death train

Chapter 1401

Nie po said: "anyway, it's always good to do something. If you don't like it, it's good to use it as trading capital."

"Why not?" Ye Cha raised the double sawtooth sword and said, "it's either life or death. Isn't that good?"

"Congratulations on your extraordinary rating. Start the extraordinary trial of hunting an extraordinary mutant zombie or ancient species."

After ye Cha affirmed the double sawtooth sword, the mysterious voice suddenly sounded, which made Ye Cha Leng.

Are you extraordinary?

Although the distance is extraordinary, ye Cha is only one step away from the door. Every time he gets something new, he is looking forward to breaking the threshold. But when he gets the God of ice and snow, he doesn't step on it, and when he gets Lei Di, he doesn't step on it.

I didn't expect to succeed this time.

Nie breaks to look at the action of leaf Cha to suddenly froze, not from way: "how?"

Ye Cha said: "I'm extraordinary. Well, I don't seem to have it yet."

Nie Po is also a Leng way: "in the end is there, or not?"

Ye Cha said, "it's up to the standard. It's still one last step away."

Ye Cha took a look at his personal information, and his rating was already super 1 star. However, there was a (temporary) display at the back, which was obviously related to the hint of mysterious voice.

Only when ye Cha kills a mutant zombie or an ancient species of extraordinary level, can he be recognized by the death train and truly reach the extraordinary level.

Nie po said with a smile: "that's not a big problem for you. The real trouble is where to look."

Ye Cha nodded, and then the aura flashed.

Originally, ye Cha didn't really think about where to go next, but now there is a mysterious hint, ye Cha has a goal.

Ye Cha said: "if you don't receive the task at the next stop, it means that I will complete the task."

This is one of the purview of the purser. If you don't want to leave the dead train, you should appoint the purser to help you complete the task. It is generally mandatory, but ye Cha didn't use this authority to intimidate anyone.

The main purpose is to save holidays. If Nie Po takes the place of himself, ye Cha doesn't need to use the holidays. Otherwise, ye Cha can only use the holidays to go to his designated place.

Considering that I have many goals at present, I can save the opportunity of taking a vacation.

Nie po said: "it doesn't matter to me. When it's not my turn, I don't have much rest. I go to collect materials."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "that's it. I'll tell other people again. If you have a task, I'll find other people."

"No problem." Nie po said: "are you going to look for the extraordinary ancient species, or mutant zombies?"

Ye Cha said: "ancient species."

The reason why Ye Cha didn't make up his mind was that several goals were very important, which made him unable to decide where to go, but he made a decision with the hint of the mysterious voice.

Dr. Davis needs a powerful corpse. Both the ancient and mutant zombies of the king level can be used. If he can get the extraordinary level, it will be better. Moreover, the earlier he finds it, the sooner he can prepare for the constellation experiment.

Now, in order to get the approval of the death train, ye Cha needs to hunt and kill an extraordinary ancient species or mutant zombie. The two tasks just overlap. In this case, it's better to do it in one go.

Nie po said: "but the key is where to find it? Moreover, although your strength is enough, but in order to ensure the completion of the task, or looking for extraordinary 1 star guy, so obviously more difficult to find some

Ye Cha said: "there is a goal. Do you know the big bang dragon?"

Nie po said: "the dragon is aware that the variation of Horned Dragon subspecies, but the big dragon?"

Ye Cha said: "the subspecies dragon after the second mutation of Honglong has a super 1 star rating. In the same level, it probably belongs to the middle level. It's a very fierce guy. However, I think I can fight. The most important thing is that I know where it is."

Nie po said: "where is it?"

Ye Cha said: "dry rice basin."

Nie Po bared his teeth and said, "is that the Jedi as famous as the gate of hell?"

Of course, the rice bowl is a nickname. In fact, it's a valley, another valley of death beyond the gate of hell. People turn pale and stay away from it. Few people dare to get involved in it.

There is a large area of primeval forest with overlapping mountains, peaks and gullies, very similar terrain, so that people are very easy to get lost there.

It is said that there are ninety-nine eighty-one pots. The big pots cover the small ones. The pots are connected with each other. Apart from the original terrain, which is a huge trouble, another reason why people feel terrible and forbidden is that there is mysterious power.

It is very similar to the legendary Bermuda devil triangle in the Atlantic Ocean. After entering the dry rice bowl, the compass and compass may fail, making visitors lost and unable to get in and out.

However, the Bermuda devil triangle is piled up with numerous sunken ships, while the dry rice basin is piled up with a large number of skeletons.The dragon is deep in the rice bowl.

The long lost memory of the last life helps Ye cha. At the beginning, ye Cha once went to the dry rice basin to perform tasks.

Of course, the strength of yecha was not weak at that time, but it was not as good as it is now. It was just that I saw a big bang dragon from a distance, and then I slipped away.

At that time, ye Cha didn't even reach the peak strength of Zunwang level. Even though ye Cha was a small team player at that time, it was a dead end to meet the big bang dragon. It's not easy to say the word "extraordinary".

If you can choose, even now, ye Cha is not willing to fight with dahonglong. It's quite troublesome to hunt that monster. However, with two tasks superimposed together and no other choice, ye Cha can make up his mind to hunt.

Nie po said, "can I help you? I actually have a lot of holidays

Ye Cha shook his head and said, "your guns are very inferior to that guy. I can go by myself. I can't make it any more."

Nie Po nodded and said, "OK, something to say."

Ye Cha said with a smile: "don't worry, I will. I will go first. Since I have decided where to go, I have to go to the dining car to say hello first."

Ye Cha leaves Nie Po's car and goes to the dining car.

Because there was no long delay in the port city, the departure time of the death train was still more than ten hours away.

Ye Cha went to the dining car to explain his intention. The landlady nodded and said, "no problem. Whether you are looking for a steward to replace you at the next station or taking a vacation, as long as you can arrange it without violating the rules, I will send you there naturally."

"Well." Ye Cha nodded and said, "well, I'll find you at the next stop."

Ye Cha said hello to the landlady and then turned to leave the dining car.

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