death train

Chapter 140

Leaf brake began to search the car, knocking on the window, using the sound to activate the zombies inside.

However, ye Cha didn't kill those zombies.

If you really get zombie virus through the air, ye Cha doesn't know if he's hit. It's useful to keep these zombies. In case he's really infected, stabbing zombies with Alaska whaling fork can cure and detoxify by sucking blood.

Of course, yecha also has a bottle of antidote in his backpack for a rainy day.

Otherwise, in this case, the first thing is to turn around and run, and immediately leave this damned place. The second thing is to kneel down and pray, and never be infected by zombie virus.

One, two, three

Ye Cha carefully took a look at all the nine cars, but he didn't find anything. There were only ordinary zombies, no variant zombies.

However, ordinary zombies absolutely do not have the ability to spread the virus through the air and infect other people.

"Where have you been?"

Ye Cha murmurs, and then plans to use the killer mace to put on the star shining goggles.

Unless the mutant zombie is far away from here, as long as it is moving, starshine goggles will be able to find the other person.

Leaf brake slowly pace, use star shine goggles search, plan to see nine cars again.

Walking back to the side of the original bus, ye Cha's eyes suddenly brightened, and the red shadow appeared on Xingyao's goggles. It was not above the bus, but under the bus.

The zombies on the bus have been killed by the leaf brake. Theoretically, there should be no red shadow, let alone under the car.

Leaf brake directly lying on the ground, the probe toward the bottom of the bus to see, but did not find any.

Ye Cha thought for a moment, then took out the colorful cloud to cover the moon, took out a metal strip, threw it into the bottom of the bus, and then stepped on the bus and jumped up to the top of the bus.

The leaf brake stands on the top of the car and carefully observes the surroundings of the minibus.

Soon, thick smoke spread from all around the car.

If there is a zombie hidden under the car, the smoke of colorful clouds covering the moon will do harm to it. In this way, it is possible to force it out.

Leaf Cha carefully stares at, about half a minute, star shine in the goggles, that red light suddenly moved.

Ye Cha soon found a gap in the smoke, and then a small snake suddenly came out.

That little snake is really small. It's only about the thickness of one tail finger. Its body length is less than 20 cm. It swims on the ground very quickly. It looks no different from ordinary snakes on the whole.

But there was a red flower above the snake's head with black spots on its petals.

Indistinctly, ye Cha can smell some fragrance coming from the air, a little familiar, like the fragrance of jasmine mixed with the fragrance of osmanthus.

The leaf Cha involuntarily dull for a moment, then fiercely return to God, startled way: "corpse flower?"

The reason why Ye Cha felt familiar with the smell was that the corpse flower he cultivated could also send out the fragrance, which was similar to that at present, but it was much lighter and not so rich.

"Is this an ancient species, or a mutant zombie?" Ye Cha frowned: "can spread zombie virus, should be mutant zombies? But how to mutate a snake into a corpse flower? "

Yecha frowned. Because of the memory of the previous life, yecha knew many variant zombies and ancient species.

But it is impossible for yecha to know all the variant zombies and ancient species. For example, the little snake with corpse flowers on its head is beyond yecha's knowledge.

Ye Cha dares to guarantee that he has never seen this guy in his previous life. He has never seen anything similar.

However, ye Cha's Leng Shen and amazement were only for a moment.

No matter how the corpse flower grows on its head, no matter whether it has seen it or not.

Just kill it!

Sometimes, the end of life is very simple, either kill or be killed.

Ye Cha immediately pulled out the silver thorn and shot at the little snake.

Bang, bang, Bang

The blade brake pulled the trigger continuously. When the magazine was empty, he regretted his decision.

That little snake is not much thicker than a bullet. If you shoot at such a small thing, even if you master it, it's useless.

After ye Cha understood his mistake, he immediately made a change and quickly ran on the roof of the car. Then he took off the Black Hawk composite bow and put up a burning arrow on the string.


The sound of breaking the air suddenly rang out. Ye Cha shot an arrow at the ground in front of the snake. After the arrow penetrated into the ground, the flame immediately burned up and quickly spread to both sides, forming a wall of fire.

It seemed that the little snake did not dare to go directly through the wall of fire. It turned twice in front of the wall of fire and suddenly swam in other directions.As soon as ye Cha's eyes brightened, he felt as if he had found the weakness of the little snake in front of him, which was the flame.

Ye Cha even thought that the corpse flower was also afraid of fire, and the little snake had a corpse flower on its head, so the fear of fire might be the common point of the two.

The leaf Cha thinks so, also put into action very quickly.

The blade brake quickly draws out the burning arrow again, and then shoots towards the front quickly.

The burning arrow accurately fell around the snake, and the burning wall trapped the snake in the middle.

The blade brake didn't mean to stop, because the first fire wall began to go out, and there was no flammable material around, so it was difficult for the flame to burn for a long time.

Three arrows shot out again, ye Cha set up a second layer of fire wall in the outer ring of the fire wall, and surrounded the little snake.

Then, ye Cha took out the red flame bomb, pulled out a crystal bar, and threw it directly into the center of the fire wall, where the little snake was.


The red flame bomb fell to the ground, quickly exploded, rolled up the flame, rolled like waves, and quickly engulfed the snake.

The leaf Cha puts down the Black Hawk compound bow, looking at that fire regiment, then slightly frown.

Ye Cha didn't hear the mysterious sound, which means that the little snake didn't die of the explosion.

Suddenly, a shadow suddenly broke through the wall of fire, but the little snake suddenly ran out, quickly broke through the wall of fire and swam forward, but instead of coming towards the direction of Ye Cha, it rushed to the corpse of a zombie.

The little snake pounced directly on the corpse of the zombie, twisted its body at the chest of the corpse, and dug a blood hole in the corpse, and then got into the corpse of the zombie.

The next moment, the Zombie's body kept twitching and shaking, and then slowly got up from the ground.

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