death train

Chapter 1411

When ye Cha was thinking about it, the Dragon ape had already run fast.

In fact, even though the Dragon ape is almost as strong as the big bang dragon, relatively speaking, the Dragon ape, a fast guy, has a slightly smaller threat to yecha.

Because, no matter how fast the Dragon ape is, it's impossible to get out of the field.

On the other hand, if the speed of dragon ape is the characteristic, then the attack is certainly not as fierce as the big bang dragon.

Ye Cha thought and watched the Dragon ape rush to him. Then he raised his hand and a water curtain appeared in front of Ye cha.


The Dragon ape smashed the water curtain with a fist, but then it hit the flames.

Red flame armor!

The crystallized flame could not resist the Dragon ape's fist, and was smashed by the Dragon ape's fist. However, that's all. The Dragon ape's fist barely broke through two layers of defense.

And then


Ye chaquan!

The exterminator switches to melee mode, the arc emerges from the edge of both sides of the exterminator, and then blows forward.

Yecha's fist is printed on the face of the Dragon ape. The Dragon ape's body leans backward, but it doesn't fly out by yecha's fist. Instead, it suddenly somersaults, and the Dragon claws plunge into the ground to stabilize its body.

In addition to speed, flexibility is obviously the strength of the Dragon ape. Normally speaking, it is impossible for the Dragon ape not to fly out after receiving this blow, because the heavy fist of the exterminator has the effect of flying, and the Dragon ape is not a giant with full tonnage like the big bang dragon, so it is impossible for the Dragon ape to be immune to the effect of flying.

After stabilizing his figure, the dragon tail behind the Dragon ape suddenly swung forward. Yecha was not willing to be outdone. As soon as the wings of the white dragon spread, the dragon tail swung forward.


The two dragon tails collided, and the surging air waves shook around. Then ye Cha and the Dragon ape staggered away, and then raised their fists at the same time.

The two fisted almost at the same time, but the Dragon ape failed.

Because, ghost step!

Ye Cha's figure suddenly flashed and disappeared directly from the original place. When he reappeared, he had already come to the back of the Dragon ape, and then hit the back of the Dragon ape's head with a fierce blow, which blew the Dragon ape out.

Boom, boom!

The ground trembled and made a loud noise. Two corpse flower vines suddenly came out from the bottom of the ground, tied the Dragon ape's body and pulled down.


The Dragon ape's body hit the ground hard.

Leaf brake without any delay, jump up, and then toward the bottom is a foot pedal.

The Dragon ape wriggled his body and struggled to break the vine. Although the Dragon ape's strength and destructiveness were not as abnormal as the big bang dragon, it was not easy to be bound.

But corpse flower vine can delay a dragon ape, it is enough.


Ye Cha kicked the Dragon ape in the chest, and pushed the Dragon ape back and forth. At the moment of landing, ye Cha didn't stop and waved his hands forward.

Wind and rain together!

The wind blade continuously waved out and chopped toward the Dragon ape.

The Dragon ape held his head in both hands and protected his own vital point. The wind blade swept around the Dragon ape, constantly bringing out wounds on the Dragon ape.

But it's not over yet!

Ye Cha is now a crazy attack. Since he has made up his mind to make a quick decision, he won't give dragon ape a chance to breathe!

At the end of the wind blade's attack, the surrounding rain quickly condensed into a rain sword, hanging around the leaf brake, and then frantically shot forward.

With a low roar, the Dragon ape leaped forward.

Dragon ape is not only fast, but also fast in attack. A pair of dragon claws clench into a fist, and constantly blow forward to smash the rain sword.

Ye Cha didn't get any benefit, and the Dragon ape didn't retreat.

Every time the Dragon ape breaks the rain sword, he will suffer some damage. Even the burst rain can also cause damage to the Dragon ape.

However, this is contrary to the original intention of yecha. If it is a protracted war, this degree is certainly very good. Even a little damage can make a lot of things.

But at the moment, ye Cha can feel his bones all over his body, which are in pain. The sequelae of fighting with Da Honglong is gradually reflected.

The blade brake can't be dragged down any more.

"So..." Ye Cha suddenly said, "are you ready?"

The fatal voice rang out in Ye Cha's brain: "stand by at any time."

Ye Cha said: "well, let's fight and kill that damned monkey."

At the moment when ye Cha's words fell, he opened his mouth and made a roaring sound. But the roaring sound was very strange. It didn't come from ye Cha's throat, but came from ye Cha's body.

Then the black liquid would rush out of the leaf brake body and quickly cover the whole body of the leaf brake.

Deadly attack!

At the same time, when the black liquid wrapped the whole body of the leaf brake and made the leaf brake enter the fatal state, the Dragon ape had rushed up and punched out.Poof!

Black liquid quickly emerged from ye Cha's chest, met the Dragon ape's fist, and then was smashed.

But that's just the beginning.

The scattered black liquid did not fall to the ground, but all adhered to the arm of the Dragon ape. Then ye Cha stretched out his hand, and the black liquid quickly elongated and connected with Ye Cha's body again.

The Dragon ape kept roaring. It was obvious that the black liquid adhered to his body and made him very upset. He stretched out his claws and tore wildly, but it was useless.

The Dragon ape kept tearing the black liquid apart, making the black liquid split, but the black liquid always stuck to the arm of the Dragon ape, making the Dragon ape unable to break free easily.

Ye Cha suddenly darts forward, landing on all fours, just like a wild animal. At the same time, the elongated black liquid drives the Dragon ape. With Ye Cha's running, he suddenly drags the Dragon ape to the ground and drags it on the ground continuously.


Corpse flower vine suddenly surging, leaf brake jump, jump on corpse flower vine gallop, and then at the top of the time, jump down.

The black liquid kept stretching and hanging on the corpse flower vine. With the corpse flower vine cooperating with the leaf brake, the Dragon ape was thrown into the air.

Dragon ape has no ability to fly, has no focus in mid air, can't evade, and can't defend and attack effectively.

The only thing the Dragon ape can do is constantly tearing the black liquid on his body, trying to break free from it, but he didn't find that the wind and rain around him became violent in this moment.

Rain hit the ground, constantly issued "Bata, Bata" sound.

Every rain is as sharp as a knife!

With Ye Cha looking up into the air, the rain in the sky seemed to be pulled by something, and all gathered in the direction of dragon ape.


Suddenly, a large blood mist burst out in the air and quickly spread around.

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