods and materials. Although it was a minibus, almost all the seats were removed, and goods and materials were piled on it.

The leaf brake circled a circle, didn't find other zombies, and then toward the Xia ya to start, then walked toward a truck in front.

Walking to the window of the truck, ye Cha pats the window. A zombie suddenly pokes his head and bumps into the glass. Then he keeps scratching the glass and wants to rush out.


Ye Cha aimed at the window and shot the zombie.

Ye Cha said to Xia ya: "you hurry to leave here. I thought it was the crazy knight who robbed the motorcade, but now it looks more troublesome than the crazy knight. The soldiers of these surviving human concentration camps have become zombies."

Xia Ya said: "as long as you don't open the door, you've killed all the zombies in that minibus. Let's move some food and water so that we can get to the surviving human concentration camp smoothly."

Ye Cha took a look at Xia Ya and said: "nine cars, on the way of driving, almost closed space, all the people inside became zombies, and I have observed that there are no wounds on their bodies. Do you know what this means?"

Xia Ya Leng next way: "mean what?"

Ye Cha said: "this means that they are not infected by each other after being attacked by zombies. Instead, there is a virus spreading in the air, causing them to suddenly become zombies and then trapped in the car."

Shaya was startled and stepped back, then held by Blair.

"Leave!" Ye Cha waved his hand and said: "go back to the back of the hillside. There must be something here that you can't deal with. Even if you want food and water, it's something after that. Hurry up!"

Shaya nodded, pulled Blair around and ran.

Blair hesitated and said, "what about you?"

Ye Cha unloaded the magazine, then filled in the new magazine and said with a smile, "what do you think I want to do?"

Shaya grabbed Blair and said, "don't ask so many questions. Let's go first."

Yecha watched Shaya and Blair leave.

Xiaya is a bastard, selfish, afraid of death, fierce, as a captain of the crazy knight, xiaya is full of many bad things.

However, Shaya is real, which is usually the case for the survival of human beings in the last days. On the contrary, Blair is somewhat untrue. Even in the last days, this woman still maintains a trace of kindness and innocence.Unfortunately, in the last days, these are not virtues, but useless things.

But in general, it is possible for a guy like Shaya to betray the one eyed old man for Blair's sake and escape with her. Yecha just wants to say that love is really great.

Watching the two leave, ye Cha holds his gun and goes to the other cars.

In theory, zombie virus is infected through blood, so in the case of injury, it becomes a zombie.

However, there are definitely two kinds of viruses that can be transmitted through air in the past.

The first case is the initial virus, just like the girl yecha met in the convenience store before boarding the death train is the initial zombie.

At the beginning of zombie virus, of course, it was impossible to infect the virus through zombie bite, so there was the initial zombie. The initial zombie was infected by the virus through the air. The virus would be latent in the body for a period of time, and then suddenly erupt, turning people into zombies.

The second situation is the special ability of mutant zombies. Some mutant zombies do have similar ability. They don't need to bite to hurt the target. They can spread the virus simply by contacting or using the air.

Yecha, of course, is inclined to the latter.

First of all, it's been a long time since the outbreak of doomsday. At present, it's almost impossible to have the initial virus. If it does, yecha is really rich this time. Yecha has only heard about it in his previous life, never seen it, and no one has ever found it.

If you take it to the dining car and sell it, it's said that it's directly calculated by thousands of skeletons, and it's still gold skeletons.

Therefore, ye Cha didn't feel so lucky to meet the virus source of the initial virus in this place.

Then, the second situation is left!

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