death train

Chapter 1402

After ye Cha left, a figure suddenly appeared, as if he had been standing by the bar, and then sat down.

The landlady put a cocktail on the bar.

"Thank you

Marfarian always seemed to be such a gentleman. She wore a stiff suit, combed her hair meticulously and took a sip from her glass.

Put it down, marfarian said, "he's extraordinary."

The landlady said, "it's the last step."

Marfarian said: "his ability, you know very well, the last step is not a problem for him."

The landlady said, "yes, and then what?"

Marfarian said: "it should be contained. He is more obedient than Li Xuanhe, but more dangerous than Li Xuanhe."

"It's not in line with the rules," said the landlady

"What's good for us is called the rule, and what's bad for us is not called the rule," said malfarian

The landlady said with a smile, "you are very cautious because you recommended Li Xuanhe to be the purser at the beginning?"

Marfarian said: "I don't deny this. Because of this, I don't want to make a second mistake. Li Xuanhe, in particular, is making some small moves in private. He knows how to hide himself better than Li Xuanhe."

The landlady said, "what else? Are you afraid that he will threaten your position? "

"The position of deputy column commander?" Mafalian also laughed and said: "that kid is far from being a conductor. I really stand in the position of the conductor and put forward my own opinions. That kid can use it, but he should not be allowed to grow up without limit. Otherwise, he will definitely be more troublesome than Li Xuanhe."

The landlady leisurely took out the hookah and said: "you picked Li Xuanhe, so you should be responsible for something, and he was picked by the conductor. If something happened, the conductor would naturally bear it."

Malfarian frowned and said, "I repeat, I'm really thinking for the conductor."

The landlady said, "does the conductor need your consideration for him?"

Malfarian frowned more tightly and remained silent for a long time before she said, "well, I've already reminded you, and I've done my duty."

The landlady said with a smile, "I believe the conductor will be happy to have a dutiful Deputy conductor."

Mafalian glanced at the landlady, unable to determine whether there was a deep meaning in her words, then drank all the wine and suddenly disappeared from the dining car, as if it had never appeared.


On the other side, the leaf brake returns to its own car, more than ten hours away from the departure, and about 20 hours away from the arrival.

Ye Cha can take a rest, tease little cat and ice God, and then wait to arrive at the station.

The next stop of the death train is Shiyu city. Of course, it has nothing to do with Ye cha. Nie Po receives the task of a steward, but Feilong and ye Yue are free. There is no steward assigned to them at this station. They will take the place of Ye cha.

Ye Cha, of course, went to the dry rice basin.

Walking out of the death train platform, the leaf brake appears at the entrance of the dry rice basin.

The dry rice basin is a basin-shaped Grand Canyon surrounded by ring-shaped mountains without a main peak. It is 20 kilometers long from north to South and 15 kilometers wide from east to west, with an area of about 300 square kilometers.

In the valley, the big pots cover the small ones, and they are connected with each other. They are made up of several valleys, forming a dry rice basin in the true sense.

Looking around, you can see endless mountains and primeval forests. This is what the so-called poor mountains and evil waters, deep mountains and old forests mean.

At the same time, ye Cha's ears vaguely heard some birdsong, and the sound of the flow of the stream.

Ye Cha stretched a waist and said, "OK, it's time to work."

Ye Cha took out some meat sticks from his pocket and gave them to ice and snow God and little cat. Ice and snow God was OK. He was also kind to this kind of forest, but he was not as eager to try as little cat.

Ye Cha said, "go and find the way."

Ye Cha gave the order, ice and snow God immediately flew into the air, and the little cat ran forward.

Dahonglong must be the primary target of yecha. However, besides dahonglong, there is still a shortage of materials provided by yecha to Dr. Davis. According to the list, yecha can also find some other ancient species to hunt.

If you can get the materials you need on the list, it will be the best. Even if they are not on the list, they may become alternative materials.

Walking through the mouth of the valley, ye Cha saw the stream. The stream was not deep, only half of his leg, surrounded by jagged rocks.

On both sides of the stream are dense forests, in which a large number of miasma, like clouds, make the place more mysterious.

Ye Cha felt a kind of unspeakable atmosphere, a very low atmosphere.

Like, like a graveyard!

Stepping on those strange stones and looking at the surrounding woods, I feel like I'm passing through the wild graves in the mountains.

Ye Cha took out his compass and looked at it. Sure enough, just as he had gone to the gate of hell, the pointer of the compass rotated wildly and couldn't point out the direction at all.You know, the compass in Ye Cha's hand is not ordinary goods, but bought from the landlady, but still useless.

"Hoo." "It seems that I can only pray for good luck."

Ye Cha didn't care very much. The most mysterious thing about the dry rice basin was getting lost. Most of the dead bones left here were unable to leave and starved to death because they got lost.

But for yecha, it's not a big problem. Even if he gets lost, he has enough food. Even if he has finished his food, he can still hunt ancient species. It's just that it takes more time to leave this place.

Moreover, ye Cha thought that he was not likely to get lost. After all, there was ice God and little cat leading the way.

So thinking, ye Cha stepped on the strange stone beside the stream, and then

Ye Cha suddenly saw a figure flash by in front of him.

The face of leaf Cha peeps out surprised color, can't help blurting out a way: "zombie?"

The speed of that figure is not fast. Ye Cha can see it clearly. It is a zombie in human shape.

There is no human living in the dry rice basin. Even if the zombie virus has spread, it can only infect the ancient species, but not humans.

"Is it the CommScope guys again?"

Ye Cha couldn't help muttering that when he went to hell gate before, ye Cha also met people from CommScope.

However, this is not bad news. If people from CommScope really show up here, it naturally means that there must be something of enough value here.

Ye Cha didn't hesitate. He immediately jumped from the strange stone and chased the zombie into the woods.

After entering the woods, ye Cha looked around, but no zombies were found.

Ye Cha reached out to hold the double serrated sword on his back, and then slowly began to move forward.

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